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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. question is who is going to try and marry fern first... fern
  2. "Gods original plan was to sit around a garden with a bunch of naked vegitarians"
  3. yup i'm stuck in the ham
  4. if i can get a ride i'll go for either or both
  5. well...i'm shy and am not comfortable walking up to a person and asking them to belay me or vice versa...and bouldering is nice but kills my tendons and ruins my outdoor climbing if I do it too much....i know it strengthens...but i'm such a newbie i need balance...sooo...thats why I post for gym partners anyways. i don't want ot be too mean cause i don't know ya but get over it, personaly i think its safer to ask someone for a belay in a gym beacuase you can watch them while they are belaying someone else and see if they are good or not. posting on line and just asumeing someone you have never meet or been able to observe, can climb and or belay is not so good, less you know someone who has climbed with that person. just my 2 cents
  6. i know thats where the coment came from
  7. congrates dude, thats awsome
  8. Post deleted by wirlwind
  9. are you the cabin boy at ur pirate gym thier distel
  10. dam, can't a guy make some money without everybody dissin the job jeez, as far as the rain goes it didn't rain to much today. for the record, mrE has one hairy, oh i mean grassy lawn and the bushes are and dense full of critters
  11. whats up with all the people posting here to find gym climing partners, jeeesh unless you climb in the morning , there is always people in the gym in the afternoon and at night, my good i go there to find people to climb outside with sometimes. oh well,
  12. whirlwind

    Wazzup Ya'll

    well shit happy birthday
  13. whirlwind

    Wazzup Ya'll

    whats up dude hope they still hangin striaght
  14. " Better be good, I've said better be bad, i've done better to be told what you want better believe in what? better to think about it better to live without it better be told what you want? you think you're so special you think you're so clean you think you're just better than me well first I chew you in then i spit you out better to leave, I dout it better to talk about it better be told what you want better believe in what? I wanna let go I wanna stay home And be myself I wanna let go I wanna stay home I'm justified You think it gets better than this? But should i take you in?" Splender
  15. " I rolled around for the past seven days,I pacticed all the things that I'd say. but when she came over i lost my nerve, I took her back and made her desert. I KNOW I'M BEING USED, BUT THATS OK CAUSE I LIKE THEE ABUSE I KNOW I SHOULD SAY NO, BUT IT'S KINDA HARD WHEN SHES READY TO GO. BABY DOLL I'M NOT A DWEEB I'M JUST A SUCKER WITH NO SELF ESTEME...." probly more fitting
  16. whirlwind

    Pets! Thread

    i'm your daddy and i say #@#$ it we don't need no fire let the motherF#$@#$ drown
  17. truck broke down round midnight so no climbing for me and im out 50 bucks for a water pump and belt the post would make sence if you knew what i was askin for there mr E so clam it
  18. bump dee bump
  19. i though you where bed ritten this weekend
  20. have a timing light, my truck is way off and i can't get it right by ear, i think its off a tooth
  21. tape dosn't last all that long and it turns inot litter when it falls off
  22. yes still kickin the can round here
  23. i could part with my #2#3 and .75bd nick and i do have a ornge tcu in fact its almost new it was the last piece i bought this spring the question is how much you gona give me for em?
  24. not sure which cams i want to part with but i need some money, full set of hexs barily used, 8-10 petzel bones. tell me what you want..
  25. whirlwind


    lol shows how retared they are, who the fuck wants to sleep in a place that people fire weapons at?
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