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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. Arlene Blum? She didn't mention you in her book
  2. extremely cold and windy here in Portland. The man on the radio said they were about 30mph and the temp is 47 but I think there must be a wind chill....feels colder...brrrrrrrrrr.
  3. Why don't you just try a 10/10 pass (10 studio visits and 10 climbing visits/ for $199 (good for 3 months) and see if you like it. Ask Santa.
  4. Wow - that's beautiful man. Wish I'd met Dr. King. The closest I came to greatness was shaking the hand of an overweight Ted Kennedy when he was running for president in 1980.
  5. I met Ansel Adams and his wife at their home in Carmel years ago - 1981 I think.
  6. Congrats Jeff! You can stitch me up anytime!
  7. I stopped by yesterday to sign the kids up for the beginner lessons (had a two for one coupon from the Chinook Book). Is it just me or does the new space seem not too much bigger than the old? I didn't see the bouldering section...but the studio seemed puny. All just a quick look tho'
  8. ChrisT

    Bad Influences...

    Face it Rob - we've turned into our parents
  9. Go to the photo gallery and upload it from there. easy peasy.
  10. ChrisT

    web radio

    so I've discovered web radio - at the urging of my boss who didn't like the cds I was playing - and I really love it. KEXP of course (which has a cool new web site) and KFJC from Foothill College in Los Altos. Any other good ones out there?
  11. Right on minx. My two kids are also thriving in public schools - both straight-A students. But then, people shouldn't count on the schools to do 100% of the educating either...
  12. May just have to. My approach to 405 at Vaughn is currently closed due to flooding
  13. It's snowing here in Portland! Big sloshy, gloppy, wet flakes!
  14. I found my boots at ClimbMax. Not the best selection but they had what I wanted and the price was right.
  15. ChrisT

    Molly Ringwald?

    I think the word you're looking for is zaftig
  16. ChrisT

    Molly Ringwald?

    wasn't that the gal in Pirates of the Carribean?
  17. I think they'll fit me...if they don't fit either of the other women!
  18. sweet tale...one of the better TRs I've read in a long while.
  19. ChrisT

    Kill Bill

    anybody remember Jackie Brown?
  20. ChrisT

    Kill Bill

    I concur. QT is over-rated but still entertaining.
  21. well are you in Telluride yet?
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