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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Can you help Ropeup?

    So like I have this big idea.... I'm gonna have a party for all my friends this weekend. Free beer for everyone! And I'm gonna invite tons of Seattle hipster chicks who will actually think all you dudes are cool because you rock climb. And the food will be AMAZING. Here's what I need from you: 1. Someone please donate a keg. 2. Everyone please bring their mom's favorite dish, ask mom to make it, that way we're sure it'll be good. 3. I don't really have many friends (especially cute hipster chicks) so if you work in Seattle as a bartender or a barista, could you please start inviting all the cute girls with tatoos, rolled-up jeans, and short bangs who frequent your establishment. 4. I'm still psuedo-homeless right now so could we have it at your place? Please PM me if you can provide any of these minor (albeit necessary) ingredients to MY party. Otherwise feel free to stop on by whoever's house it turns out to be at because even thought it's MY party it's stillf for dirtbags like you.
  2. Jesus Chist, is this coming off a manufacturer website?
  3. Look goddamnit you guys. Stop trying to guess whose avatar ExtremoMtDude is! He's real mother fuckers! Real! You hear me?!!!!
  4. E-rock

    Good Government

    God, is every thread on this board about the same thing right now?
  5. I can hear the masses rallying to your cause now!
  6. E-rock

    Spray Opinion

    Oh you two guys. Obviously you're in cahoots. He's out on the boat enjoying the weather. He'll be back.
  7. E-rock


    The cowprints were designed and originally made by the same guy who designed the original piece of shit G3 skins. G3 is crap. They're bindings are pieces of shit, they're probes are pieces of shit, and their skins are pieces of shit. The fact that this company is still in business shows how consumer oriented the outdoor industry has become. Instead of buying shit that lasts a lifetime, people buy shit that looks cool.
  8. Karhu Jak, best ski I've ever owned. But they're not set up well for touring. (Skins don't fit very well)
  9. E-rock


    This recipe is for 8" by 8" pyrex lasagna dish. Boil noodles until soft. Let cool. Do not fully cook, you just want them slightly flexible. Make your own homemade tomato sauce (I can give you the beta on this two) Shred 1lb (maybe less) mozzerella Mix mozeralla with 8 oz of Ricotta (more if pan is bigger) Mix in 2 to 3 eggs. Season cheese egg mixture with pepper, herbs, and salt. Heat sauce. Put one layer of sauce in bottom of pyrex dish. Now a layer of lasagna noodles. Now a layer of cheese-egg mixture, no need to spread just glop it on. Now add more hot sauce. Sauce melts cheese so you can spread it around. This is a basic recipe. You can add hamburger meat, sauteed vegetables (I like to add spinach), italian sausage, etc on top of sauce and cheese. Now add another layer of noodles perpendicular in direction to the first layer. Repeat cheese, sauce, filling, noodle layering. Top layer should be Noodles. Cover with Aluminum foil, bake at 350 until sauce and juices are boiling. Let cool. Cut and serve. Lasagna is actually one of those dishes that is better the second day because it sets up. But if you serve it that day, make sure it has ample time to sit and cool so that it doesn't run all over your plate. The eggs are the key ingredient. Without it, no amount of time will stop your lasagna from becoming a smeary mess on your plate. If you are unsure that you've used enough egg, use more. More is better.
  10. I think Dave's beta would work for that too, since they're right next to each other.
  11. My friend and I girth-hitched a bunch of natty old spectra slings together to tow his car off the freeway. It worked. I told him he should throw them out so he doesn't use them while climbing (because I knew he would) Sure enough months later he told me that he wound up using them on a route.
  12. I'm always amazed at the questions that get asked on this website about HOW to climb, HOW to place gear, HOW to build anchors, and HOW to fall. If you're not learnig this shit on the rock and from your buddies at the base of the crags, you're learning it from the wrong place. I ALWAYS spend time talking about How-to's with my friends and the new partners that I meet. Case in point. How many people on this website now believe that a GriGri cannot give a dynamic belay as compared to an ATC? Fuck.
  13. I think if you actually asked those questions, you'd retract your cascadeSprayers comment.
  14. Another classic thread for the history books!
  15. what's wrong with you? get the bindings you think they will work well. but if you're thinking you'll be going into avalanche zone and count on surviving one think again!! my advice is- if you're thinking you can get cought in an avalache- don't go there. shit happens so fast, you won't even have time to get your board off your feet. it's like trying to wrestle with a train- you can't win! Bullshit, backcountry skiers with releasable bindings are more likely to "swim" to the surface of avalanches. Even large ones. The big Revelstoke avalanche last year exemplified that. Of those caught, the survivors were wearing releasables. Of course you shouldn't go where you "think" you'll get caught, but the best skiing is IN avalanche terrain, a priori.
  16. Eggplant Parmesan is a very time consuming dish to create, but with a full day and a lotta love, it's the perfect cool weather main course: 2-3 large eggplants Tomato sauce (I make mine from scratch, or at the very least from canned tomatoes, if you used the stuff from a jar, be sure to simmer it for a couple hours because all store bought sauce is undercooked) 1 block FRESH parmesan (the Argentinian stuff is just as good at the Italian and much cheaper) Mozerella Cheese Peel eggplant and slice into very thin slices, as thin as you can get. I like to go parallel to long axis of eggplant but some peeps go perpendicular. Remember: As THIN as you can! Rinse and lightly salt the eggplant and let it sit (maybe an hour). This removes the bitter flavor. Rinse eggplant after letting it sit. Prepare three large plates, one with flour, one with egg (beaten), and one with bread crumbs. You are going to use much more of all three of these than you expect so have extra handy. Dip each slice of moist eggplant in flour and coat it. Then dip in egg (egg will NOT stick without flour), then dip in bread crumbs. Fry eggplant in a mixture of extra-virgin olive oil and vegetable oil (to increase cooking temp and save olive oil). Fry until golden brown. Get the biggest iron skillet you can for this, then get a another one (speeds things up). Set each piece of eggplant aside on a large plate after frying. When finsished frying all eggplant, put some sauce in the bottom of a large, deep pyrex cooking dish. then layer some eggplat on top of this (one thin layer, on slice deep), now another layer of sauce, grated parmesan, and a LITTLE mozzerella. Add the next layer of eggplant perpenicular to the grain of the previous layer (like you would with lasagna). Continue eggplant, sauce, cheese layering until dish is full, bake at 350, take a nap. As with all good cooking, the key is seasoning. The better seasoned the breadcrumbs and most importantly the SAUCE are, the better the dish will be. Enjoy
  17. Hey, where did Jason_Martin go? He was really bright and added a lot to this discussion. His straightforward, call it like it is, no bullshit, non-PC, posts were great! As far as guide books go, it really pisses me off that Adolescent Homosexual was changed to Adolescent Homosapien in the City of Rocks Guidebook. What's so offensive about that? And Kevin McLane is retarded. Dyke is the derogatory name for a Lesbian (as in the Black Dyke and it's neighbor Negro Lesbian). But D I K E is how you spell the word that means: a thin, tabular, vertical to sub-vertical body of intrusive rock. But retarded McLane calls EVERY dike a DYKE in his book. Now that's offensive (not really but it just shows what a shitty guidebook author he is).
  18. Hah, I knew it RobBob. You're farmed salmon fetish gave it away. Depleted fisheries, and dependence on genetically engineered food are signs of life on the shitty east coast! See you at Tuff luv!
  19. Sisu, please snip your laughter short so we can actually READ this thread. Thank you, Sisu. And indeed it seems you are deranged.
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