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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Wilkeson It's sand slab climbing, no not sand stone, sand slab there is no stone to it. Go uphill by the school loop around to the right bushwack to sand hill( better take someone that has been there before) can be hard to find guide as no one wants to go back after first visit.Love those bullet hole pockets and that roller bareing slab feeling
  2. These Avatars are getting out of control Why don't you use your real name like me Dang flame trow'in cyber tweak'in Trolls
  3. I have witnessed a biner braking just like that one, it was an REI gold. The climber cliped a bolt with the snout hook on the hanger where the gate hooks in making an open gate and a leaver action. His waist was two feet above the bolt. I heard a ping of the biner braking and he hit the deck, The man was on the climber's side that day ,he walked away a little shak'in, It was a short fall with a good landing. My hard felt condolencens go out to friends and family.
  4. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: I went climbing with someone once and all they would talk about was how full of idiots this site was! Good thing PP was going incognito that day! Yeah I must have went climbing with that same dude. He just kept go'in off about what a asswipe that peter puget dude was and how he must really get off seeing his printed word. He kept saying how peter putrid was so wishy washy he almost was argu'in with himself. But since he was my rope gun I just let him vent
  5. quote: Originally posted by trask: wtf? no more dumb blond jokes? what's the world cumming to? Glidden just come out with a new paint it's called Blond....It spreads easy and it's not too bright
  6. Forget to mention some car stereos seem to be sensitive to the color of the blank disc sony seem to work best, I have been useing memorex because they are cheaper I have had problems with some brands and I heard it's the color that interfears with your car stereo
  7. Car stereo ALPINE baby I have had two and they play my computer burnt disc fine or at least as good as org copy that ukup time to time. The ALPINE I got is not even the high end model I think there is something in the name
  8. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Ya and then the ole' muckraker says I give him aggravation by writing a serious response to his bolting comments! It's like being a crack head I don't want'a do it but I do it anyway than I hate myself. How bout you PP ever stir up s$#% you wish you would have left alone ?
  9. I know I couldn't beleave it up a hole day and no responce what up the rock cops lost their ticket book? The sporto's day glow lycra at the cleaners? The real reason I posted it was in hopes the major surfers would sift through all the spray and I could cut to the chase and get all the beta I really didn't want to start another endless bolt topic , Like Dragnet dude ( just the facts )
  10. PP It's columar basalt cracks and climbing don't over analyze the shit. From now on I will keep my DH oppinion to myself and just spray. I get a lot of beta from this trailer park bulletin board but I also get a lot of aggravation.
  11. for miles around could smell the purple hairy stank sticky doob a party soon ensued bringing in all the locals, Erik goes medieval on the muthafukas grabs the purple stank runs in the woods to play hide the hc with..... [ 09-24-2002, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  12. Climbing mag editor Johnathan Thesenga chops bolts on 4 pitch slab at Hells Gate Colorado. Found it on rec climbing and rockclimbing .com I just found it but than again I am not much of a cyber tweaker, the spray began at the begining of sept. My thinking is some bolts should be choped but if your going to chop you should have enought ballz to stand up for what you think is right, If you sneek around the climbing communitys back you have SBD ( shrinking ball disease )
  13. Climbing Betty... got to have a belay, two sleep warmer than one. Don't leave home without one
  14. Shall they spend their last few buck on gerbles, OE800 or dakine. Trask is for the gerbles FS votes for the OE800 the caveman grabs the money says no way it's DAKINE a fight breaks out trask hits cavey with da horse cock......
  15. fire up the bong and teach not a climber how to spray. Meanwhile Trask was picking devils club splinters out for allison when....
  16. quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: herpes cause DFA has a very odd yet strong attraction to snafflehounds... Dude you where out of sink and blew the crux
  17. ran to get in line behind Trask to do the gerble thing. Trask was....
  18. When I saw 2 pages on this tread I thought that something hot was going on with access. SHOULD HAVE KNOWN The add on post thing is kinda cool Like playing add on holds at the gym Does the loozer buy the
  19. Woa! dude I think the established routes should be left alone unless retroed by the FA'ist. Some climbers think they are cool even some of my crew My thought was that with all the sport routes going up there was no need for more sport routes at the columns or the bend and it would be welcomed by a lot of the trad only climbers if the drill was left out of the area in the future.
  20. PP I think we see climbing differently when I think of good sport I think of steeeep gymnastic moves on bigggg holds and when i think of crack I think of hand and foot jams with good pro and when I climb trad I put away the numbers. Give me the rhino jugs of north bend the incuts of Vantage but also give me the jams of the Bend and the columns. Climbers can't agree but we can get along
  21. quote: Originally posted by trask: [QB][/QB] Dude you edited all your posts You going pansy ass puss boy on us, Dude your not sufering from SBD (shrinking ball disease)are yah?
  22. When have I flamed anyone for honest opinions! Both the routes Andy mentions that are sport at the Royal Columns have been around for along time. Price is without a doubt a good climb and at least as steep as the average Smith route. Do you really think it is a shitty climb and if so, give me some better sport routes of the same grade in WA. As far as ratings go Yakima seems pretty fairly rated although those at Lava Point seem a little inconsistant.[/QB] The sport climbs are just too thin for cool sport moves. Don't you think there should be at least some trad only areas in Washington .You will not see sport climbers coming to the columns or the bend for sport test pieces. Even myself I think the drill should be left out of some areas and this is the one I would pick. The bend and the columns has real crack climbing, you don't just plug in gear and face climb. It will be a bummer if a new guide book comes out and I like the bridge being out (less people)Love it when the rattle snakes run everyone out of the crag (now thats ball'z climbing) With a post name like mine how much value can you put on my opinion
  23. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Bored so here are few of my comments on Andy's recomendations: Inca Roads (classic 5.9 finger crack) I remember this as being a bit larger than fingers and only so so. The route to the left is a fun TR or lead. Orange Sunshine (.10b gently overhanging fingercrack) Sandy on top. Not really sure why people like this guy so much. Paul Maul (sustained .10c fingers) I Hated this one. Not really jamming at all as the crack has weird constrictions. Price of Complacency (.11b overhanging arete, sport) Stellar route! Excellent rock. Steep too! Morning After (.12a arete, sport, great finish) Lots of thin edging! Good route. The Bend: Salmon Song (.10a roof) Rock quality only so-so Pure Joy (.10c fingers, balance) Much harder lead than the rating would suggest. Off balance is right! Good route. Ambient Domain (.10c stemming) Hard to place pro on this guy. Crack a bit grubby. Maybe it is me but I wouldn't recomend this one. Backed off 10 years ago and did it a couple ago and hated the experience. I felt it was a much harder lead that Trag. Hip. Tragically Hip (.11b/c true arete liebacking, 1988 bolting style corrected in 2000 [i.e., I retrobolted it]) Retrobolt made this climb much more fun. The Cave (all sport): Some of the long routes here are great. My fav is the one that goes over the roof near the top. Lots of climbing in only a few feet. I bet in a few years they will be grease fests tho so go do them now. Rainbow Rocks (all sport): Black Celebration (.11a) OK crux near bottom. Short. Ice Cream Girls (.11d, exceptional) Best route I have done in the Tieton! One of the best sportos in WA. Lava Point (all sport): Great views! The routes are short. Honeycomb Buttress (all sport): Honeycombs (.11a, unique) Fun climb! As are most of the routes on this face Land Down Under (.11c, unique) Awkward. Can be climbed in the rain. Anaphylactic Shock (.11d/.12a, unique) Second(?) bolt was a desparate clip with groundfall potential if I remember correctly. Otherwise good route. Top gets wet in rain. Wildcat: Wildcat Crack (long .10c fingers) Can do this climb with little real jamming. Good pro. Colonnade (.11a/b, mixed, finger crack & bolts) If this is the route (trad bottom and bolted top to left of Wildcat)I am thinking of its. Bring thin stuff! Tieton The Royal columns and the bend suck for sport climbing ,It's like vertical slab. I climb a lot of sport but I wish they would not put sport climbs up there it's a stellar crack area . Don't be dis'in orange sunshine or Inca roads a little hard for the grade but classic none the less. The river is up for the rafters you can cross at the cable or 40 minute hike from the bend parking lot. Not trying to insite a flame PP just my opinion
  24. Not trying to stir up shit, Erik your the man in the know about Index ,what up climbing on private land without permission.
  25. quote: Originally posted by Heinouscling: 2 Dude what up with the number tread ? Trying to see if cyberclimbers will post to anything? Dude the girls of Washington have been crying every since you left, I don't know if they miss you or found out you wern't really fixed Pretty bold of you to name yourself after a wicked hard climb at smith rox, you know you can't send it
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