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Everything posted by iain

  1. what a prtentius dumass
  2. I'd be interested to know what Bush thinks a glacier is.
  3. With WMI you also get the awesome NOLS graduate newsletter THE LEADER so you know you are super rad. I tape mine to my window for all to admire. Also note that if you want classes tailored to the working man, many community colleges can teach the EMT-B courses in the evening over the course of two semesters. The EMT-B is a similar level of medical training but is of course geared to an urban setting where definitive medical care is under 1 hour away. If you ever get into "professional" rescue you will find the EMT-B means a lot more to the state than some random WFR cert, even a WMI cert. The WFR will certainly serve you better in le backcountrie however.
  4. aliens come from mars. wc zeros come from uranus.
  5. got the low-down from the neutrino hustler via pm, thanks!
  6. this would be quite a long day. We started from a bivy not far from the route and still wound up stumbling down that lame ass trail well into the night.
  7. Noticed some bolts and a set of shiny new chains to the right of liberty crack on liberty bell, around p3. We were wondering what that was, so I'm turning to the cc.com thinktank.
  8. unbelievable. shirtless 8/20 turns not at timberline - priceless.
  9. edited for proper 5-7-5, and for truth dynafigits iced hammerheads not soulful, active blue screen of death lurks
  10. weird how it has that quarter-like growth on the side.
  11. I want to see more drunken canadian fire portaging between campsites.
  12. ahhhh meadows. looking forward to some chronicles of gnarnia this year.
  13. well you are considering jumping off a bridge attached to a piece of nylon so perhaps that could be exhibit A for brain damage... have fun and don't get on kgw.
  14. The real risk here is a potential swim in the Willamette.
  15. This thread is obviously going to be pretty sweet. None of that sesame street shit like over in the Beacon thread.
  16. touché mystery cc.com'r euro-steez:
  17. I'll see your alps shot and raise you a berner oberland:
  18. I'm here to post to this important thread.
  19. I love these eastern washington crag threads. Swear to god I do.
  20. I hope you have the awesome Chouinard ratchet wrench to place this.
  21. I have been to a few of them but I haven't met you. My climbing partners were a little scared off by the crowds and bongo drums so I wasn't around for very long.
  22. no snow. Not hard, very exposed. 5.1? Your safety will come down to your evaluation of loose rock, not your climbing skill. I don't think lots of people solo 3FJ. But it is certainly soloable. Be careful on the loose rock. It killed a friend last year. After she soloed the hard stuff.
  23. Good choice. While I have never made it up to the other thing, the smith shindig is approx. 1 billion times cooler. but maybe everyone from the other thing makes it down to smith too.
  24. Watch out for a wasp nest about 1/3 up flying dutchman. They start coming out the crack and flying around in your face if you poke around in there. This was there last year too and it got cleared out but they seem to be back.
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