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Everything posted by iain

  1. Interestingly this year, Sunshine has some particularly massive crevasses up high which push you over onto Eliot HW and the large runnel systems that form after about April over there. Not sure what's going on up there. I wouldn't recommend it. You could get onto Cathedral Ridge on the far right and slog your way up that thing, but unless you like climbing piles of raisin bran it's just not a lot of fun. I think a more fun day could be had ice climbing on the Eliot but some people are determined to slog choss. You might have a fun time climbing through the Coe Icefall that time of year. It would certainly be a good challenge.
  2. You will encounter poor, if not life-threatening conditions on any headwall route right now.
  3. Unfortunately despite the benefits it provides, the internet is sometimes too good at what it does. My understanding is people appreciate the significant time and expense represented by the new anchors, but do not feel the gps locations of loose rocks and bird species, mass of dirt necessary to sustain tree life, train schedules, ambient air temps of tunnel #1 etc need to be broadcast across the planet.
  4. eastern washington sounds like a sweet place to climb
  5. iain


    but...but this is the internet! how else are we to admire how worn the numbathrees on his rack are?
  6. Time and location? I just might be free. If so I also have a truck if that helps.
  7. He claimed to me to have a bunch of betamax tapes. Sounds like he got them all converted over to the new technology.
  8. no WAY it IS a chunk of the karakoram btw
  9. wow you're nerdier than I thought.
  10. There is a direct correlation between ambient air temperature and traffic jams in Portland, Oregon.
  11. When I see a pair of Spatulas mounted for tele I'll have seen it all. Animated gifs - is this what they work on at Los Alamos these days?
  12. You belong in Oregon.
  13. This is what I like to see. Some good ol'fashioned freshiez talk. Suck it up rock wrestlers!
  14. let's not go crazy now
  15. Climb: Mt. Rainier-Fuhrer Finger Date of Climb: 7/15/2006 Trip Report: Well it's late in the year for this stuff, but we still wanted to ski even if it was pushing the issue, and I had backed out earlier of an offer to do this. We left the zoo of the paved tourist trails and skied down the Nisqually, skinned up to the Wilson, and camped around 9200'. Nisqually: a nice campsite: Next morning was an easy crossing to the finger. The finger was nice and solid. At the top of the finger, climber's left on the Nisqually looks to be a desperate affair these days. We cut hard right, to the middle of the upper Nisqually. This makes for a nice skinning slope, but it was bulletproof so out came the ski crampons. After awhile we got sick of skittering around on steep snow-ice above some very large holes, so packed the skis and threw on the spikes. The skis made a nice windsail on the back, but it's an easy slog to the summit from here. Chilled out on the summit for a bit, got nice and cold. Top: The ski down started on some sweet 3-D rime ice that lasted for a good ways. There really is nothing sweeter than jump-turning rime ice with a large pack at 14k'. This gave way to some softer stuff thankfully, and the Nisqually ski was actually pretty fun. We could open up the speed a bit, which was good for crossing a few of the crevasses. It can be a little tricky picking out the route down through the seracs to find the finger again. NP weaving through the upper Nisqually: The finger itself was okay at the top but got ugly in a hurry. Big suncups and dirty snow, with large boulders in the snow, and above your head at times. There is also a sweet waterfall in the constriction to sideslip through as rocks tumble over your head. Entering the finger: The start of some dirty fun: I'd call it done for the season for skiing. It was a lot of fun though, and it's nice and direct. Gear Notes: Skis, of course. A few cliff-climbing snaplinks.
  16. are those recyclable? I left three out by the trash in the tin cans area but they remain.
  17. flux capacitor you tool
  18. as far as I can tell each campground driveway has pressure sensitive pads under it to detect when an extra car is parked there for more than 2 milliseconds.
  19. no, it was a few weeks ago, and I would have much rather been skiing after seeing that stuff, but the ice was cool too. It was during that super cold weekend. BTW I have been using the Bros a bit this season and they are pretty nice boards once you get used to the guided missile feel.
  20. Be sure to bring some good books for when you attempt to "drive" around Seattle. I thought Portland was bad.
  21. iain

    gps coordinates

    this can affect the performance of GPS units.
  22. I thought that was a screenshot of a charlie chaplin movie, maybe from the "klondike" era?
  23. fkna most excellent G-to-the-T. I was in there for some ice and we gawked a bit at the skiing to be had (alas, our weekend was at an end though).
  24. I predict an 86% chance he does not know what "stone" is. 60% that he can't count to 16.
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