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Everything posted by Off_White

  1. Oh, I think we both know who will wind up paying for those tens of millions of dollars spent to defeat the initiative. "Gosh darn it, anti-gmo sentiment raised my food costs!"
  2. Your dad rules. Great TR, I've really appreciated the various traverses you've shared, and this one is no exception.
  3. People on this forum adopt some disturbing memes that aren't actually true. For example: Kimmo is scientifically illiterate Kevbone is dumb Adding "tard" or "cuntz" to any descriptor makes me clever My membership in some group or subculture ensures I'm not an asshole My climbing ability makes me better/smarter/more worthy than you "Spray" means it's okay to be an uncivil sociopath My shit smells like strawberries Ya'll get the gist I'm sure. Point is, if I decide you're a detriment to the character of this website, you may wake up and find yourself gone. You know, all capricious like. Try and debate the points and leave the ad hominem jive in your head where it won't irritate me and other members of this forum. And yes, I'm speaking as a moderator, not as a participant in this debate.
  4. I saw a Monsanto truck swerve to run over a box full of kittens.
  5. so much for Off_White enforcing the "language will get you banned" line... I suppose he feels that putting a "z" on the end of his vile misogynistic rants will keep him safe with the selectively-outraged modes. But here's your real answer: I Thought Jon and Porter had gotten cc.com's junkyard dog under control since I stopped posting 18 months ago. Guess I was wrong. Bloody freaking jeebus, can't a guy step away from the computer and work for awhile? I don't hover waiting for transgressions, and when you push the "notify moderator" button the notice goes to an email account I only check once a day. I'm so sorry if you're upset that your concerns weren't addressed promptly enough for your tender sensibilities.
  6. I was relieved to find that this didn't involve the person that comes to mind when talking about speed records. You've had a helluva summer Keenan.
  7. That just means he's naturalizing well, doesn't it?
  8. Rob, you're just spewing more of that smokescreen BS. There is nothing in the proposed label or the initiative that defines GMO as bad. It is about information, and you come off as just another "expert" who's decided what we don't need to know. Now, there are some reasons why one might choose to not support GMO food, and not just because one is a silly hippie who thinks it will make them grow feathers. You think Monsanto is promoting their GMO seed so they can sell LESS of their Roundup product? Pesticide application is up since the introduction of GMO seeds, in part due to the expansion of glycophosphate resistant weeds, caused by increased use of Roundup. Do you believe reducing genetic diversity of seed stock is a good thing? You think contamination of other strains by GMO plants via pollination is a plus? You are aware that Monsanto uses this as a justification to sue farmers who have been contaminated by their neighbor's plantings, right? Oh, and there have been deaths associated with GMO bacteria, and some studies have shown issues with GMO foods in cows and rats, so it may not be all sunshine and roses like you say. On the bright side, if 522 passes, you can show your support by only buying GMO containing foods.
  9. Dino, that's a pretty nice dome in your pics, how far in is that?
  10. I think there are some flaws in how the label is to be presented, a simple line back in the nutritional panel would be fine by me. The forces against constitute a grab bag of major corporations who don't want us to know what is in what they sell us. How can one be an informed consumer, and how can the supposed self-correcting features of the free market work, if people are denied simple information? All the flap over whether or not GMO's are good or bad is an entirely different subject, this is just about access to information. The good-bad debate is just an obfuscating smoke screen. The question I keep coming back to is, if Monsanto is so proud of their work, why are they willing to spend millions and millions of dollars to keep everyone unaware of it? I'm voting yes.
  11. Nice, that's a pretty big day from the desert floor. If you're headed that way sometime when there is more snow, you should bring boots, axe, and maybe crampons and climb the Snow Creek route, the closest thing to mountaineering Southern California has to offer. You'll want to follow the obvious gully. Summitpost and Mountain Project have some decent info on the route
  12. Off_White


    You crack me up Jay
  13. Off_White

    Bring it

    Before your time, kid.
  14. Off_White

    Bring it

    Do you still have a harness, or is this like a Trask wannabee visitation?
  15. This is my favorite, I love the way it makes my soul feel uncaged
  16. Yeah, I gotta work on that reading comprehension thing
  17. It's been a brazilian years, but in late September we found it necessary to rap the couloir, since we didn't have crampons. The couloir was 2" of soft slub over rock hard neve. Maybe there's an easy rock downclimb, but at the time it didn't jump out and catch my attention. We did get slings over horns the whole way down. Someone else had done this, using horrifying anchors, right before us. We just relocated their slings (all red, with initials and dates) to bomber excavated locations within 3' of the original horrible setting. Hah, I just realized this query was in advance of your complete N Ridge trip, and my advice is too little too late.
  18. Off_White


    Riiiight, there's certainly nothing to complain about teatard minority tactics, move along now... KKKKK, have you got a mancrush on Ted Cruz? You can tell us, we're all friends here.
  19. Beautiful, that looks like a very appealing trip.
  20. Okay, that made me laugh, way to make a cogent historical reference.
  21. Go back and look at the OP's link, I think he's asking about the Triple, not the NE. The angle of the photo is such that you can't see the face of the fin, but the NE does not go that close to the summit, and it isn't as broken a line. I think the NE is the left line, and the zig zag is the triple. I think Ross has skied them both, so that point is moot.
  22. On a route literally strewn with decent bivy sites, you guys really picked a doozy. The lovely site just a pitch below you would have left you a tad less crispy in the morning. Still, I suppose there's something to be said for never letting comfort get in the way of a good story!
  23. Living in Olympia, I've always just used the Mt Rainier Diagnostic: If you can't see Mt Rainier, its raining If you can see Mt Rainier, it will rain soon
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