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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. I agree. I usually only use a sliding x as a main anchor on two-bolt anchors, if needed. I'll use it to equalized two small pieces as part of a cordelette setup, but not often.
  2. Click me like you mean it.
  3. Gee, that sounds heartwarming...and pants-filling!!!
  4. I want to know if my line of thought is correct or not.
  5. He's not saying Midway is a sportclimb, but an example of the type of anchor that dtw is making up.
  6. It doesn't matter, Off; the files have been released. There is no other explanation.
  7. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    I'll admit I am out of my element with furthering this discussion; nor do I have the time to commit to it. Sorry. I'll concede.
  8. Proof of the theory that the DNC is in league with Beelzebubb: How else could Edward Kennedy still be living after the abuse he's put his liver through? Case closed. If you're not convinced consider that DNC has more letters in coinicidence with NSDAP, the party of Hitler, than RNC does. An offshoot investigation may reveal that DNC higher-ups are actually keeping Adolf alive in an underground bunker near Naragansett.
  9. He's not afraid of debates, he's picking his battles. Just wise strategy, I am sure.
  10. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    I mean, "why the fuck were we there? We had no business there. Clinton's reasons for going in were dubious at best." Our military is not a humanitarian institution; it's a machine for making war. Oh, what about the aspirin factory that Clinton bombed to get everyone distracted from his Monica fuck-a-thon?
  11. I withhold judgement until I have all the facts. You don't have the whole story, regardless of what you say. Enough of this back and forth, just fuck off and die. Thank you. Your boy is on the ropes, anyway, from what I hear. hahaha
  12. Just a question: In your scenario, once piece #1 fails, wouldn't piece #2 be subjected to somewhat less than 15 kN? The 15kN from the initial fall is generated partially due to the distance fallen through space. The distance of the fall due to piece #1 failing to impact on piece #2 is much less; therefore, less force is exerted on piece #2. GregW
  13. But, Jim, until we KNOW the "official" reason in the file, passing judgement is not rational.
  14. I never met him, but I enjoyed his contribution to the board. My thoughts to the family.
  15. The article doesn't reveal why he was not disciplined nor, why he did not transfer to a local unit once in Massachusetts. I would want to have these facts (which I am sure are in his files) before I passed judgement. But that's just me; I know Jim likes to castigate on hearsay.
  16. In this case, it is possible to run the rope through a directional down to the second, clove hitch into the anchor with the rope (snugging it up so there's limited extension if climber falls), and brace your feet against the main wall.
  17. What rating does the East Ridge go at?
  18. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    Somalia, Kosovo John Kerry has billed himself as a pro-Second Amendment candidate, yet he's voted for every gun control bill submitted and against every pro-gun bill submitted. Look at most of his platform; there's no way he can get that shit passed. It's all smoke and mirrors on both sides. Again, if you want to believe that your candidate and his party are squeeky clean, I've got swampland to sell you.
  19. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    And what is John Kerry? A Viet Nam vet of somewhat questionable service with 20 years in the U.S. Congress with no distinction whatsoever and a penchant to make like a trout on land on the issues. You think one of the 5 richest members of Congress isn't cut from the same fratboy cloth as George W? I would say that making the hard decision to send men into combat hardly qualifies as spineless.
  20. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    A. We could bat this around like a volleyball all fucking day. I believe that he took the intelligence that he had, much of it developed during the Clinton years, and went for it. B. Kerry did vote against the Defense Appropriation bills that contained additional F-14, F-16, and M-1 purchases. However, so did a bunch of other people; not to mention, Secretary of Defense Cheney, who testified that they were not needed at the time. My guess is that he said this at a time when the Defense Department was trying to get away from the F-14 and into the FA-18 but, that's just a guess. C. Hmmm...Kobar Towers bombing, no response; USS Kohl, no response; World Trade Center bombing, no response...and that's skipping a couple. Sounds like Clinton was rather soft to me.
  21. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    HOLY FUCK, MATT!!! YOU'RE RIGHT: THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF HONESTY, TRUTH, AND WHOLESOMENESS!! I'LL RUN OUT RIGHT NOW AND REGISTER AS A DEMOCRAT. THEY'LL MAKE AMERICA GREAT!! JOHN KERRY WILL BE MY SURROGATE DAD AND JOHN EDWARDS CAN BE MY BESTEST, FAVORITEST UNCLE!! You are fucking dillusional if you think that the Democratic machine is all squeeky clean and honest in their communication and media releases. That is what you are implying, or simply avoiding, by bashing Bush. I see this as nothing more than blindly following whatever liberal ideology you have. Bush isn't my favorite, but he's better than Kerry, in my opinion. Greg_W
  22. Greg_W

    Honesty, Part II

    Matt, let's be fair: both sides lie/spin to their own advantage. It sucks, but it's true.
  23. Once again, you show your ignorance and stupidity. If you don't like this capitalistic society, I suggest you move somewhere else. Although, it seems you are getting along rather nicely at the expense of capitalism - you didn't look like you'd missed too many meals the last time I saw you. Takers like you seem to hate those of us who believe in hard work and contribute to that which you claim to hate, yet you profit from it. Somewhere inside that "secondhander" brain of yours, you resent our ideal that work and profit and capitalism are good things. It seems like a sad life, really. One I am sure you will some to regret someday; probably about the time it's too late to do anything to reverse it. Your rage is due to your intellectual impotence and your envy of those who have ambition and ideals and the desire to build, create, and succeed. I think if you tasted success, you might begin to think differently.
  24. If you bat your eyelashes enough, you can get away with it. It doesn't work for me, but I know it works for Ms. Muffington. hey when do I get to be a seasond climber???? Well, you're pretty spicy, so you're probably properly seasoned. Bwahahahaha!!!! Who knows. I've found there's always someone who is more "seasoned" than I, so I just always act new.
  25. If you bat your eyelashes enough, you can get away with it. It doesn't work for me, but I know it works for Ms. Muffington.
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