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Everything posted by Greg_W
Glen- It is good to see that you got a response, or non-response as it were. She says absolutely nothing. I don't know what your initial correspondence was (I presume against it), but all she does is give a brief history of the Program; information you could get from this website. Just curious, did you e-mail or snail-mail her? Greg
quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: You are alpinek's girlfriend. How are we supposed to trust your post. I thought Allison was dating Larry the Tool? Sorry to change the subject, I was just confused.
Personally, I am more likely to make Bear Creek in Redmond than Roanoke on Mercer Island. My two cents...and I really want to see Capt. Caveman's Tooth FA pics! Greg [ 05-06-2002, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Greg W ]
Thanks, now I don't have to fall asleep digging through all of Dwayner's litero-intelligentsia bullshit to get to the point. Greg
quote: I'd be happy to drink with ya [/QB] Ditto, I'm with you guys. Greg
quote: Originally posted by sk: Q: Why couldn't Dan Larson and Lambone "make it" with the blonde hottie? A: They couldn't find the guidebook for MOUNT HER Breakdown and analysis Dwayner?
Doesn't being one of SOCM cast offs make me a celeb??? I often somke intill the wee hours [/QB] It does make you a starlette in the Hollywood of your mind, but you really need that "washed-up starpower" of someone like the cast from "My Three Sons" or Eddie Haskel from "Leave it to Beaver." I am sure you smoke 'til the wee hours, but are you still smokin' in the wee hours? Greg
quote: Originally posted by sk: I'm still waiting to here from our friends at FOX to see if they will pick up the DAN LARSON TELETHON. sk: You need to get a washed-up celebrity on board who is willing to chain smoke into the wee hours while begging for money and introducing people that no one under the age of 65 would know. Hey, it works for Jerry's Kids! On a personal note, sure you are one of SOCM's cast-offs but there is no need to be bitter. Greg
quote: Originally posted by Lambone: Damn...what happened to the thread about my status as a tool... Don't worry Lamboner, you are still a major tool. Greg
I am with Juan & Captain Caveman.
Pick up a copy of Steve Roper's "Camp 4"; it has a lot of good history and does give the chronology of the YDS System. I think Dru is pretty close on his dates. Greg
Congratulations Lambone!! You have given us all a reason to jump off the "Fuck Larry Bandwagon" (your words) - now we arer all trucking down the highway in the LAMBONE IS AN ASSHOLE Bandwagon. Greg
Another good way to see and evaluate good placements is to second for someone who knows what they are doing. Cleaning well-placed pro gives you examples to file away for when you start placing your own. Greg
quote: Originally posted by Hayduke: I think it's time for a little monkey wrenchin'. Try a couple bars of soap in a sock or hand towel; no sharp edges and really packs a wallop (see "Full Metal Jacket" for application tips) Greg
Lambone: Specialed is right-on here. You say that "...in the grand scheme of things in society, your complaint is laughable..." What is more grand than freedom? That is what this is all about - government attempting to restricting access (via a use tax) to a "National Forest" which is supposed to belong to everyone. Cops are not paid to be hardasses, as you say; they are paid to enforce laws, not intimidate and threaten people. Why should Specialed, mattp, or any of us be made to feel that we are doing something wrong on public property just because we are being social? That is complete bullshit. Your whole train of thought is full of holes. Greg
Pepper: You are doing a fair job of making an ass of yourself, I agree. Begging AlpineK to let you belong is like asking Mark Twight to belay you on an toprope at Exit 38. Good luck in your quest to develop your inner spray self. Greg
quote: Originally posted by Pepper Boy: quote:Originally posted by AlpineK: I'm happy to make the top of any list. "There's no such thing as bad publicity." Sorry K. That's Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain, and Layne Staley - all Ph.Ds in anger management via terminal substance abuse. I'll make it up to you in my upcoming thesis, "The lords of spray: when jovial invective turns rancid". A mind is a terrible thing to taste. Chili boy - Check Sparky's original post instead of reading your own over and over. Greg
I have had some luck e-mailing Representative Rick Larsen. He actually will respond to the issues you bring up (my experience), unlike Mariah Cantwell or Patti Murray. Greg
I'll second that motion... Greg
quote: Originally posted by mtnrgr: There is a cordelette and biner on top of damnation crack, if any one wants it. It fell as I was climbing midway on Castle rock. mtnrgr - You forgot to mention the 10' fishing pole they need to snag it! Greg
quote: Originally posted by crank_sloper: We should have a mass trespass in protest. get 1000 people to all show up at once without passes and make tool larry fill out all those tickets till he gets terminal writers cramp. then build a bonfire with those tickets. Then we'd probably get a ticket for a bonfire in an unauthorized location.
Glissading down St. Helens tobaggan-style with 4-5 other people. Things were going well until we went over a small drop-off. The last guy caught the brunt of everyone else and his head slammed into the person in front of him and broke his nose. He had to stop a few times on the rest of the hike out as he was getting lightheaded. It was fun, but live and learn - don't be last! Greg
My partner bailed about an hour ago for some cragging in L-worth sat. and sun. If you are interested, send me a PM or e-mail at gwall@constructivision.com Would be open to climbing in Index, but I hear it might not be so nice. Greg