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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: And I use the "c" word once (to a guy at that) and I "crossed the line"?Like I said Jon CONSISTANCY is the key You sound like a whiney bitch. I know you told SK that your comment was in jest, but you still sound like a whiney bitch. Maybe it's your keyboard; get a new one and your typing won't sound so bitchy.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Hurry Allison I need you!(Forgot the thumbs up!) What's the matter, jaw getting tired from all that headbobbing?
  3. I'm no lawyer, but I think "murder" assumes there was intent. Not sure, but at one time big game roadkill taken quickly enough was forwarded to food banks or homeless shelters. So, actually, you helped feed a family less fortunate than yourself...good job Good Samaritan. Greg [ 06-11-2002, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Greg W ]
  4. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Peter Pubic I already had a thread going a week ago on this. Now that we know it is bolted we know why someone was able to freee it. I am not down with that. Don't know anything about this route other than what has been said over the past week or so. So basically, someone has turned a challenging aid route into a bolted sport route? If that is the case, I would have to side with the Caveman. Little help for the uneducated, please... Greg
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: If you find horsecock booty is that 'tubey'? Only if you find some 'lubey' along with it!
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dru: ...use it as tied off tube chocks in the chimney... Would that be a "tube-steak chock" or a "tube-steak tube chock" or just a "tube chock"?
  7. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: What if I wanted to climb the Beckey Davis How are you going to aid the 5.8 no pro chimney on that Pull a David Blaine and levitate up it.
  8. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: nice story Drew. It got me thinking One time several years ago, me and a buddy were elk hunting on Timberwolf Mountain (you can drive right off the summit of that sucker) near Naches and I discovered a 3' x 7' mound of freshly turned dirt miles from any road, I thought it might be the shallow grave of an FBI informant or other unfortunate soul. I pointed it out to my friend and he gleefully shouted "I get the skull!" then frantically dug up the entire mound. There was nothing there, but I took note of my hunting parter's behavior. Health Tip for Next Year: take cartridges out of your partner's rifle while he is sleeping. Elk is Yummy!!
  9. quote: Originally posted by Highlander: Greg, this is my planing period, so I am planning climbing trips. Speaking for this taxpayer, I think that is an admirable use of your time. Hope we can hook up and I can benefit from your "planning period." Greg
  10. quote: Originally posted by Highlander: Just to bring this to the top. Anybody been up Prussik or in the area lately. If so how does the South Face look. Hey Highlander, aren't you supposed to be molding young minds? Is this what we get with our tax dollars: teachers cruising the 'net during school hours? Greg
  11. Looking for people to climb with either one, or both, of these days. Looking to make a weekend of it - will supply the whiskey:p. PM or e-mail me at gwall@constructivision.com if you're interested. Greg
  12. quote: Originally posted by sk: are you mad Only if you don't share the Polaroids Greg
  13. quote: Originally posted by sk: I didn't know that spelled trouble, I thaught it spelled three way It always comes around to sex at some point; six posts ought to be close to a record. Greg
  14. Talk to JayB, he was up there this weekend.
  15. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Did you eat Gu for this super alpinesufferfest? With plenty of alcohol and some introspection last night, I realized a couple things I did wrong: 1. I didn't pack my ten essentials 2. Did not consult "Extreme Alpinism", by Mark Twight for extra tips/tricks and inspiration. 3. Forgot extra batteries for my GPS 4. Did not spend enough time in front of the mirror repeating: "Climb hard, climb fast, don't lose your edge! Focus, focus, focus." Ah, well. Live and learn. It'll be there next year.
  16. CONSULTING THE TICK LIST Woke up Sunday feeling strong. Decided to make an attempt on a classic psuedo-subalpine route I had scoped several times over the past few years: The Marymoor Park Climbing Wall. THE APPROACH After a couple of stops to provision (and pick up some cleaning products for the house) we made the trailhead. It was obvious we lost the advantage of an "alpine start" since the parking lot was busy; apparently I'm not the only one who had their eye on this gem. We packed up, located the approach trail and took off. I was planning on soloing the route, but my family was joining me on the approach. A combination of sandbagging regarding the difficulty of the approach and carrying too much gear forced us to drop most of our gear at the halfway point and go fast and light the rest of the way. My daughter worked on her orienteering skills the rest of the way; she's a toddler Nancy Feagin, that one! COMMIT OR BAIL As I reached the base of the route, the butterflies went into high gear in my stomach. I scoped my line; fighting the mindgames the rock was trying to play with me. I bailed...the weather looked questionable. Some other teams were on the route, but they looked seasoned and hardcore. Translation: Went to Marymoor on a picnic with the fam, watched gapers and gumbies flail onthe climbing wall in helmets and backpacks. Went and played on the swings. Went home.
  17. Didn't Captain Kirk seduce a green bitch in one of the early Star Trek episodes?
  18. Greg_W

    Hard Core TR

    Mike: No diamox? Hypoxia? Dizziness? It's not an epic unless you have a physical malady. Anyway, way to climb responsibly; good job!! Greg
  19. quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: I am completely speechless. ...but somehow in awe at the same time. Talk about an echo chamber...
  20. quote: Originally posted by scot'teryx: Went up last weekend on the slog Long approach right now, so be aware. Here's my trip report: http://www.nwog.org/reports/060202adams.htm Does this guy write a trip report every time he goes more than 5 miles from his house?
  21. Had a good view of Green Giant Buttress last Sunday. There is snow at the base, and looks like there is some snow on the approach. Don't remember what the top looked like. [ 06-07-2002, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Greg W ]
  22. quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by fern: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!! It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers.Except that I only rag on the stupid ones just wanted to see more nested quotes Like this??Or this?
  23. Thanks for the video from your family vacation.
  24. quote: Originally posted by roboclimber: I'm low on the Tenino status pole. I only have one dead car and a travel trailer in my yard. However my pickup truck does work. Roboclimber- you could redeem yourself with some points for major appliances in the yard or on the porch. Greg
  25. quote: Originally posted by sk: I've been being good today, keep me outa this SK - Where's the fun in that??
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