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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Actually, it's a conspiracy between myself and icegirl to drum up popular support for these 'girl-only' events. You know what they say, "bad press is still press."
  2. I'm the one catching all the heat. Draw your own conclusions...
  3. No, I mean my PM to you after your cute little threat (if that's what it was).
  4. No, I just take it to the individual, not try and perform public lynchings for no real reason.
  5. Suuurre...let's make Greg_W the fall guy here. Do what you gotta do, man.
  6. Tock
  7. new fish-squid species
  8. It was just getting fun...like the old days. What I wanted to say is, I like IG's scarves. Scarves means the chic likes the kinky shit, dooood. Work it, Icegirl!!!
  9. It's working with the one chic I've got and that's good enough for me.
  10. Who says I can't and don't?
  11. Bowls of Frosted Flakes is not cooking dude Nor is toast.
  12. You're married. I'm talking to the single ladies out there: Seattle is in short supply of hot chics who know how to, and enjoy, cooking. Cook for your man. It may lead to cunnilingus.
  13. Nothing, but you gots to eats right? My wife don't cook, and I'm cool with doin the cookin as long as she puts out offten enough.... I like to cook, don't get me wrong. Actually, my girlfriend and I enjoy cooking together. But, on the occasions that she does all the cooking I just love it.
  14. I'm glad you have clarity around why I want to give you this gift.
  15. Well, I've found your Christmas present: Merry Christmas!!
  16. I don't give a shit what she said; she's obviously delusional anyway. I'm saying: Learn to cook, dammit!
  17. hehehe, maybe. I stand by what I say: Learn to cook. Chics that know how to cook in Seattle are rare. I can only speak for myself, but I love a woman who can (and likes to) cook.
  18. Man, you are a bitter shrew. Learn to cook, maybe you'll attract more men.
  19. Your Democratic party IS being run by the Far Left, dude. Johns Kerry and Edwards are two of the MOST LIBERAL voters in Congress; not to mention Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Al Gore, Barney Frank, Hillary Clinton, etc., etc. Don't try and convince me that all Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton want to do is "register" my guns in case of a crime; they want to all out ban them and they've said so.
  20. I didn't say abortion choice. I meant the ability to choose, have freedom to make choices, have selections, options. Not have some bureaucrat dictate what "is best for me."
  21. As opposed to you liberals who want to legislate human nature and behavior and eliminate choice? The whole drive towards political correctness, "hate-crimes", preferential treatment (i.e., racial quotas), banning smoking in bars, banning SUVs, etc.
  22. My name is Peter and I would like to come out of the closet to admit that I too have been raped by alpine vegetation while climbing choss in the mountains. I feel very violated. <everyone> "Hello, Peter." Congratulations, you've taken the first step in your recovery.
  23. I have been sucked into the "train your hunting dog" vortex. But we're still looking to visit in September on the island.
  24. Offer whiskey
  25. I hear you. You can definitely tell, in a debate, if someone is actually considering your position or not. I fucking hate that when it's obvious they don't; I usually walk because it's not worth my time. Well, it was nice to meet you, anyway.
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