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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. whatever slappy...i'm with ya pope...it certainly is a key topic as those errant bolts were put there by climbers and it is up to the community to reduce the amount of "unnecessary" bolts.... right on....
  2. david- i will be in everett at the end of april. if i can get the money together by then, i will take a look at them. cheers. [ 04-17-2002, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: scott harpell ]
  3. hey did you check out the protable rock wall available for parties and...." weird.... waht has this sport come to?
  4. the aroma....
  5. like tomorrow sunday? i might be down write climbingmonk@hotmail.com.
  6. hey i might be down hittin it up when the next weather window breaks.....write me at climbingmonk@hotmail.com if you are still interested....
  7. my boy has something to say (he's from alaska)- "you are full of shit. last year we had a bunch of people looking at birds from california and they came by the store that i work at and i told them they should take a gun with them and they said they did not need one. two of those cali bastards never came back....." hey man it's your choice but if it were me.... 50 caliber all the way......
  8. touche!
  9. cotton slings and hemp rope.... i said...i think the boy has a point.... what is the rating for 1 in. cotton tubular webbing nowadays anyway? 6 lbs? great thinking dumb-ass....
  10. i'll send you an e-mail. i'm in the langley area. just got back from dierdre/calculus crack a few days ago.
  11. that sounds doable.....let me check on some dates and stuff and i'll e-mail ya. hasta
  12. looking for BD cams and micro cams uptil the blue size(like 3 inches). must be in good shape. looking to sell some golf clubs as well... possible trade....calloway big bertha, taylor made burner bubble 3 wood, taylor trouble wood, tommy armour 855irons, taylor forged sand wedge and ben hogan putter, and beautiful blue taylor made stand up bag with an izzo strap..... lemme know cause i really wants some more cams and i wanna get rid ofthese damn clubs.....
  13. truck is screwed up so looking for partner with wheels that might be interested in climbing apron perhaps or just the bluffs. i was up there last week for awhile and it was pretty nice. i can go one or all three days. i go to school in langley B.C.
  14. jsut got back from a great trip at squamish- the apron was a little wet....but not that dirty and we hit up some little crag along the way for a warm up and it was dry as a bone and fun times....
  15. how much experience do you have? cause i ahve quite a busy alpine schedule this summer, but i wouldn't mind throwing in a lil' emmons route on ranier if you are interested. what dates are you free for?
  16. yeah i cant remember what brand...but there i like a new 9.7-8mm rope that is a 10 fall rope....i dotn know if that would suffice....
  17. just dont feel like driving 4 hours to climb on wet granite....
  18. yes! it was that good!
  19. has anyone been to squamish lately. i know we had some god wether for while there to dry it out. guess we'll have to wait some more now. just wonderin how clean it is and if it really ever got dry (esp. on the apron). thanks
  20. hey do you still have the pluma jacket? cause if you do....i'm interested....e-mail me at climbingmonk@hotmail.com thanks.....safe climbin -scott
  21. that sucks bad! definitely act quietly and merciflessly. just a suggestion: i put all my gear (including my bags) into army surplus bags $15. it is true crooks are a stupid breed and if it looks like shit they will probably leave it alone. happy head hunting.
  22. just wonderin looked at the topos and the lizard looks cool (thanks for the pointer) just wondering what the pro is like.... what sizes types do you recomend. andy bolts. just want my first climb in that area to go off without a hitch. thanks a lot for all the great suggestions...
  23. hey i'm down for sport or trad. i am in the vancouver area right now....but in 3 weeks i will be in everett.....write me if you have any plans sans partners.....later
  24. thanks for all the input. can't wait to head south. been missing the ol red white and blue. hopefully i will see you guys there. safe climbin!
  25. thanks- just wonderin what the belay stations are like (gear or bolted) doesn't matter much just trying to get a feel for the area before i head down.
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