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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. touche
  2. substance abuse? anger management? of course! what did you expect this is climbing not figure skating.... [ 05-02-2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: scott harpell ]
  3. i am available on weekends.... e-mail climbingmonk@hotmail.com and we'll see if we can work something out....
  4. hey man check with the rangers... we were plannign on the north side and they said that the avy conditios were pretty crappy....good luck and see ya there
  5. i could climbi the whole weekend....i would sleep in the back of my truck if the weather is good... uhm write at climbingmonk@hotmail.com what were you thinking multi pitch or just single?
  6. DRU- quote: Mr. Harpell there is only one escape for you from the curse of scotthood. Change your name to your choice of "Mike Harpell", "Erik Harpell", "Ray Harpell" or "Dru Harpell". quote: i think i just might.... seems more than worth it to rid myself of this bunch of yahoos
  7. "Funny on this site: being named Scott = being anal mullet-wearing granny...." Hey Now! Watch your tongue bitch. dont dare compare me with those fools!
  8. mabe you should learn how to place pro....
  9. sounds like a hell of a club. i am a university student... so i have to qualify! i'm down with the no clippin thing though....lemme know if you have any openings for a fence sitting can/am.
  10. those freaks are worse than the sporto's we have at CC geesh.... suddenly makes me glad i dont live in oregon....i predict smith rock will be a huge talus pile in oh 18 months.... BOLT WAR!!!!
  11. yeah same here
  12. you guys dont know how lucky you are.... i want nothing more right now than to join you folks for some drinking and great times. i am only 20 and i nearly cry every time i see a Pub Club TR. am i an alchoholic? mabe....but hey aren't we all... cheers and remember how lucky you truly are.
  13. geeze mabe pope should run for president...
  14. hey man give me a call next time you go out caue i have a shitty job and i can just leave whenever i want.... write climbingmonk@hotmail.com later
  15. scottp- i did that on deirdre in squamish...the funny thing is it worked! we told them we were joking....we souldn't have....it took them 30 minutes to get of the 5.0 slab start.... we'll not even go into what happened after that....
  16. sorry for the misunderstanding halfpint, just a touchy subject. no hard feelins....
  17. "If people start ripping out bolts it's going to get noticed by the officials who run the public lands." -beef cider well, dont you think the land managers and officials are going to notice when there are stainless steel hangers littered all over the cliff face? I would be willing to bet that land managers would prefer less bolts rather than more bolts (or none at all). It seems that most of us are in agreement though (the rational ones anyways) that there are some routes that can and should be restored. obviously there are some routes that must have bolts to be safely led, but i think the question that must be asked before placing a bolt is, "is this bolt necessary and does it protect the integrity of the route and its moves?" if that question is used as a prerequisite to bolting, i think that bolting would steadily decline. $.02 [ 04-18-2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: scott harpell ]
  18. Gaper_#1 Has spoken. [[Cool]] Hmm...who could that be? avatar anyone?
  19. retro- i dont have any experience in bolt remonal.... but i would love to learn from someone experienced... let me know when you guys are going... that is if you want someone to tag along.... cheers
  20. ps fuck you half pint. if you cant climb a protectable route without bolting it up, top rope it, or climb it when your balls have grown larger than raisins. there is no excuse for bolting a crack....if you cant protect it, someone can, and will....
  21. max- i agree i think tht your proposals are fair for both sides. Very diplomatic. I agree that as a community we ought to agree to some baisic principals regarding bolting and the "first ascentionists' nod" is a great idea.... lets get that poll going....
  22. p.s. anyone know where i can get a good crow bar?
  23. head space- just because you are so pussy you have to clip bolts all day, you dont have to get all jealous. i dont mind the odd sport route here or there...but there is no erason to just bolt up every difficult to protect crack or make a bolt ladder on really easy slab.... no hard feelins man....
  24. how about a bolt in the forehead? [ 04-17-2002, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: scott harpell ]
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