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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. scott_harpell


    fency and babnik are not. they really must have gotten a moderator on a bad day or something. too bad, too sad.
  2. yesterday, i led a crack climb at skaha and my belayer was saying i needed to put in more pieces (i really hate that) and as he was following, he said slack! slack! slack!... WTF so i gave him slack... when he got to the top he explained that he had only tied a loose overhand knot and it came undone. he had to clip into one of my only 2 pieces that i placed and tie in. apparently, while he was putting on his shoes, he tied a loose knot so i wouldn't pull the rope too far. skeeeettttchhhhyyyy!
  3. scott_harpell


    sup baby?
  4. scott_harpell


    ma bad dawg!
  5. it usually is after getting hit in the head. can you drink alcohol or do you have a concussion? cause if you can, do so. believe me!
  6. uh huh... like there is anyone who hasn't seen that movie. wow! you are so elite and prestigious! you saw office space! what a cultured individual! great! more movie quoting cubicle infesting whiners. greeeat.
  7. obviously this would not pertain to religious right but rather religious left. so your very generalization of this demographic seems to be a poor one indeed.
  8. quite the contrary punk! say hawlooo to da boss man!
  9. scott_harpell


  10. i dont think everyone's boss does that too them... mabe you should get a new boss.
  11. that soudns realistic a waif 93 lb. daddy's girl wavign around a katana... lemme guess taking out 35+ ninjas at the same time too? raaaaght you should go see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Michelle Yeoh and Zang Ziyi prob dont weigh that much more, but ...um ...<whisper>they could take you out!!!! </whisper> seen it. and taking people out is soo... 503 A.D. we have these things called laws now. they are intense!
  12. scott_harpell


    two posts pulled and two avatars banned without saying a swear word, anything derogatory or saying a personal attack. what a day! all this on a muuunday! what a great day! i suspect though that someone else is not having quite so nice a day. let's all rais a glass on his behalf! mine's a heineken. what's yours?
  13. you must not know me then....oh well you missed out.... it was great fun.... tell the hubby i said hey! dont forget to think of me....
  14. sk- i'm free! hitting leavenworth this weekend...cya there?
  15. anyone wanna hit the lizard or something else easy this weekend? climbingmonk@hotmail.com
  16. DMM Fly $150 candian at MEC good for vert. ice and alpine.... check it out great deal if the tools work for ya....($166 american at REI i think). way cheaper in canada....
  17. went up cadaver gap this weekend and it was perfect. snow had good consolidation and the weather was great though we made our own tracks. there were hoards going up to muir though (why would anyone want to go to muir?) i am sick do death of people telling me it is too dangerous to go up there this time of the year....geesh... if you are going up to muir....mind your fucking business!
  18. i'm going up this weekend....i'll post when i get back.... should be great weather.... cold!!!!
  19. much thanks man were headed up there sat morning.
  20. will it be open on saturday? if so when? thanks in advance....
  21. uhm ....ok
  22. jared- check your pm's
  23. thanks man...i owe ya...i'll think of something else then....anyone have any ideas for a one day- overnight solo slog?
  24. has anyone done this recently.... i want to do it to get in shape and it is close to me....any seasonal or recent beta would be much appreciated... i'm going solo, so do you think that would be sketchy? i'm going tomorrow too....hopefully so let me know or mabe suggest another alternative in the verlot area....overnight is not out of the question.... [ 05-03-2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: scott harpell ]
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