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Everything posted by ivan

  1. Trip: Beacon Rawk - Hibernal Hi-Jinx C2 Date: 12/13/2008 Trip Report: man - where was the storm of the century? a novel approach if i had some sorta photo software the colors could be fixed on this to make it sweet an awkward place for 2 in the slick season LLP Pimp-towne improved pimp-towne pimp-shack round 2 for ol'geoff reach for the sky, m*th*rf*ck*r apparently no one felt like fishing 2day? frak'n'tree your friend and humble narrator gets into the game - a good solid giant-hook move and some sketch goes around a corner to good gear and an old pin w/ webbing i was able to pull apart, rei-return-style, w/ me rukers note the pimptacular propane heater bitzes! rapped off into gathering cold and rain - made the Great Getaway - scored yet another free starbucks back in camas! rope fixed to larry's anchor currently - all are welcome to hop on and see what they can manage b4 the closure sets in - looks like another belay will be necessary after going around a blind corner - should just be a 1/4 pitch up to exit from there, but maybe some blocks to deal w/? - left a fixed nut eqaulized to slings around pine tree at the top of the uprising exit Gear Notes: propane heater bum shack material jubale(s)! giant ass sky-hook necessary for section above larrys 2 pin anchor - 20 feet above is an old pin Approach Notes: up then down
  2. equally good, the pogues are good to listen to (and especially watch) any time you're contemplating skipping that annual visit to the dentist total simpsons shit - lisa's "big book of british smiles"
  3. bill savored his blessings and stayed put where he was on the summit ridge - i used the toys'r'us rope to have him belay me through that one vaguely sketchy part, then walked over to the summit - no need for the rope on the way back
  4. no we won't, b/c we won't epicurus was right asshole that he was
  5. my finest moment in jeopary history was guessing: "what is 'das boot?'" 2 minutes before they came back from the commericial break after adverting the category as "foreign film" achtung - juden!
  6. my favorite seasonal tune of the moment "they've got cars big as bars" "happy christmas your ass i pray god its our last!" "the boys in the nypd choir we're singing gallway bay, and the bells we're ringing out on christmas day" [video:youtube]
  7. how longs it been around for kev? i can't recall it, though i hven't been out to the zone since last spring.
  8. holy shit, sounds like blake was at the 'zone! what, you didn't feel like driving a couple extra miles to get to beacon!?! i thought route 66 was the first route left of the humbling/crubmling? it's got a bolt you can clip from the ground?
  9. how are the routes up on Hood looking (esp. Leuthold or Wy'east) luetholds was already good to go, but definitely very icy - sounds like a lot of snow will be dumped on it soon, so it'll probably be a bit easier after this storm clears out - the wy'east will probably be good then too. the first 2000 feet of the moutain above t-line will still probably be pretty gross though, esp getting over to the wy'east
  10. aw stop it man, you're gonna make me bust out cry'n! guys piss themselves too when they get real scared, so... prayer=piss
  11. gonna be a pretty boring friday 'roudn pdx firsizzle
  12. never go up against a vulcan when death is on the line!
  13. sounds similiar to the chinaman in "true grit" "outside is place for shooting!" to which john wayne responds "ain't no good fighting for rights for a rat"
  14. she still appears to be doing the gut-suck though
  15. so who's taking me ice climbing - the 2 screws i own might not be sufficient
  16. if god exists, i defy him to make tvash, bug, matt, FW and every other kook on this here intrewub come together for a great big group hug
  17. dude, laws limiting gun rights have existed since our country's founding - if it really was a slippery slope, wouldn't we be at the bottom of it by now?
  18. if there is a god, can we indict the mother-fucker?
  19. of course i believe in due process, but did you LISTEN to those tapes?!? holy shit, i don't think he could have impugned himself anymore than if he conciously wanted to!
  20. funniest shit i can recall seeing in the news in a while - how in the fuck can a person be so stupid?
  21. isn't the current pt spread betwee g and no g the same as the one between obama and mccain?
  22. ah, the wonderous fiduciary relationship between man and invisible-man-in-bathrobe
  23. will jeebus let me take my submachine gun into the holy hereafter?
  24. Jesus Built My Hot-Rod
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