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Everything posted by ivan

  1. here's crown jewel at the height of rush hour y-day - how many climbers can you find?
  2. lots of traffic at crown jewel today - very warm toward evening - fantastically plastic ice, albeit coursing w/ water - oughta be real nice again when the cold snaps back in!
  3. ivan

    Bush's Final Fuck You.

    it'd be funny if, on jan 19, president bush went down to the national archives and wiped his ass w/ one of the original copies of the constitution - he could sell the pix for charity?
  4. dude, if you were a gay porn star, would you call that "work"?
  5. just finished sharpening my shit - where you gonna be 2morrow john? damn, but the forecast is for the drive home 2morrow to be entertaining!
  6. hey, isn't walking on the interstate and hiking the tracks still illegal? seems like the access is shitty no matter how you do it.
  7. we should get'em on that war on drugs thing next then, eh?
  8. but should we tax the bikers' .50 caliber machine guns while enroute to the renton granite crags to crack-bolt their latest sick project?
  9. dunno, was he also ass-raped w/ a broom? shot 97 times? as to the title of the thread - no thanks, the kid shows pluck for sure, but if you can't throw me 2 strikes from 30 feet, i ain't got no place for you in my rotation
  10. in theory, doesn't the city save a lot of money by building bike lanes instead of car lanes? seems like you're helping the city reduce its overall expenses by riding your bike, and therefore ought not be messed with.
  11. "see honey? that's what i mean when i say i want a "big" one."
  12. i imagine so - was suprised i got the whole day off today.
  13. naw ben, i think our plan is still the earliest good one - course, the impending precip on wendsday will no doubt fuck w/ the roads, but hopefully not too bad? as long as i can sit in the back and suck down 40s and not have to worry 'bout the crux driving though i'm happy
  14. probably not enough initial snow on it to take advantage of all the cold we're getting?
  15. crown jewel today
  16. no, not yet chad and pete think 1-2 more days over in the other thread - sounds good to me - i know practically dick about ice-cragging
  17. where do you pick up the train track?
  18. ha! well...didn't we leave that up there on the ledge? probably half way to china by now if so... the damn near rusted shut tweaked out biner is still proudly sitting on the pin up there though, through my equally old-ass quickdraw
  19. cold and windy today but roads in good shape on the oregon side this was the first time its froze up since i've had kids that i could even wander into the gorge to look for adventure here's crown jewel - i assume there's a way across the water in front of me? there's a road over there but how do you get there?
  20. no school 2day - gonna go have a look-see what this'er cold winds been doing on the wa-side.
  21. Not bad. x3 - nigga's like a motherfaqh'n ninja w/ the duck n' bob n' weave!
  22. go the "trip reports" section up top and put in "mt hood" and go nuts reading!
  23. those pins look real good dude, and i certainly wailed on both of them before trusting them the nice thing 'bout your anchor now larry is that, if you're tall as me, you can totally skip that chamber of death that you had to crawl into - gawd, that place looked hideous! i was able to step way up high though and snag the anchor though - a c4 #5 back it up beautifully too - also looks like having a #6 might take some of the sting out of that lower chamber, if the anchor was gone or you were a dimunitive bastard so did you not see that old fixed pin and 10 year old bail sling larry? definetly looks like one of the old timers had passed through there before you! i wonder what they found around the corner though?
  24. me n' ben are going out wendsday duuuude - you too fucked up to go then?
  25. i figured if its in my photo gallery, then it's mine actually, i REALLY figured that, if we won, we could just tear the book in half and split it?
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