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Everything posted by ivan

  1. holy fuck, ex-walla-walla-ken in the motherfucking joint! what was the occasion for him to make the pilgramage? oh wait... hey kev, when's jim doing the beacon-closing party again?
  2. crushing fuel cannisters in the field is probably joshk's favorite activity - stricken by images of hauling his burnt corpse out on my back, i usually cower behind boulders and smoke as he gleefully wails on them w/ his big rocks
  3. When we will be able to prove that the birds are not endangered anymore? when jets taking off at pdx start sucking them into their engines, making dramatic splash-landings near bonneville
  4. i've met far more poo-faires then beer-fairies come to think of it, i'm more met more plain-fairies than any other by far
  5. i might also be remiss to point out the openness of the n side is pretty much a boon-doogle unless the process for getting bolts put in is stream-lined as it extrmely compact and smooth over there, not to mention wilderness covered! still, looking forward to playing on siege tactics and the route left of it in betwixt ozone and farside ramblings this spring - gonna have to wander up to index for yosemite practice though i reckon...
  6. joe forgot to tell you though the north side of beacon is open year round though, and that there are in fact several fun lines there, including hte old, old skewl original ascent line, complete w/ funky via ferata fixed iron - one area in particuliar is cool for its large sheltering rooves and there's no scarcity of scary aid that side neither!
  7. can we go back to using dioxins en masse again so the fucking birds will go extinct already?
  8. never thought i'd have such a personal sense of vendetta against a bunch of dumbass birds...
  9. they make the baby-jesus cry
  10. head-points?
  11. i think its sad that nasa has lost the luster it once had in the apollo-hey-day - there seems to be a lot less money and a lot less focus, though i suppose that was inevitable after apollo 11 - regretably it seems the time for manned space-flight has passed, barring the advent of much faster engines - the robotic probes and telescopes have been crazy badass though and should get a boat-load of money to keep them moving forward
  12. i rarely "read" anything in spray - it's not exactly the magna carta, is it? "noting the role of space exploration in propaganda" did lead me to that hasty and it would appear erroneous conclusion, good sir - i assume you do/did see some value to NASA beyond fighting the godless reds? that said, regarding the castrated captain america on the news comment, is there ANYTHING the news doesn't get all atwitter about? firkrisakes', they shit themselves when some guy offs his wife, which is the most common kinda news-item ever - that sets the bar pretty high when a challenger type accident occurs
  13. funny...insinuating that the challenger crew were mere cold-war pawns mostly makes me think you're a jackass space exploration is frig'n awesome, manned or not, and i'll gladly pay tax money to support it
  14. if you're sport climbing you're gay anyway, so why NOT buy the knee-pads (and the ass-less chaps)?
  15. did you know the word "gullible" ISN'T in the dictionary?
  16. has it been shotcreted yet?
  17. ah, now here's a story i havent' heard.... i don't understand the deal w/ my 9 lives - i've used several up all ready, including a bunch of huge unroped falls, and have yet to get anything like a real injury? i knocked on my whole house just then, btw...
  18. i do, but my folks are in town this weekend or else i'd be out at beacon (and skipping a climb there on the last day of the season to yank some tools dumbass route is a poor choice, imho - wait till sunday!)
  19. did you suspect it was a non-smoker (and did such people even exist in the wild and heady days of the reagan administration?)
  20. that's awesome - it sounds like the culprit was never caught? did the trip end more quickly w/ nothign to smoke? joshk and i increased our pace through the p-traverse by 5000% after our cigs ran out
  21. bummer dude - it's like that old cheech n' chong movie - things are tough all over worst case scenario, committing a major crime can secure you a lifetime of free meals and a (steel) roof over your head there was a thread in the general forum not that long ago about a guy looking for workers repairing wind turbines - i think the pay might have been crap though...
  22. i agree - hooking in holes iz kewl! I'd disagree, patch'em. b/c you don't like aid - holes are essentially invisible and not going to ruin anyone's free-climbing experience - that salvages something good from the bad
  23. i agree - hooking in holes iz kewl!
  24. ivan

    bow chika bow wow

    hey, he didn't fix her cable at all!
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