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Everything posted by ivan

  1. okay, this is officially now a fun war-story thread! i learned a painful lesson in middle school: don't play baseball w/ a basketball my friend pitched it in, a bit over my head - i wacked it as hard as i could and got a classic newtonian, equal n' opposite reaction - the ball went flying even as the bat bounced back, full speed, into my forehead! i spent the next week explaining to folks when my evil twin was trying to grow out of my skull to conquer the know universe
  2. should i be looking for bathook holes again, sir wallace?
  3. that sounds nice n' ominious got a good patch of poison oak working on my legs at the moment - looking forward to rooting out the muji route, but if i get into the oak worse, i might have to destroy myself
  4. if you placed it, and niether you nor anybody else can get it out, then you have a moral obligation to replace it i would never, as a second, pay for a piece of gear that you placed that couldn't be removed, and would laugh in your face if you asked me too w/o even trying to get it out yourself! it's a sensitive subject, so applying an iron-law is a bad idea - working it out over a is always best
  5. you could just have a helmet ducktaped to his head or make him a bubble-wrap outfit? getting ridiciously hurt all the time is the fun part of those ages 5ish to whenever you stop drinking heavily. as a wee lad i recollect stitches/er visits from: - a kid jumping off a diving board and sinking his two front teeth into my skull - racing a kid, me on foot, him on his bike - he veered into me and we fell in a jumble and his bike-peddle removed most of the flesh from my kneecap - calling my big brother a cocksucker or something like it, shortly after i got the last set of stitches out - he chased me down and wailed on me, and in the process reopened the whole knee injury for another round of stitches! - taking an elbow to the mouth in baseketball, which led to a fun root canal - snapping my pinky in half making a tackle in a football game - setting a patrol flag on fire at boy scout camp, then setting myself on fire trying (in vain) to put it out and maybe my favorite: falling off my bed backwards onto an old-school radiator, slicing two neat parallel lines into my scalp that i still have to explain every time i shave my head! the fun part of that was hiding in the bathroom for 2 hours putting roll after roll of tp on my head, hoping hte bleeding would stop so my mom wouldn't beat the holy-hell out of me for making us miss church at any rate, get ready for a whole lot more of this shit! (and did i mention i had the fewest number of bizarro accidents out of my 2 other brothers?)
  6. i like having a set of tcus and a set of aliens - what does it matter what my reasons are? i figured my preferences out by actually using a variety of gear - climb w/ folks who have the various widgets and get a feel for what you like.
  7. Will there be any people around to even care? that's my point - it seems unlikely that either a) there will be folks around then or b) if they are around, they'll give a shit (the rich tourists then will be able to beam to the summit dude, why have to actually walk up the damn thing? either that or they'll be transcendent children of light and have cast off thier mortal skins to roam the universe at their leisure, and certainly have the power to clean up a landfull the size of what i bet is still no more than that of a small town in bumfuck, ohio) - the mountain itself doesn't care, and in the fullness of time will go back to being the thoroughly wild, untrammelled place it used to be - in the meantime, adding some safety for the sherpas who actually make a living off this, their one great natural resource, is pretty much a no-brainer
  8. what are the odds those bolts will still be there in 10,000 years? everest is a young mountain - i have a feeling she'll grow outta these pre-pubscent blemishes
  9. hey, it was a highly succesful fuck-up! if you gotta fuck-up, at least you did it right! good look getting back on the leg
  10. if all the pre-existing star trek films and series were to be taken as a holy canon, like the bible, including this most recent film into that canon would be not unlike tucking monty python's "the life of brian" into the new testament, just after the gospel of john
  11. Hillary, Mallory, all same right? goddamn white people all look the same
  12. must be the swede's basecamp - all that shit looks like it came from ikea - is that the oddly sexy asexual instruction-model dude i see amidst the clutter?
  13. scotty is by far the best part of the new movie - in fact the whole thing seemed to be pretty much written by cheech n' chong - or did that have somethign to do with the fact that i made the 420 matinee (which, by the way, at 7 fucking squaw-bucks, hardly seems deserving of the title)? i hope they don't do anymore - this one was good b/c it satirized all the old shit, but it would just be ghey another go round anybody else notice the first guy to die was wearing a red jumpsuit kirk sounding a green chick, classic it would take a black chick to find something in sylar-meets-rain-man boy i like that commodore pike ends up the story in a wheelchair - and that they water-boarded his ass, perhaps the only nod to the old shows' political saviness? is it me, or did they have some fucking muppets in this movie? i don't know what the fuck i need a heisenberg compensator for - clearly my life would be much, much cooler if i just had a holo-deck, an unlimited supply of dilithium crystals, and perhaps a (remodulatable) tacheon beam
  14. i remember my big brother getting hit in the face w/ a fastball when i was 6 - grossiest thing i'd seen in my life at the time - the area around his eye was the size of a damn grapefruit! god i loved baseball
  15. Hillary is rolling in his grave, I'm sure. i thought they left him frozen in it?
  16. my whole life would be far less fucked up if i could just get my hands on a heisenberg compensator
  17. i'm sorry, but all your answers must be in the form of a question
  18. no doubt - i hear this is even more the case when, as a result of them having their gun out, you put a large hole in them w/ yours actually, come to think of it, i remember my guy just fine - the haggard 50 year old man beard stubble, the red flannel shirt w/ the orange vest, the wad of chew, the look of a dog shown a card trick when i tried my little joke to defuse the situation - the moral of the story: just because the park map shows your 15 mile trail to be a circuit-hike doesn't mean it doesn't just randomly cross private property for a quarter mile at the height of hunting season!
  19. doppleganger's dilemma cocksmoker's delight tempest in a teapot the perfect crime paradise lost ?
  20. kev, would you want bolts chopped even if the new bolts were gonna go into the exact same spot?
  21. clearly the battery runs on the power of mao zedong thought!
  22. i was just wondering, how in the hell has raindawg not weighed in on this?
  23. why are the shields EVER down?
  24. with all these infernal jesus-haters around?!?
  25. Irrelevant certainly relevant - if they in fact went exactly where martins dad wanted them, are of the exact same type/quality, and were placed properly, then theoritically there's no real harm done (unless he just really wanted the joy of drilling them himself) not defending it, mind you, and the offender should certainly have a cat-scan in order to understand his particuliar species of mania, just saying it's not like he raped a kitten or crapped on the statue of liberty's sandals
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