ha! says the man who briefly tried claiming "illness" until i browbeat him up goode (dude!)
Hours of emergency bowl evacuations and the loss of a new pair of boots in a raging river had indeed sapped my will to climb. I commend you for the brow beating that i well deserved. Those trusty trail runners are still going strong.
that night you spent tp-less and w/o hope, knee deep in the n fork of bridge creek puking out of your cornhole was quite possibly the sweetest night of sleep i've ever had in the n cascades - i seem to recall dreamign of bears eating everything in camp and not caring in the least - occasionally you'd crawl back into the tent and moan "duuuuuude" and i'd just come to for a second, attempt to give a shit, then, utterly failing, descend back into a golden, preternaturally perfect slumber