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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i like a girl w/ hands tatooed on her hips pretty much the whole tramp-stamp classics...
  2. sobo, you strike me as the kinda man who'd fuck another man in the ass and not have the goddamn human courtesy to give'em a reach around!
  3. ivan

    RIP Grasshopper

    and the smiley face is for what exactly? for my memory of george carlin's discussion of said activity
  4. ivan

    RIP Grasshopper

    another victim of auto-erotic asphyxiation?
  5. ivan

    RIP Grasshopper

    the ghost of bruce lee getting his final revenge?
  6. cb, john (or was it marcus) did a tr for this one a few years ago - just go the the tr section (not as sweet as some of john's others as i recall though as there's a serious lack of 'stache in the pix )
  7. No, but that is pretty scary if I am the super human... truly - as the drill instructor says, the better half of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the sheets!
  8. dunno - seems to me that single-pitch crag routes ain't the place to be stoogey for rope weight - if that's what's holding you back from sending, probably something bigger going on anyhow light ropes are for the alpine! leading on anything under a single 9 mm strand give me the heebie-jeebies (have you seeeeen how much those bitches stretch when a 250 lb phat-ass like myself takes the ride?!?)
  9. if i could borrow john's 'stache from one of his stuie-trs then i would truly be the shit! was hand-rolling smokes and drinking red wine during marathon aid-belays at yosemite last week
  10. clearly you have not mastered the art of leading w/ cig in mouth! makes you feel oh-so-french
  11. love that route - i gotta do lib ridge someday so i can say i prefer ptarmigan!
  12. buddhist bbq's are waaaay more hardcore
  13. can a pork free society truly have a good bbq?
  14. this guy would work great for snow-pro! or is this just my leftist tendencies shining through?
  15. ivan

    Close Gitmo?

    dude, i love zen gardens! you never have to wonder where to put out your cigarette butt when you got one close by! and neighborhood cats never are far away, especially after eating too much whiskas!
  16. sounds like there's a story there begging for a telling
  17. might as well have been 420 years ago - waaaaaay before my time - i still remember the first time i heard it - wans't until i was 19 - completly changed the stupid opinion i'd formed about the beatles fo'shizzle danced w/ my wife at my wedding to "when i'm 64"
  18. ivan

    Faking injuries

    which reminds me, the new gi joe movie sure does look like a great big piece of pony loaf!
  19. ever notice how all great threads have one poster that sucks? dude, that's you you liking that song explains alot about you cumgargler you probably like "feedback" on "live dead" too...
  20. ivan

    Close Gitmo?

    tvash - i miss hating that dude
  21. ivan

    Faking injuries

    in retrospect then, doing hte failure analysis, the failure here is not climbing w/ a friend (and possibly, not climbng w/ a serious excess of )
  22. ivan

    Faking injuries

    ha! says the man who briefly tried claiming "illness" until i browbeat him up goode (dude!) Hours of emergency bowl evacuations and the loss of a new pair of boots in a raging river had indeed sapped my will to climb. I commend you for the brow beating that i well deserved. Those trusty trail runners are still going strong. that night you spent tp-less and w/o hope, knee deep in the n fork of bridge creek puking out of your cornhole was quite possibly the sweetest night of sleep i've ever had in the n cascades - i seem to recall dreamign of bears eating everything in camp and not caring in the least - occasionally you'd crawl back into the tent and moan "duuuuuude" and i'd just come to for a second, attempt to give a shit, then, utterly failing, descend back into a golden, preternaturally perfect slumber
  23. ever notice how all great albums still gotta have one song that sucks? "she's leaving home" is the example from this'un
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