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Everything posted by ivan

  1. is that a jimi hendrix joke? if so, well played sir! B-HO plays guitar? no, but hendrix played "red house" and he was, like, a negro or something
  2. renew! renew! renew!
  3. I'll point you in the right direction: Your lesson plan should be titled: "Our Enemy, the State" i've been running that one since 1998, esse!
  4. is that a jimi hendrix joke? if so, well played sir!
  5. you might be happy to know at least, kk, that i'm not showing it live - through the wonders of the youtube, i plan on previewing it so i can figure out the best questions/activities to follow it with as a side note, assumign this speech is just blatant propaganda, what is the best way to prepare future citizens for living in a world saturated with propaganda?
  6. uh, dude, those speeches are aimed at the entire population of the country, which includes the chilluns and showing the angry rebuttal (even before jendal) is the best part of the whole experience!
  7. amusingly, most of my kids are convinced i'm a republicunt (probably b/c i spend so much time doing the devil's advocate thing for the red-team, and also b/c i look like a skinhead )
  8. hardly an erudite response, master orator is it legitimate for a teacher of government to show it's government in action? should all the parents have to agree before i turn on cspan? show the inauguration? the state of the union?
  9. how about making the captive audience stand for the pledge of allegiance every morning?
  10. is that a televised speech to ALL students w/o advance parental consent? how practical is it to get parental consent for every lesson plan i run in a year?
  11. see, that would be an excellent thing for a kid to say after seeing the address! we could yammer about that for a good long while and maybe the result would be a little more enlightenment?
  12. Not in the fucking least. This is a total outrage - and you'd feel the same if Bush had tried it. no i wouldn't - i routinely show the state of the union and other major presidential speeches to my social studies class - duh! it's s-o-c-i-a-l s-t-u-d-i-e-s. if i followed it up with a "so what did you children think about the powerful words that the Great Leader just said?" or "how can you help make the Great Leader's plans a reality?" that would be uber-disturbing, but that's not the gameplan - it's a critical discussion - do you agree or not? how likely is this to come to pass? how would you have done it differently? is this an important issue or not, etc. etc.
  13. Coincidentally, on-topic article in today's Times. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/health/2009803106_firefighters04.html great find and rebuttal do you really want your fire-fighters bandaging homeless folks while your house is burning?
  14. ivan

    Need Tickets!

    "someday, when the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there and give it all they got, and win just one more, for the jacko! i don't know where i'll be that day, but i sure won't smell too good"
  15. ivan

    What have you dropped?

    i dropped my jug off the next to last pitch of town crier on the upper town wall while soloing it this summer - made it kinda hard to do the last pitch - once back on the groudn though i found it in 2 minutes, not a scratch on it! not bad for a near 500 foot fall
  16. for real?!?!?! oregon rock climbing rivals yosemite!!! yes, rivals. rivals in the sense that the portland beavers could be rivals on the new york yankees
  17. ivan

    For Pink

    why'd the black man wear a tuxedo to his urologist? ....cuz he figured if he was gonna be impotent, he wanted to look impo'tant
  18. don't let the bastards getcha down there, mighty mitocondria! but seriously, go north and climb some good, clean stone, eh? all the or-e-gon slag heaps are cautionary tales wrought into rotten rock!
  19. ivan

    For Pink

    i like negroes - i used to even have some negro friends
  20. best bivy low down, if you're so inclined, would be the fatty ledge on the arete itself, right at the base of the crux pitch - protected from stonefall and plenty of space to pimp for buck: the lighter approach shoes the better, comfy rock climbing shoes (could do the whole thing in boots), cams to 3 inches, probably doubles in the .5-#2 range, coupla nuts (the crux is smallish nuts), no axe, no crampons (use a rock to get on route and do the raps off the summit to the flat glacier)
  21. filled out the eligibility quiz for medicare and got this nice response: "You will be eligible for Medicare Part A and B on October 1, 2039. If you are not receiving retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board, and you want Medicare Part B to begin at age 65, you must apply for Medicare during the three-month period before you turn 65. If you apply the month you turn age 65 or later, your Medicare Part B start date will be delayed. To apply please visit or call your local Social Security office or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. Medicare Part A helps cover your inpatient care in hospitals, critical access hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. It also covers hospice care and some home health care. Medicare Part B helps cover your doctors’ services, outpatient hospital care, and some other medical services that Medicare Part A doesn’t cover, such as some of the services of physical and occupational therapists, and some home health care. Medicare Part B helps pay for these covered services and supplies when they are medically necessary. For more coverage information go to Your Medicare Coverage. Note: You will be eligible for Medicare when you turn 65 even if you are not eligible for Social Security retirement benefits. For more information, please visit our retirement age FAQ."
  22. and i think the VA is partly what scares some of the nay-sayers, who realize that, though they claim the american fighting man gets the highest level of care when he returns home, that the reality is sometimes spectacularly different
  23. from the medicare website: "The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) administers Medicare, the nation's largest health insurance program, which covers nearly 40 million Americans. Medicare is a Health Insurance Program for people age 65 or older, some disabled people under age 65, and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant)."
  24. i hear you on rapping off bullshit, having just done the n face of index thang - at 260 lbs, fully loaded, i get massive testicular shrinkage putting my life on shrubbery
  25. and like them, best done drunk
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