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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    thanks W

    i dunno - sure sounds like obama's fault to me
  2. has it dried off enough to do anything free dave? i haven't been able to get motivated much for aid-climbing after school...
  3. anyone else have this experience w/ grigris in the extreme wet? i probably woulda just thrown myself off the cliff if i'd had to do a single rope rap and spared myself the trouble...
  4. i actually voted for the sweaty communist lesbian and her black boyfriend back in november, just so i wouldn't have to bore the piss out of my grandkids by recounting my memories of voting for the first HNIC (that and 'cuz i thought it must really hurt their feelings when they go to all the trouble of getting their names on the ballot and then no one, not even their relatives or friends, vote for them
  5. hey, maybe that's why i got meself so good n' clean this weekend, eh?
  6. can i please have a (trial) sample of the that you consume to make the world look the way you percieve it? john mccain did this campaign ad which decided to label tiger words the messiah, its not like 8-ball was running around saying he was sweet jeebus himself - you guys thought it'd be fun to apply the label, now you're bitching about it? [video:youtube] what politician challenging the incumbent party DOESN'T portray himself as the rescuer sweeping into save the oppressed chiluns wronged by the former fool? and again, the point goes over your head: sure some folks might worship the ground the prez walks on, just like a stubborn 25% or so of americans insisted until the end that bush was doing a great job, but the vast majority of those who voted for him didn't see him as jesus-christ on a cracker, just a less shitty, hey-wait, maybe not too terribly shitty! candidate. it's not like, no matter waht, 3 years from now that we'll consider his term a sucess. as you point out, if the deficit is still out of control, the economy in a shambles, and 2 or more wars still raging, i'm thinking the same moderate slice of the american pie will be looking for a new "messiah" to save them
  7. nice justin! glad you boys didn't melt - 'course, as i recall, the rain was actually stopping as we left next time ya'll need to finish up the headwall!
  8. how else can i make your ass look less huge?
  9. i've been accused of being a fair # of things, but harpy?
  10. so, again, a hand-raising of the self-described libtards round here - how many want the tap turned off on the 2 wars? i'm raising mine, and it's for that reason that i think you're silly for thinking people like myself are looking at the current president like he's god if, in 2012, those 2 wars haven't been put to bed, i'd be disinterested in voting for the man again - but then, do you really think the republicans would be offering a better option in that regard, the very people who put us in those wars to start?
  11. ivan


    "that nighttrain is a mean wine" - jake blues
  12. Trip: Beasodden Rock - Dimwits in Da Deluge Date: 10/17/2009 Trip Report: it was miker's bday, so what better way to spend it then getting kicked in the balls by mother nature in all her dank nastiness? the plan - get up aided-by-fewer b4 the skies opened, then the b-day boy would get his first ascent of the pipeline headwall in the expected downpour - we'd enjoy the mother of all kewl beacon raps from there, then maybe see if we couldn't get up the corner, a la terray and lachnel climbing through waterfalls on the eiger the first part went all to plan, though in my state of extreme mental confusions, brought on by a variety of factors, i left my full liter thermos bottle of hot coffee at home - it was to be sorely missed - i made good time up aided-by-fewer (or should it be aided-by-furher, as i'd just given my dome a nice new shave?), lowered down from the top anchor to the lower one, then set to pimp'n as mike got even w/ me on the clean, the first hint of the darkness of satan's asshole dawned in the west - rumbles of thunder - ominious vibes for the clueless crew i prepared as best i could, which involved removing my previously doctored trash compactor bag from my pack and strapping it on - dirt bag aid climbers don't need no stinking goretex! mike cast off even as the downpour began, interspersed w/ about a baker's dozen of bright lights of death down by the boat landing n' rock shaking rumbles mikey didn't appear too concerned - even as i progressively jammed myself further and further into the deep abyss made by the gaint detached column of free for all, looking for shelter from the storm [video:youtube] ever hear thunder at beacon? - come get some! [video:youtube] que bastardo! [video:youtube] this time last year, mike belayed me in the dry from this same perch - i wondered why the death aid-route i did was called 'fresh squeeze' - this trip i figured out why [video:youtube] cleaning the route turned into a real bitch - somehow i fucked up the initial traverse, the huge rope stretch and sodden rope making things a big bitch - halfway up the pitch i discovered that, after mike clipped an old pin on route, his weight partially unseated it and dragged it down, trapping the draw - he didn't notice this and continued on up, eventually leaving our single hammer on a beak he placed another 10 meters up - i intended on lowering down to clean the entire draw, but upon attempting this manouver, i discovered to my horror that my gri really couldn't pay out the sodden rope w/o sphincter-destroying starts n' stops, obdurantly refusing slack until suddenly it'd give 5 feet of it - after fucking w/ it for a few tries and scaring the shit out of meself , right under a waterfall, i said fuck it and decided to make it a challenge - the mammut sling and 2 biners were the ones i bootied of the capitan i think, and its a challenge for you sir, reading this - can you beat me back to it? fwiw, i'd be sure to have a hammer to clean the draw and fix the pin our rap off sean's new anchors was nice - nothing like shipping 5 quarts of black water right down your crotch off the belay device kenny n' justinp had set up a pimp shack below aided-by-more-now - i ducked under it, shed all my wet clothes (read, "all my clothes), immediately began chain-smoking cigs that werent' mine, and caught mike completing this most excellent rap [video:youtube] the tranquility of cover sit in - things took their natural course - the rain abated adn threatened to stop entirely, and i took to videotaping shiny things [video:youtube] after that, there was no stopping us - we eschewed the niagra falls torrent of the corner's 1st pitch for the bar and tied it on good n' tight, my wife being particularly delighted by the resulting 7-12 nap i then took upon reaching home next! Gear Notes: aid stuff yo! trash compactor bags Approach Notes: not the best of days for a flip-flop approach
  13. panorama of da menage-a-trois from the top of butterfly crest [video:youtube] bjork takes the turkey [video:youtube]
  14. good on topic response there, o-enligthtened one would all the libtards 'round these parts who want to suck the First Cock raise their (limped wristed) hands?
  15. You mean the two wars that Barry and the Democunts told us we'd no longer be involved in as empty campaign promises, and for which they continue to willingly spend billions? Those two wars? These deficits are all on B-HO and the D's. Take responsiblity motherfuckers. for a man who so stringently hates commies, you have an amazing ability to be brainwashed into repeating idiotic political saws all the deficits from 2000-9 are the dems? uh, what? it was a rep president AND congress for 6 of those years and its been less than 1 year for a dem president. campaign promises? 8-ball swore to end hte war in iraq but not precipitously and has to whit set a deadline for next year for removing all combat, and shortly therafter all-period, forces. it's still after that gonna be hard to turn off the tap of aid-money that bush so wisely set up. on afghanistan he was very hawkish, saying that's where the real fight was all the time. anyone who voted for the obama-lama and is suprised he's putting more chips into that shithole is a fool - he never was the perfect candidate, and this issue shows it clearly - he still was better than grandpa and the chick w/ the angry snatch. hey, have some faith! i'm sure this tiger-woods feller will get things reasonably patched up in time for another republican to thoroughly fuck it all up again.
  16. nonsense - you gonna be out at the big-b aiding w/ the brethern in the dank 2morrow? That sounds tempting, what you looking to get on? it'll be dank stupid, so aiding of course - pipeline to silver crow or freefirsum to pipeline headwall w/ hopefully a desert slice of se corner in the coursing rain - will be there w/ b-day boy miker, kenny should be there afternoonish and who the fuck else knows - show up w/ some jugs at least and have a ride.
  17. nonsense - you gonna be out at the big-b aiding w/ the brethern in the dank 2morrow?
  18. where's the lizard icon when you need it? christ, i wish i was the guy w/ the hotel-room-climbing-gf right'bout now
  19. fucking-A! kk, watcha thinking?
  20. this graphic at that link would hardly paint the obama-lama as the prime scapegoat for the mess, no?
  21. My view ranged from 90th street at 8:45am down to on area in the late morning. It sucked. I second JDjr's thoughts. what'eva! we both know ya'll were in on the conspiracy now! kev, do you also believe that jfk was killed by the cia, that alien bodies are on ice in area 51, that fdr knew the japs were coming on dec 7, that the pentavirate actually rule the world, the the pyramids were built by martians, etc?
  22. ivan

    WHAT?! Poor kid...

    hopefully the rest of the 12 monkeys thing don't play out though
  23. ivan

    WHAT?! Poor kid...

    what do you tell a kid w/ 2 black eyes?
  24. ivan

    WHAT?! Poor kid...

    why hasn't kevbone posted in this very important parenting thread yet!?!
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