they still make lead pipes? aren't those, like, dangerous or somethign?
maybe them asians finally put all their shit back together after ww2, eh, and it just turned out that treading water, w/ a lead-pipe no less, didn't exactly work as a long-range plan?
the fact that many students do well despite crappy teachers is excellent evidence for the importance of intrinsic motivation in students, the motivation they bring to the table, over the extrinsic motivation, the magic, that we assume god-like teachers can use to suddenly convince little johnny that shooting crank and having sex w/ his cousin isn't half as cool as doing calculus
i have a gibbon quote on my wall at school:
"but the power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy, except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superflous."
gibbon probably got the crap beat out of him on a daily basis for the first 20 years of his life though