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Everything posted by ivan

  1. b/c yer not willing to sign petitions? rimshot!
  2. fucking skiiers having fun...
  3. still....i should be able to walk into any sushi restaraunt on earth today, show my passport, and demand free tuna rolls i'm willing to accord them boys the same at mickey-d's on aug 6 n' 9th
  4. was thinking about this today walking between classes when i could swear i heard folks jabbering in japanese - looked all over the place, and sure as shit, there was a gaggle of studetns yammering away in the heathen tongue, some exchange studetns, some local roundeyes taking the japanese class here, all happy and friendly as clams. time is a good thing. it makes everything unimportant in short order.
  5. ivan


    seems ironic that we'd tell other countries to be nice to gay folk when we still have discriminatory laws ourselves? same as it ever was though i suppose...
  6. rotate!
  7. seems like, if you're gonna climb A5, you ought to solo! at least you only risk killing yerself
  8. it'll be as good at beacon as anywhere else in the gorge, adn at least you're on the right side of the river for getting sun! go do the se corner of beacon if you haven't before, it won't disappoint. no ice yet of course, it really aint' that cold, at least according to the bucket in my back yard
  9. i'll also like being able to stand fully upright while taking a leak this week sucks - wendsdays bad - next thursday would be nice.
  10. all them princesses w/ their rapunzel fantasies?
  11. ivan

    computer help

    digital sex? i still jerk off manually....
  12. ivan

    computer help

    aLl your iNterNet iS beLong to uS!!!
  13. political hatreds are hardly unipartisan - jesus, to hear the loudest on your side talk the past 3 years, obama is a leftist extremist socialist who wants all yer guns in addition to yer white girls, despite the overwhelming evidence during htat time that he's a ball-less moderate
  14. ivan

    Mt Hood

    you don't walk the road, but hte tilly jane trail from the cooper spur ski area - bonus pts if you can ski of course 2-3 hrs sounds about right, and of course the snow conditions can vary widely.
  15. naw, i ain't no bad ass, just see me many tr's if you got the time off then, pm me n' lets sort some shit out?
  16. ivan

    Very Interesting

    the whole world is wondering, what do the spirits tell kevbone about this right now?
  17. why don't canadians have more sex scandals firchrisakes, you seem to have no lack of testosterone? just manage to get all yer raw sexual anger out playing yer hockey-game n' clubbing baby seals n' ice-truck n' whatnot?
  18. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    Pica is the explanation given for kids that habitually eat dirt, coal, etc. Some say it can be a body's instinctual drive for nutrients lacking in diet. a read an article on it recently - one chick's vice was toilet paper - she said she always had a roll of it in her purse and went through a roll a day then there was the lady who ate about one couch a year, she said she was awfully attracted to the cushion stuffing
  19. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    wait, i thought you said you went to virginia tech? come to think of it, the only time i ever went to that campus was for the purpose of getting "higher"
  20. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    buzz killer? and thread drift besides - let's stay on the subject of nasty shit people will eat for no good goddamn reason!
  21. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    all these stories are of course total bush-league bullshit compared to the big boys, the folks who have the condition known as "pica" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pica_(disorder) contents of one such gentleman's stomach
  22. i fucking love this modern bit of internet-glory
  23. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    wait! you were there too! can't claim to have been anythign other than a bystander - the instict to test one's ability to consume revolting things is happily one i seem to have evolved away from
  24. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    buddy dan's meathead friend took the drink-a-gallon-of-milk-in-a-hour challenge (which i've never heard of anyone succesfully managing) - they were in morocco at the time - they couldn't find cow milk so settled for the camel sort - didn't have a hotel room so it turned into a piece of street theater whereupon they collected a fair amount of cash from bemused bystanders - he made even more off the crowd when he began retching in a container and, in a frantic effort honor the spirit of the bet, began to re-imbibe the vomitus - alas, it was not to be, and he spent the next several days in the third world w/ the violent shits, thereby winning friends and gaining influence on every tightly packed bus they rode. none of this kept he from reattempting the challenge (unsuccesfully) 5 more times. heard he's working for some senator now. his past is probably not a liability
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