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Everything posted by ivan

  1. kevbone will at some point rage on fathers who climb instead of spend time w/ their families
  2. sounds like trout creek needs a wind turbine?
  3. ivan

    RIP Phydeaux

    damn dude, when you plan on catching a break? as george carlin said, unless you're 90 and getting a tortoise, purchasing a pet is purchasing a small tragedy. i'm still angry at my last 2 cats for forcing me to boot them after totally melting down after we had kids and destroying my house w/ their piss n' shit... i've a lovely and friendly ball python that was given to me but that my kids quickly soured on if you'd like to fill the void
  4. 2012 goals: - climb 2 more el cap routes - get back into the alpine during the summer and not spend all my time wanking about on big walls - laugh my ass off and have a grand time w/ good friends
  5. ha! was gonna write the same thing, fucking word for word, 6 hrs ago, but decided i was already too goddamn cynical for my own good today
  6. looks like the summit of shuksan?
  7. more, more, more!
  8. so where's everybody else's shite already?!?
  9. it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart
  10. ivan

    Feedback Requested

    i volunteer might even give you strait answers if'n you find a way to make The Machine allow tr's to be generated in the columbia gorge forum
  11. Trip: Katani Rawk - The Curious Hangover Cure Date: 12/29/2011 Trip Report: yearly horrorfuck of the skull towards yuletime - too much rain, relatives, and rarefied whiskey left me a sodden, shameless sadsack - jesus, will SOMEONE please post some spray worth shitting on?!? morose w/o merit after a marathon sesh of watching the kids play lego harry potter, i was bleary-eyed n' whiskey drunk when the call came - the plaidman, day 70-something deep in his gorge project, needed accompaniment to tag climb #86, katani rock, right next to the scene of his earlier triumph on st peters prick - fine, i'll come w/ you, but i'm writing my own tr goddammit 'cuz you can't make the sacred fuck-word sing, n' you've less sense w/ cocksucker too bottom of the bottle bloated, liver-wise, i wasn't making some of the relevant connections in that: a) i'd likely be a fucking zombie at 630 in the following a.m. when this here adventure was set to begin unfolding b) it was pouring when he called and the fancy meteorologist pricks were calling for things to grow grimmer still c) the climb requires rude bushwacking and mossy, mossy chossmauteering ah, but what the fuck, why worry? i woke in the dark reasonably satisfied, proving to my debauched self that at least i oughta be able to repeat the feat next week when the mortgage man will demand my return to gainful employment - round the time the coffee started dripping though the hangover set in, and as i threw my sad climbing shit into the hooker bag i began to wonder, as the wife so often does, What The Fuck is Wrong W/ Me? duty called, and i took comfort in the knowledge that the plaid had all the details, that i didn't have the first clue what i was getting into, it would be pouring soon, but all i had to do was show up at loves (god how i miss the flying-j) in 20 minutes and Lay Down the Funk. apparently this is some famous old rock, just east of st peters - people since babelfuck have been scaling it, so how hard could it be? katani on the left, st peters the right. not a whole lot of pix to take on the approach - stumbling through briers and bullshit stones, covered in moss yet rolling right quickly, soaked from knees to hot-glued back together boots, i sank into the gray wooly funk of my damaged intellect and tuned out the happy teetotaler following me like a hairy terrier a few feet back - i urked up a half-digested sausage sammy, rank w/ whiskey-slurry, into my mouth and gutted it back down to spite meself useful beta? shit, i hear jeff and olson both have guides for the route, so watcha need me for? park right where you get off the interstate, where, ya know, you can see the rock. wander into the woods towards said rock, knowing that there is no trail really, but here and there an old roadbed that you can follow for a bit before it turns in the wrong direction - a good number of game tracks too - jesus fuck, how shitty would that 'swack be in summer, 'specially for the dog-forsaken fool wearing shorts? anyhow - cross 2 major streams, bearing left to a deep gully on the east side of katani - follow the gully up, here and there it steepens annoyingly - after about an hour bust out of the gully to the right, getting out on big talus slopes, invisible under 18 inches of fluffy moss - bring an ice axe! eventually the gully ends at a notch - the temptation is to go all the way up there, where you can easily gain the ridge that leads off to katani's summit, but if you do that you get cliffed out and have to do a rap? easier to go right about 50 meters before the notch, heading up a steep, woody and talus-strewn gully to where you can traverse the moss face - at this point the buffalo-herds of the previous century have been sufficient to lay in a good trail, and follow that - it's exposed for sure, and again an axe a good idea, but just 3rd classish - pull some moss moves and end up on the ridge - follow the trail on the east side just below the hump the plaid in said space finally getting some cool views the view east, w/ the aforementioned access gully at the bottom, just out of sight - kewl stovepipes at the top the creek flowing through the gully eventually turns into what no doubt would be a damn cool, long ice climb - surely some brave soul's done it? looks to have plenty of moderate ground, important for a sad-sack waterfall climber like m'self a hair-bit more of exciting, exposed 3rd class mud n' moss traversing puts you at another notch in a ridge, w/ this magnificent crux afore ye! yeah, it looks about like it feels to climb, pretty hohum - but it ain't the journey but the destination, dig? it's a short, say 20 meter pitch, w/ no pro save a reasonably modern pin - don't know how i woulda managed it w/o an axe, despite being 5.easy the true-slummit has little to commend it - no views to speak of - the rumor was there was a sweet vista-spot well below and at the terminus of the ridge, so we continued on over some more exposed 3rd class terrain plaid on the way down, st peter's prick behind him about 150 feet downhill through the woody and broad ridge, you get 2 little platforms - plaid at their intersection summit register here - only in oregon is said object so damn far from, ya know, the actual summit - no figuring them mazama fellers - here one of them, some dude named jeff thomas (?!) rationalizes his dirty theft - only one entry after this one, a big old clusterfuck ascent, damn near big enough group to play a full basketball game, in 2009 just in case you're in the market for a vintage ammo box - the pinnacle behind it would be pimping to the extreme if more ammo and the piece to pump'em through was embrasured atop it - could at least make life on i84 more interesting for them coffee-drinking, happy-go-fuck-me commuters down there summit panaroma, complete w/ plaidman's nose, though sadly, given my stature, i couldn't document his trademark nosehairs - the video does a shit job of showing the fantastic exposure on this little perch [video:youtube] amazingly, the rain had held off till this moment - the air was pregnant w/ impending cloudpiss however - all sounds hollow and dead, no answering shriek from my monkey-hoots at st peters - never a breathe of wind - as we started to reverse our track, of course all that changed and down the rain poured discovered at the top of the easy 5th class pitch that our rope was total shit for our intentions - it was an old bit of chopped rope that plaid had brought along, only half as long as we needed it to be for the rap, w/ the hardest part of the pitch right where it would end - a democratic decision was made to just leave it fixed - if'n that tickles yer sensibilities, feel free to go pluck it off and throw it down w/ all the goddamn party balloons i saw scattered here n' there about the approach gully - you'd be advised to have somethign close to a 50 meter rope to do a christian rap from the summit to the notch great walk out in the cloud murk, streaming w/ water, stumblefucking every step of the way - never seen a man take so many spills! in the end we elected to just cut straight for the road, ignoring our early traverse 'swack, and ended up in some old boys black-berry infested field - happily he left the gate unlocked and the bull in the pen so mine ice axe had not to be used in anger a fine holiday romp - my moroseness managed - i parted ways w/ the kilted-one and hopped off to safeway for wine n' new year's necessities! Gear Notes: 45 (?) meter rope - would recommend just taking a single standard half/twin-rope no rock gear needed ice axe a distinct plus Approach Notes: over some rivers and through a wood
  12. took a very hungover hike this morning, and shortly after half-hurling up a partially digested sausage biscuit, suddenly realized this thread was lacking washington's pertinent point of the subject, which perhaps you were alluding to? “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master."
  13. nice - mayhaps you get the yearly thread? here's what i found in my cc.com store...
  14. so you're problem is w/ nature - not that i'd disagree - life sucks - if there's a god, when it's all said n' done there might should be an inquest or a hearing or something - i'd be willing to testify for the prosecution - in the meantime i've bought several helmets.
  15. don't mean i can't look?
  16. # of 'mericans out of 10 who could find iraq on a map in 2001: 3 # of 'mericans out of 10 who could find iraq on a map in 2011: 3 noble fucking cause and worthy of the souls n' treasure, no?
  17. ivan

    Merry Chritmas

    it's been 3 pages, can someone now comment on the virtue of calling it xmas vs misspelling the baby-jebus holiday?
  18. shit boyz, come down this wayz and show the whole crew how to swing proper! n' be sure to bring the big-tittied bitches too, dig?
  19. i'm so cabin-fevered up i could easily be talked into a cross-country jaunt to sit in an ihop
  20. It is when I am there? now THAT might be enough to get me up there weather's good the whole weekend through monday at smiff, if'n ya'll don't want to snowslog - could have a tiiiiits party, w/ bonfire and mini-keg, in the west face cave of the monkey....
  21. Pullout is to the west, west of the Ranger station and Beacon Rock, right near Little Rd. It had no signs when I parked there. Btw, sent my paperwork, ticket, my written explanation as to why I was contesting it, etc. into the Court yesterday. Now, wait and see. And, agreed, attitude is everything. Should I make it into court, mine will be humble yet honest. i see said the blind man to the boy as he handed him the axe and saw good luck. yeah, shit, don't people live up that road?
  22. ivan

    Very powerful.

    don't folks form corporations for the purpose of political speech/action? such as, say.....the aclu?
  23. what i do in such circumstances is nigh on unphotographable
  24. walk in climbing gym, then walk quickly out?
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