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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    jesus, didn't you kids read "how to eat fried worms" when you were young(er)? you got to CHEW the motherfucker for the bet to count! goldfish in your beer, on the other hand, is legit just to chug however, as i've noticed they tend to become deceased damn near instantly upon entering their new aquatic environment
  2. ivan

    The $9.25 worm

    dumbest food bet i ever saw was at my rehearsal dinner 'fore the wedding - my best man bet my fresh-in-the-army little brother a cool franklin that he couldn't drink a full bottle of worchester sauce in a minute. it took all of 10 seconds to settle the dispute got a picture of the process on my wall at school w/ a helpful caption to teach the kidz: "don't make meathead bets w/ meatheads"
  3. churches! churches!
  4. the wife made a bitching dinner of pho using leftover turkey last night - i kinda od'ed on the pepper sauce additives though and have been experiencing certain, um, issues this afternoon
  5. http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2009/02/11/inglourious-basterds-teaser.jpg now that i can't abide
  6. any port in a storm? especially when the port is well-stocked w/ buxom women and heady brews?
  7. how badass would it be to come down from el cap, go the bar, then head right back up again?
  8. seems like you're set to be the big weiner
  9. as a teacher of high school government classes, i doubt those who fail to turnout have much to say that's worth listening to "make stuff gooder!!!"
  10. june 21, bitch! mark yer calendar! and seriously, you knooooow you could always stay till july 15
  11. guess i find ways to do what i find important? but who doesn't? not saying i'm busier than you or anybody else....i'm sure everybody's going to work in the dark, coming home from work in the dark, goign to sleep late, etc.
  12. ran into that frosty ammon feller n' his girlfriend who did the 1st repeat this summer - it was plain to see they were incredibly jazzed to be on it
  13. To each his own....but I usually don't put fun and aid-route in the same sentence. this looks pretty boring, right? shiiiit, kev, you'd dig it the most - w/ a fine portable stereo you could spend the whole belay session rocking out to 5150!
  14. To each his own....but I usually don't put fun and aid-route in the same sentence. really, who can't find hanging 30 feet off the ground on a loooong row of traversing rurps fun?!?
  15. wife n' kids bought there tickets for back east tonight, so.... jesus, my life always seems so goddamn busy that when i finally get a chance for a true expedition, i realize i've gotten everything lined up except the partner
  16. oughta give them aclu-lawyer boys some billable hours at least
  17. I have to work on Saturday. I was thinking of Ozone on Sunday for the sake of getting a bunch of climbs done there. dood, if you haven't done "go back to the gym" on the bat wall, there's a fun aid-route! bring yer rurps n' birdbeaks n' shorty knifeblades
  18. sounds like it passed this evening, and the house having passed already a similiar bill, will likely make the obama's desk - part of a 2/3 of a trillion $ budget bill...
  19. i got 3 weeks starting late june - hoping to climb the nose w/ an amigo the last week of june and will have a couple weeks after to do whatever w/ somebody else - the shield? zodiac? who gives a shit? its yosemite! i'll be happy doing goddamn near anything
  20. that probably had more to do w/ me pissing in the flower-boxes 'fore i made an ill-advised dash for the border
  21. you done jensen's plaid? setting up a convoy of white boys to make a congo line up that bitch on saturday. might have time to throw another exotic route like flying swallow into the mix.
  22. everyman's morals are malleable
  23. sounds like the most logical solution for them poor folks then is to make all work illegal?
  24. but the important question is, would you sign a petition intended to prevent the identification of future signers of petitions?!?
  25. i got a fierce crop of radishes right about now - don't know who planted'em, but there they are.
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