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Everything posted by ivan

  1. Ewwwwwwwwww... A mental image I did not need to have... the tiki bar has no effect on me as i spend all my time there in mortal terror of putting my head through into the kitchen
  2. bob marley would sign the petition “The people who are trying to make this world worse aren’t taking a day off. How can I?" - Bob Marley, after being asked why he was still playing at a political-rally 2 days after he’d been shot in a politically-motivated assassination attempt
  3. at least you could call him silverman, esq.?
  4. jesus, that dude's got a name even a writer couldn't invent
  5. alright, per sobo's link, the lapel pin is legit - reckon it just pimps out the standard western businessman uniform of presidents - i'd prefer to see them wearing a denny's hostess getup, personally...
  6. that might pass muster though? guess i gotta look up that link sobo had. what's wierd, though, is to notice how many other countries have picked up this wierd ass tradition! presidents of brazil n' mexico, for example: even the goddamn canukistanis!
  7. fuck the 1st amendment, the sumbitch who decided to use "fortunate son" as a patriotic soundtrack for a levi-jeans ad deserved summary execution
  8. our flag would be way more badass if the strips black n' we had skulls instead of stars
  9. you'd be amazed perhaps then by how astonishingly little i enforce the dress code seriously, what a fucking pain in the ass it is to try to get teenage chicks not to dress like sluts/callgirls/courtesans (all that matters is their income level) and their male counterparts in general to look like fine upstandign members of the community - it's such madness hardly any reasonable person can i think - mostly i just try to keep my eyes focused on that back wall i like school uniforms for a large # of reasons, only 1 of which is the ease of its explanation and enforcement
  10. as an aside, i though i recall from my boy scout days that it is in fact disrespectful to turn a flag into a piece of apparel? Abby Hoffmann caught a lot of shit for his American flag shirt in the early 70s. sure did, and thus my confusion at how, since then, all super-duper patriotic americans gotta have a flag on their hat, beltbuckle, tit, whatever - especially the teaparty types who bring the total flag custom to its logical extreme.
  11. sure. in a compulsory attendance environment, the #1 obligation of the state is safety. school uniforms! makes the hot chicks hotter and the ugly ones just bleeeeeeend into the crowd.
  12. as an aside, i though i recall from my boy scout days that it is in fact disrespectful to turn a flag into a piece of apparel? in other words, wearing a flag patch on a uniform is cool, but making a shirt out a flag or of what appears to be a flag is not. no difference to me, mind ye, red n white horizontal strips make me look too goddamn chubby Right, but I don't recall the story about them making a flag into a shirt. again, not trying to comment on the story directly. be the shirt made of a flag or merely appearing too (by having the image or pattern a part of the overall design), my understanding was this is traditionally not cool and essentially the equiavalent of dropping one on the ground or wiping yer ass with it or setting it on fire. personally, i look pretty bitch'n in a mao-suit.
  13. baby steps i guess. jesus harold christ, w/ every state bleeding red white n' blue from its fiscal asshole, why in the hell can't all the governors get behind taking pot-dealers businesses from them entirely for the glorified cause of pay bus drivers and welfare queens more?!?
  14. sarcasm, dood.
  15. as an aside, i though i recall from my boy scout days that it is in fact disrespectful to turn a flag into a piece of apparel? in other words, wearing a flag patch on a uniform is cool, but making a shirt out a flag or of what appears to be a flag is not. no difference to me, mind ye, red n white horizontal strips make me look too goddamn chubby
  16. "Them" being the students? Or the school? Racial tensions aside, in my opinion this should be no different than allowing the WBC folks' the right to protest at funerals. This is still totally a free speech issue to me. The American-flag-wearing students should not have been forced to remove their shirts. Looks to me like the school administration kowtowed to the Latino student population in order to avoid an altercation. That's a pretty poor motivational basis, if you ask me. I know that the decisions reached in Snyder v Phelps and the CA high school flap were made by two different courts, but I see a distinct lack on consistency in these two rulings as they currently stand. It's OK for the WBC to drag out signs and banners and protest loudly, condemning GLBTs in a most flagrant and insensitive manner, in effect endorsing hate speech. Yet, it's not OK for students to wear a T-shirt with an imprint of an American flag upon it on a day wherein another culture celebrates its national heritage. The question to ask oneself here is this: "Were any Latino students who wore T-shirts espousing their national heritage also required to turn their shirts inside out?" If the answer to that question is "no", then this is a distinct case of discrimination and the court's decision is flawed. a public school is a very different location than a street corner however. if some dipshit has a "god hates fags" billboard up on the corner, you can walk on by or get in his face and say the most hateful shit you too can think of. niether are options for students in my classroom. if they do the former, they get suspended for skipping class. if they do the later, they get written up for fighting.
  17. funny, drinking and contemplating prison (and summer, for that matter) have worked wonders at keeping me at this thing for going on 2 decades now raises? shit! i'd be happy enough if we could just tread water!
  18. but...but...but...that took like 30 seconds of my life to do and the bastards at the aclu won't put my gift of 69 cents on my credit card! okay, now i need help de-coding the say-nothing-in-300-words-or-less response i got from cantwell
  19. awwww, pat....he can always work on his punctuation there too
  20. hell's bells, it's an easy concept: you're not allowed to have fun at school. ever. if you are, you SHOULD probably be in trouble.
  21. you're asking the wrong guy at any rate - THIS is who you oughta be talking to!
  22. i've always been a big fan of school uniforms, no gray areas, plus its kinda cute?
  23. you could just use "logorrhoea" and appear a more formidable scrabble player to boot
  24. so....china's evil b/c its expanded it defintion of who's poor by 100%? you woulda been a big herbert hoover supporter back in the day, no? $1 per day! Sounds to me like you support a very limited upper class--and semantics that gloss-over oppression. i'm not chinese, nor have i traveled to a chinese city, let alone the immense chinese countryside, so i can't claim to understand their system or their economy all that well but what i see, at least from a PR perspective, is a chinese governmetn admitting it has a large poor class - the first step in solving any problem is of course admitting the problem exists (your climate crowing of late being a fine example of such) i wonder how much purchasing power 1$ has in the typical chinese village? reckon they're not buying a lot of itunes?
  25. holy shit, they also are drinking coffee and reading the paper in the back of the room while the 1960's era film-strip is rolling?
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