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Everything posted by ivan

  1. doesn't look like the white river glacier will even last the century...
  2. makes it quite obvious why the elliot glacier headwall was once popular
  3. kinda makes me wonder...
  4. ivan

    Virus that learns

  5. found my first 2 weeks ago in the gorge - as w/ climbing, think there may be no off-season for'dem bitches there
  6. funny, i see quite a few angry, YOUNG white kids floating around my work place every day... ...i guess it is the pacific northwest though. "no numbers= no power" only works too if the folks w/ no numbers have no cash. angry whities will be hanging on to that for a good long while i'll wager.
  7. nonsense. republicans were once the party of lincoln and the democratic party of today is the direct descendent of the one that fought to preserve slavery. since our national memory for such history is essentially nil (and arguably not even relevant anyway), the republicans have no theoritical barrier to pandering to minorities. i admit it will be hard for them, but then if angry whities start showing up w/ the dems again, that'll help... angry white guys will continue to be powerful at any rate, just less so than in the past, which i imagine we can all agree was too goddamn much.
  8. nope, gonna need a lot more uneducated and angry brown folks on your team again, i'm all for it, i just don't think its gonna be "the end of history"
  9. i just try to make certain it contains titties and some big words i don't know yet - i find a damnable tension between the two demands
  10. 1 minute clip of a 20 minute episode, phat-boy, come on!!! ya wanna summary of a summary?!? THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT. and what's his name was mickey, for chrissakes - w/o him rocky would been just another lousy wop!
  11. madness...madness... ...but can he do integrated calculus yet?
  12. truly, and thus my reason for finding "time enough at last" the best of the original twilight zone episodes, holy shit that thing was dark! [video:youtube] certainly not much time in 5 minute breaks between classes...
  13. only russia could throw a fine pussy riot in prison
  14. that doesn't sound necessarily awesome - it was lbj's insistence on being the strong man that fucked the libturd dream of a better society the last time the democrats were able to have more than 8 years in the office - i guess the reality of the flyign killer robots obama embraces today might make this more palatable to the body politic though, but that doesn't make me feel real warm and tingly...better than a huge invasion of iraq at least i guess? more corporate money flowing into democratic hands oughta corrupt them boys just as much as the elephants too i'd think...
  15. nice - now that wasn't so hard, eh? i'm as happy as the next guy to see the republicans beat-down, of course, but can't imagine how anyone could see much of a "glow" in the Vast Liberal Majority out there as there seems no end to the nastiness all the presidents in my living memory had even more lack-luster 2nd terms than firsts, so i've kept my hopes suitably scaled not that i want it, but a century worth of presidential statistics show the republicans, as the opposition party, having an extremely good chance of taking back the white house in 2016 - 'mericans just are a fan of that green, green grass over there...
  16. your contempt for a curiously crafted quip is criminal, sir, criminal. your spray-fu is fucked for sure - you're not here to win hearts and minds, monseigneur, but to make art by the mangling of words and memes keep fighting the good fight though
  17. since there's no summary, and like everybody else, i didn't come to spray to do no fancy book-learning, i'm assuming, given the grandiose title of the thread, that the article is predicting an end to the "old" political landscape of liberals vs conservatives. for any who read the whole thing, is that the point? and if so, has there ever been a moment in history when one of those classic antipodes was succesfully banished? indeed, can one even exist w/o the other. the republican party might well die tomorrow - the cranky fucks that typify it, however, are eternal.
  18. yup, we're the only folks in the whole-wide world w/o the time nor inclination to read a thirty minute long article (specially on walking-dead monday night, goddammit!)
  19. asking for the cliff note version of a classic tale is hardly dismissing it, merely admitting there are many other demands of life precluding the possibility of fully considering every pearl of wisdom put before you, no?
  20. and beards, shit, beards! perhaps the only definitive change in our presidential history since taft, a cool century ago - now all deez cunts are clean-shaven, but i got a clairvoyant sense they'll be coming back, soon enough...
  21. meh, nothing changes in 'merica but the width of tight-asses' ties n' the cut of dumb bitches' bobs!
  22. immortals can't die (until they do )
  23. saw both, deep in the delerium of a morphine-frenzy, celebrating our return to a desolate KIA, w/ a week of foul weather n' nothing else to do
  24. or just do the rocket this year (probably take some time to work the kinks out anyway) and use the family pet for the payload, sans re-entry plan?
  25. this guy's gonnna be huuuuge in north korea
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