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Everything posted by ivan

  1. putting a helmet cam on is a lot like donning a red shirt in the star trek universe
  2. them cameras sure can take a lick'n
  3. all the more reason to bring some powerful mind-benders to wack the whole thing back into shape as needed don't forgot the most critical item (and today his berfday no less!):
  4. congrats. i'm waiting to send meself once i learn the black-art of skiing
  5. all 4 big, hairy, nasty guys, or svelte, lillac-scented vixens? i saw a team of 3 crammed into a technically 3 person tent completly explode in a hate-fuck scream-session at 11k - the fact they were all camped on top of each other seemed to be a contributing factor
  6. i saw their tracks approaching it, but nobody on the ridge itself - got the wine-o late-start, and all my happy-thoughts were gone by the end of the slog over to i-rock through the deep snow - breezy n' deep over there - woulda been stooooked to have seen them topping it out...
  7. long and pointy
  8. In that case I suppose tripods = aid too. anything more fancy than a pad n' pencil i can't even imagine the shake-down me n' my buddies would get trying to fly into canuckistan and back!
  9. ivan

    Mt Hood

    damn near a hundred people y-day not entirely pleasant conditions currently for bipeds - skiiers in hog heaven
  10. the exotic vintages of peter vella n' franzia weigh in at 12% and about 3$/32 ozs - hopefully someone who majored in an actual science can do the analysis. on the other hand, they don't take like lightly carbonated piss n' make you bust ass every 5 minutes, plus you can make excellent sauces ...
  11. pretty certain most of the tea party folks got off at mars to take a leak before continuing on to uranus, to count its many rings
  12. any particuliar reason we can't use midgets - tywin lannister would be a capital feller for this here endeavour, and his wine needs ought to be down-scaleable as well
  13. funny, my partner of last summer made the same attempt under the influence of - he didnt' actually stick the landing, sadly thunderbird's mean. the last time i pissed my pants woulda been 1977 were it not for one ugly night on that train...
  14. burgundy's like, 3$/liter - just 'cuz it's cheap don't mean it's gotta be boones, dood.
  15. if french scientists can do anything, they oughta be able to figure a way to turn my piss back into cheap wine?
  16. "never forget, should you need help, you can always call a friend. sure, some asshole wrote that in a poem once. probably good advice, especially if you have shit for brains."
  17. i'd just be alarmed if, god forbid, my calculations for the essential burgundy were badly off, that i'd be stuck sipping off the rocket fuel for the burn back home if there was no thought of a return trip though, name the craft the "uss hunter thompson," paint it purple n' pack it full of every drug known to man for the party of century!
  18. ...carry you, your personal effects, and most importantly, the quantity of alcohol you'd require to survive a 2 year stint to mars and back? would there be enough volume in the space craft itself to store that many boxes of franzia?
  19. i assumed there was one - rain was already falling, we'd just boots and gigs in the evening too, so the cards weren't right - it's worth goign back for how hard the all of 20 foot climb? 5.7?
  20. certainly won't do that again...
  21. ivan


    for a man who makes his bank cutting down trees, blaming co2 problems on bikers makes a great deal of sense i guess he is republican though...
  22. ivan


    funny - old boy popped into my school year's ago on election day before i knew who he was, to get some face time w/ the kids - the legislature had just passed a bonus for teachers who got a national board certification, which i'd just finished up, so i asked him to pass on my thanks to the august body he was there representing, to which he smiled and said, "oh yeah, they were totally wrong on that, and i'll be working hard this year to undo that. teachers are really far too overpaid." wow, thanks for the visit, asshole
  23. so: sean penn < dennis rodman < jane fonda?
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