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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    Shot or Jail?

    "if you will it, it is no dream"
  2. ivan

    Shot or Jail?

    why all the angst, afterall, these are just 2 more unique and beautiful snowflakes, right? colonel kurtz: "you have a right to kill me, you have that right, but you have no right to judge me"
  3. shit, you do the first 2 pitches of teddy bear's, ya gotta keep going up the free lunch!
  4. ivan

    Shot or Jail?

    i was just assuming they were taking the old testament too seriously - seems like they're pretty much in line w/ dude-er-onomy
  5. ivan

    Shot or Jail?

    kev, since yer close to yer wife n' all, what on earth was the motivation here? these folks just crazy? seems like too simple an explanation - jesus freaks? i can understand beating the hell out of your own kids ( ), but why the fuck go adopt some more if they piss you off so much? is this akin to cat-hoarding or something?
  6. ivan

    Shot or Jail?

    there's not a great distance between playing god and thinking you are god i'm w/ colonel kurtz on this one.
  7. so hard to find people like you...sadly, i'm in olympia all weekend talking to politicians who won't be giving a fuck about what i have to say
  8. ivan

    2 Trillion

    you can't put a price-tag on freedumb - FREEDUMB AIN'T FREE!!!
  9. ivan

    2 Trillion

    i'll just borrow the money from china, duh. they proably make the goddamn thing anyway, amirite?
  10. ivan

    2 Trillion

    wtf is a robo squirrel and where can i get one (this goddamn dog needs to get his due)?
  11. it's never too cold to climb in the sunshine areas, though they are also obviously the most popular you'll be fine, but take yer puffy jacket
  12. ivan

    2 Trillion

  13. ivan

    2 Trillion

    it only takes 6000 years to count that high?
  14. ivan

    wake up slaves :)

    i like to use the snooze bar a bit more
  15. ivan


    would love to see that
  16. ivan


    tells me everythign i need to know. I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE.
  17. "Among the possibilities being considered: a shorter presidential nominating calendar, fewer primary debates..." actually, a great bit of after-action common sense - trump, caine, newt, that texas feller, etc. sure were at their best when they weren't talking.
  18. where's your tr? did you climb the first gendarme - i never have fuond that thing in shape to support my weight
  19. i see it as no sin to cross link one fine tr to another
  20. duh, if you don't leave SOME enemies out there, you can't justify an eternal cc.retard drone program!
  21. and take bug repellent, just in case mutant black-flies have already hatched
  22. katahdin has some really cool routes - enjoy, but shit, this time of year, don't you ahve to like walk 20 miles to get near it?
  23. the drone industry just needs to figure out a more pleasing name for their product: aerial american autobots? Friendly Airborne Guys (FAGs)? ronnie reagans? osama's banes?
  24. there's nothing at all funny about climbing in comfort
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