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Everything posted by ivan

  1. el cap season's almost here for this olde boye!
  2. taking the boy out to red robin for his 7th bday tonight - might possibly be able to come across the river afterwards
  3. holy shit, did spiccoli grow up n' order pepperoni pizzas for the whole class this time?
  4. if the rastafarians couldn't resolve this contentious issue, how conceited to think we can
  5. bet it'll be fine - still, you trying to shoo your kids across it?
  6. chain link fences work well too - 'specially the ones round prisons - taller, more objective hazards
  7. a bit of a drive, but if you want a true, true classic multi-pitch a0'ish climb, do the west face of the monkey at smith - extra points for hauling a pony-keg up n' over asterisk pass, and extra-extra points if the haul-bag ends up w/ a grill and some satay for the pimpfest in the west cave might as well learn to big wall aid in comfort from the start - there's no honor in it, see, so ya just gotta milk it for all the disrepute you can hump out it?
  8. no room nor need for an ar-15 on the way to mars n' back
  9. ivan

    Sobo's Updates...

    sounds like you boys got this war just about won now
  10. meh. there's literally no hypothetical situation you can concoct that a nra-type's going to agree would justify anything you'd likely want them to. seriously, can you think of one?
  11. he looks like such a charming, dapper man it ain't easy to say fuck you to millions of people w/ a smile, no? #training
  12. tobbaco wouldn't be a problem if we started mandating all children to smoke. when exposed to smoke at a young age, the body learns a way to just shut cancer down. read your internets.
  13. perhaps if we made everbody have a car things would get better too?
  14. funny, my now-fucked suunto was currently being rubber-banded onto my wrist
  15. mine just went tits up - i don't need nothing fancy, just a cheap as possible basic watch that will tell me literally how high i am
  16. i would rather be put in the Total Perspective Vortex
  17. what would lao tzu do?
  18. ivan

    Wanted: Weed cannon

    the national zoo woulda never gotten a panda with that kinda thinking, rob
  19. dunno, i've never been able to afford one - i'm more a "irresponsible non-owner" i suppose.
  20. perhaps his point is a satiric one, the every gun owner might be considered responsible up until the moment they're not?
  21. ivan

    Wanted: Weed cannon

    sure, though as you know, they'd all by their lonesome managed to push us and our erstwhile allies into the exact same position at the start of the conflict. i've no point beyond the simple: don't assume b/c they're a bunch of clowns that they can't fight mean n' dirty
  22. ivan

    Wanted: Weed cannon

    despite their taste in leisure-ware, them koe-rean boys sure did a fine job of hanging onto the 38th parallel despite us doing our damnedest though
  23. guns don't kill relationships, babies do!
  24. this is when my boy beatard-ben would say somethign like "oh shit, stop! i forgot my jacket/helmet/food/shitbag/etc back there"
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