This weekend is the anniversary of a couple of ascents of the North Face of North Twin.
Go get it boys and girls!
1. Lowe-Jones VI 5.10 A3, Chris Jones, George Lowe, August 6 to August 12, 1974 [“Ascent” 1975-1976, p. 8-13, AAJ 1975, p. 1-8]
2. House-Prezelj Variation 5.9 A2, Steve House, Marko Prezelj, 2004 [“Alpinist” No. 8, p. 40-47]
3. North Pillar VI 5.10d A2, ca. 60 pitches, David Cheesmond, Barry Blanchard, July 31 to August 5, 1985, a lot of free climbing (only about eight aid points) and genarally good rock, particullary on the headwall [AAJ 1986, p. 73-79, “Mountain”1986, January/February, No. 107, p. 6-7]