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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. REPENT ALL YE SINNERS! The end is near!
  2. Another one I just remembered that might fit the bill as a good first alpine ice climb: NF of Observation Rock on Mt. Rainier. I havent' done it, but it sounds perfect. No crevasse issues, low commitment, within mom's taxi service range (hahaha). Here is Dave's trip report: ALPINEDAVE IS A GOD!
  3. I'd recommend getting a wee bit of mellow ( Anyway, here are some routes that sometimes/usually have alpine ice in the Cascades: NE face of The Tooth NF Chair Peak Stuart Glacier coulior Ice Cliff Glacier Dragontail - Triple Couliors Mt. Adams - Adams Glacier NF Maude NF Shuksan NR Baker Southside Hood. Seriously! I actually placed two screws on it one time in very very late season. Most of those if done early season will be snow climbs. Later season will be more ice. Late, late season could be melted out rock. Don't bite off more than you can chew!
  4. "Pasted" is idiotese for "passed".
  5. Johnson, Thanks for posting. I was leading our group up the trail and Mack walked down the trail towards us. I was surprised to see a dog off leash with no owner around, but figured he was a chill dog. I stopped walking, checked him out trying to gage his manners, put my hand down and let him smell me. He seemed OK with me. Then I walked by and we were all looking over at the right side of the LTW looking for a friend. When we turned to go back to Roger's Corner, Mack started snarling and sort of hopping and nipping at the back of Emily's (person at the back of our group) backpack and the backs of her legs. I started yelling and picked up a couple rocks and got between Mack and the rest of our group. Mack was trying to follow us and still seemed aggressive. In fact, he followed us all the way over to the trail that goes up to RC. Your other two dogs were tied up and the smaller one (border collie?) was barking a lot. The big husky one seemed totally chill. Had Mack actually bitten Emily, yes, I would have smashed him. I also would have called the cops and I imagine you would have been fined or cited or arrested. I dunno. I love dogs, but obviously not dogs that attack people. I encourage you to leave the dogs at home if they can't be attended at the base of the crag. Being barked at (even by a dog that is tied up) is no fun and being nipped and snarled at by a dog that is off-leash and unattended is totally unacceptable.
  6. Sweet! So it sounds like you went to the top of the col of the east couloir on Chackachamna (the couloir to the right as looking at it from camp)? That is indeed a beautiful area. I enjoyed the TR; thanks for posting!
  7. WHAT!?!? Has it been updated or is it just a reprint?
  8. To Cman or Bldr, Hey, you weren't the owner of the aggressive brown dog that was roaming around unleashed and snarled and nipped at my friend were you? To whomever the owner of that dog is: I almost killed your dog - came pretty close to smashing its head in with a rock.
  9. BUMP Howdy folks. Some good shots of Index. It would be nice to have a better picture of the East Butt on SEWS. I think Fred wants one from the base or the approach looking up at the buttress. Anybody have anything like that? He also wants a good picture of "the west side of Mt. Hood". Not sure if he means a long-range shot (like from PDX?) or something a little closer.
  10. CC, that is a repost. Jeez, you should pay more attention. I think this is a better way to approach climbs: Picket Range Approach Vehicle?
  11. I would be very leary of that gully approaching/descending from Liberty Bell this weekend. http://www.nwac.us/products/av_fx_page.htm edit: Whoops. Just saw this part: Anyway, I'll leave the caveat about the avy danger here for other looky lous possibly considering this route in the near future.
  12. This picture was taken about 4pm today.
  13. Sale starts tomorrow Items that will be on sale This link shows what items will be on sale, but doesn't list the sales prices yet. Members use ANNV20 for 20% off 1 itm during the sale (not good on Outlet) Buy an item tomorrow, use it for 12 years, return it to REI, tear it in half in front of the clerk, get angry, get new gear.
  14. I think a shot of climbers on the EB of SEWS taken from the summit of NEWS might look pretty cool. Anybody have a shot like that?
  15. Freddie B is looking for a couple pictures for publication. Please post what you have for the East Butt of SEWS and a good quality shot of the North Peak of Index from the Road. Please post 600X800 max. We can get a hi-res version to Fred later. I'll point him to this thread after some quality entries have been posted. You won't get any money, but you will get your name in print as a photo credit.
  16. Alpinfox

    Help with TR

    Hey joe, Apparently you need some help with the TR. Hopefully the following comments are helpful: I'd recommend adding more time. I think I speak for most of us when I say that we get a little overwhelmed by the idea of climbing 32 desert towers in one trip. Now, if you did your "trip" over about 25 years, maybe the rest of us could imagine maybe possibly doing it. I'd also recommend climbing easier routes so that we can relate. I mean, 5.11c mud climbing? What is that? Is that like climbing the tooth at all? Please compare it to something I'm familiar with. Hope this helps. Better luck next time.
  17. Alpinfox on the cube Some guy in the trees? Andrew S eatin some noodlez Pope on teh Blue Flake pitch. Dreamer. Prusik teh demon dog. Some snow and a guy. Yocum?
  18. Alpinfox

    John Frieh

    Thanks for starting a new thread for this bullshit. I like the "BEST CLIMBS ON EARTH" thread. Even if there were some bullshit statements made about what is "moderate". Bring it here.
  19. I agree with Frieh (nice rhyme). This thread had some potential but all you buttknocker wanna-be and actual lawyers are muckin it up. Now STFU and post lists of cool climbs (with pix preferabbly) and leave the arguin' out. I'll edit this post with more of my picks when I think of them, but Lotus Flower Tower has gotta be on there. LFT video try to ignore that chick's annoyingly high whiney voice. Climbs I've DONE: NR Stuart, DEB of SEWS, Washington Pass, Beautiful exposure and position, 5.9/A0 or 10+ Complete Exum on Grand Teton, 5.7, 3000'? without much 3rd/4th. Prob not the best in the tetons, but the only one I've done. Crimson Chrysalis, Red Rox, if only it weren't so crowded! This House of Sky, Ghost River Valley, Canada (dozens of soloable WI3 steps in a cool little gully) PHUN! I love easy ice climbing. No fear, just fun. Denali, West Buttress. Learn what big time expedition climbing is like. See the AK range. Vestal Peak, East Ridge?, San Juan Mtns, CO. 5.2? Beautiful position and area. Lots of single pitch stuff, but I don't think they are within the scope of this discussion. Climbs I HAVEN'T done: Passport to insanity, Australia: Amazing handcrack through huge roof. Serenity Crack, Yose: Gimli Might actually do this one this summer!??! Rebel Yell, EF of Chianti, 5.10 to tiny summit. SF of Prusik. Embarassing that I haven't done this yet. South Howser Tower, Beckey-Choinard OMG. This seems like it might actually be attainable for a wuss like me, but at the same time, mind-blowingly beautiful. Exasperator. 10c. Why haven't I done this yet? Several of those climbs that Blake did in New Zealand a couple years ago looked like serious contenders for worldwide classics. What was that one super long mellow alpine ice thing?
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