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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I wear five-ten ascents (the brown/black velcro padded heel "rigs") for just about everything. They are comfortable, "perform" well enough for me, and are easy to take on/take off between climbs (two velcro strips). I wear them for 20 pitch trad routes and one pitch sport routes. My favorite shoes ever are five-ten moccasyms, but mine were stolen. I need to get a new pair, but haven't done it yet. For thin cracks, technical faces, etc, they have been my favorites. I wear them, and all rock shoes, with my toes flat. I have a milk crate full of about 6 pairs of rock shoes in my garage that I never wear anymore: Scarpa marathons, madrock mugen, ..... can't think of the others right now.
  2. Flew from SEA to DEN today. We flew right down Ingalls Crk as well and Stuart and the Enchantments were gorgeous. Prusik Pk was a little less impressive from ~10k' than from the base of the south face. I love flying.
  3. Shane McGowan once fell off the stage onto the guy in front of me. Is he still alive? wikipedia says still alive.
  4. Alpinfox

    on the way

    Apparently I'm also missing 6ft crown avalanches (saw AK Mtn TR). I'll take the sun, coyotes, and lifetime worth of "monzogranite". Hidden Valley cmpgrnd is almost empty. Come on down!
  5. Alpinfox

    on the way

    Yo fooos, Frosty nights and sunny days. Jtree is bootiful as usual. Saw a bobcat. Did some climbing. Drank some wine. Hi from SoCal.
  6. Alpinfox

    on the way

    by the wAy iPhones is rocksor
  7. Alpinfox

    on the way

    helllo from sunny warm no cal So warm here I'll probably have to strip down to thong soon Thanks for the love yall I'll keep you in my thoughts
  8. Alpinfox

    on the way

    to jtree Posting from iphone Get jealous bitches Green suby. WA plates Hidden valley. bring beer
  9. Yeah, looks like I got the "hey, you get prodeal/brodeal/dealmeister prices on all your shiz anyhoo, so we ain't payin YOU retail" treatment. USAA has been a pleasure to deal with for every other issue I've ever had with insurance, but I'm pretty pissed on this deal. The way I figure, they owe me $2500.
  10. Results: The total value of all the stuff stolen came to about $5000 retail. Here is a quote from the USAA website: They asked me to list when I bought the gear (presumably so they could calculate depreciated value? WTF?) They ended up cutting a check for about ~$2500. I was pissed. I've argued to no avail. Fuck USAA.
  11. I bought six ice screws from Ryan a couple weeks ago and he mentioned that he was embarking on a multi-month-long climbing trip. I don't think he is a thief. I'm guessing there is some explanation for this situation.
  12. Thanks for all the info folks. David Whitelaw, Fred Beckey, and Britta and I made it as far as Reflection Lakes before bad weather and a sour stomach turned us around. It snowed about two inches while we were out and it looked like there was quite a bit more on the way, so the skiing might be good. There was a breakable crust with about 6-8 inches of unconsolidated sugar underneath, so it wasn't the best hiking conditions. If we had gotten off the packed trail, I think snowshoes would have been desirable. It was nice to get out in the mountains for a day, even if it was only for a 3 mile flat walk.
  13. According to some guy I talked to on the phone (360-569-2211) the road is closed at paradise. Is paradise the best place to approach from then or would Narada Falls lot (or somewhere else along the road) be better? Which routes are fun (with relatively short approaches and difficulties <5.4)?
  14. I'm considering a day trip to the Tatoosh area on Sunday. I've never been in that area and so I'd like some advice. It seems like Lane Peak, Castle, and Pinnacle might be good objectives. Is the Paradise lot the best place to park for those? Any route recommendations or advice? A shorter approach would be preferred and technical difficulties up to a short section of very low 5th will be fine for my partners. Anybody been in the area recently? Conditions?
  15. Anybody have a copy of Sky Valley Rock they would be willing to part with? Mine was stolen. Send me an email: alpinfox at yahoo
  16. It's a long shot, but has anyone here used the new Petzl Reverso? I saw it at the FF gear rep shindig on wednesday and it looks good. According the the rep, it will be in stores in the spring. [gvideo]-244587966990674964[/gvideo]
  17. Looks promising. Give us a report when you've used it a bit. Smoother than Guide XP for belaying a leader? This should be in Gear Critic forum I think. info from Kong
  18. You would have to fuck up in a pretty big way to generate even half that much force in a crevasse rescue situation.
  19. First roped climb: Something at Garden of the Gods, CO. Might be this one: First roped alpine climb: Vestal Peak, CO. Wham Ridge, 5.4ish It's the peak on the left in this picture:
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