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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox


    Lummox is right; the boots that fit you are best. Rainier in July usually is not very cold, so you shouldn't have to worry about your feet freezing. You WILL have to worry about having some big heavy anchors on your feet and getting blisters and stuff like that, so use the boots that are the lightest weight/most comfortable. Plenty of people (myself included) have done comfortable summer Rainier ascents wearing lightweight leather boots (La Sportiva Glacier's for example). You could always bring along a pair of toe warmers for summit day if you brought lighterweight boots and were worried about the cold. I'd recommend lightweight alluminum crampons as well. Which route are you planning on doing? Happy Trails.
  2. Alpinfox


    Snowpuppy. You might want to provide a bit more info. If your "expedition" is to the beaches of Karabi, I'd suggest flipflops.... etc.
  3. It's a direct link to a quicktime movie file. It's a large file from a slow server, so it will take a while to download. The item featured is some kind of cordless drill attachment that allows you to drill in your ice screws. I don't think I'd want to haul a drill on an ice climb, but it sure is fast.
  4. Alpinfox

    good music

    I be guessin' you be fessin' Ya best show up if ya dont wanna be shut up. Represent!
  5. Alpinfox

    good music

    BP! I think I'll make it tonight. Ain't got shite else goin' on, might as well live the city life while I'm in town. -P
  6. Nice! I bet you got some sweet pictures with red rocks/white snow? Speaking of sheep. Do you know if those "mountain sheep" you see in the Fraser Valley are the same thing as "Big Horn Sheep"? Or maybe "Dall Sheep"? Sounds like a great trip.
  7. Did you say "a mix"? GlassgowKiss' Mix: Alpinfox's Mix: p.s. It was COLD up there yesterday. Toe/hand warmers were in order. Nice ice though.
  8. Which routes did you climb? Did you pick up any hitchhikers?
  9. Hey did you get any pictures of the guy who climbed AFTER texplorer? That would be me... It's a fun route. Nice work MisterE!
  10. So which one of you wankers dropped your pack off the climb on Saturday? HAHAHAHA! Edit: Please forgive me. I've been hanging out with PolishBob and IveBeenDrinking. p.s. WANKERS!!
  11. Climb: Mt. Baker-Pan Dome Falls Date of Climb: 1/22/2004 Trip Report: I climbed at Pan Dome Falls with GlasgowKiss today. It's a nice area. Super easy approach, nice 50m tall ice, and even has a couple of bolted drytool/mixed lines off to the right (an M7 and a M8). GlassgowKiss led up the right side of the falls and set up a toprope and we did laps. We tried out some leashless tools that he borrowed; damn those things are nice! But then again, my tools are old, straight-shaft X-15s, so a couple of sharpened sticks would probably be an improvement for me. Pan Dome Falls in the afternoon when the weather arrived: Alpinfox trying to look like he knows what he is doing: GlasgowKiss showing how it's done: Thanks GlasgowKiss! Gear Notes: Used Charlet Moser Quark Ergo ice tools. BAD ASS! Shoulda had some beer. Approach Notes: Easy approach
  12. Anybody have any experience with the Metolius "Easy Aiders" and "Easy Daisies"? They seem pretty ideal, but I haven't done a lot of aid climbing. http://www.metoliusclimbing.com/easyaiders.htm
  13. I had such a good time I decided to leave my jacket there just so I would have an excuse to go back! More for me!
  14. Hi WildBill, Yes I still have the tent. I sent you a private message with my email address. To read it, login and click on the flashing envelope icon at the top of the page. Cheers!
  15. Nice work! Maybe you could add a little flag feature or something for new routes (FAs)? That would be a handy feature for people working on guidebooks and that sort of thing.
  16. I didn't get a picture of that, I was too busy talking about artificial inteligence with Gary.... Sorry. There are some other pictures of the event in my gallery Alpinfox's Gallery
  17. BRAVO! BRAVO!! Caveman for president!
  18. I think the track you are talking about is "Eye for an eye" by "Unkle".
  19. A synophsis [which is a great Bushism by the way]: We're going to spend 30 million dollars to put an end to steroid use among professional athletes. Sexually transmitted diseases are sexually transmitted. Therefore we are going to spend [can't remember exact amount] on "Abstinence education". And in conclusion, "Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, God Bless America". You can actually see a cartoon version of the speech HERE
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