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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. An excerpt of a recent Oval Office telephone call: Speechwriter: "Yes Mr. President, steroid use by professional athletes is certainly a very important national issue, I'll be sure to include that in your speech." Bush: "OK, great. I'm glad I could contribute... Now be sure and spell out all them big words funetikally on tha cue cards this time!" Speechwriter: "Yes, of course Mr. President."
  2. What kind of rock is that? All those pockets look fun. Nice pics Distel.
  3. The exchange rate just ain't what it used to be. However it's still a good deal. Add $15CDN for shipping for the first $1000 worth of stuff.
  4. Hey BG, You forgot to mention that HST's house is right across the road from John Oats' house (of Hall & Oats "fame"). However, maybe we shouldn't be giving out directions to famous people's houses on an internet chat site. p.s. Did you see the vultures above the front gate with glowing red eyes?
  5. That kayaking guy was a tool. His essay was a load of pandering BS and semi-rousing "spirit of adventure" hoopla he stole from some SUV commercial. Props to the old dude headed to Alaska though. Overall I didn't think most of the "adventures" sounded all that adventurous. Gotta be a bit mainstream for Buick and Outside I guess. Free food Free cocktails Free Buick-emblazooned "carabiner watch" Getting the "How did you get in here?" look from Seattle's hoity-toity -PRICELESS!
  6. The guy on the left in this picture lives in Aspen. Maybe you could rent a room in his house?
  7. Nice pics Sobo! Congrats to your buddy on that Peakaboo FA; that looks like a really nice one.
  8. Are you guys serious? Did M.F. actually freeze!?!? I would not have guessed that was possible. If so, and it was CLIMBED! Holy shit! Nice work! Is that an FA?
  9. Alpinfox

    DOSE tonite

    YO! I'll be there. I gotta get your CDs back to you. I feel bad for keepin' em so long. Sorry bout dat. See you tonight! (I might be a little late).
  10. Iain said: Iain = Dru ?? and therefore, by extension: Catturdeat = Dru ??? and in conclusion:
  11. The comb and 3 O'clock rock from Blueberry Hill: Sorry that's the best pic I have. Get the new Darrington guide! Guidebook info
  12. Alpinfox

    Packer Backers

    That sucked. Those guys just fell apart on all fronts at the end of the game. Coaching - GO FOR IT ON 4th DOWN YOU DUMBASS! Defense - You might want to cover that guy wide open in the middle of the field to stop a 45-yard pass play. And how about TACKLING someone! Offense - Who the hell were you throwing that pass to Mr. Hall-Of-Fame Quarterback!?!? Sad.
  13. WOW! Hey way to go! I figured it would have all fallen down by now. Glad to see it's still there and somebody got on it. Too bad you didn't get on the second pitch; it was the better of the two. That rootball sure was fun though! YEEEHAW!
  14. OK OK I see that m/s*s is wrong. I meant m/(s*s) or Lummox's masterpiece works too... Order of operations! DUH!
  15. Whoa there Mr. P, I just read that "Notion" thing and I thought it was pretty slow through-and-through. Definately picked up towards the end (WILL HE GET HIS REVENGE?!?!?), but I still didn't get that much out of it. I thought the sudden and unannounced switches between scenes/setting/dialogoue/characters were minorly interesting as an unusual literary device, but majorly annoying. "What the hell is going on? Who is talking" Anyway, I'd be interested to hear what you got out of it. I liked "Cuckoo's Nest " better. I listened to "Touching The Void" as a book on tape during a road trip down to California last summer. It entertained me for the drive, but I think it would have been better to read it. -Literary Fox
  16. [quote[Alpinfox note m/s/s is more correct notation than m/s*s ])? I don't think so... s/s = 1 whereas "s*s" or "sXs" or "s^two" is = s squared. Notice I had to use "two" because the #two button on my keyboard doesn't work which also means I can type the "at" symbol for email addresses. This sucks. Time to call Dell and wait on hold for an hour and half. I am so
  17. Yo Dog, Can you post some pics a dat shizzle? -G
  18. That's right, damn em! Damn em to hell! We had fun anyway... Hey Dulton, do you mean "Thumb" rock? Never can tell about the crowds. If its good weather and its a weekend and LR is still listed in the "50 most crowded", etc, then there will be company.
  19. It was about 15-twenty (my #two key isn't working for some reason! WTF!?!?!?) of solid blue ice with about 6ft of crumbly semi-neve on top. However, about 500ft below the bergschrund there were boot-tracks going left and right, presumably finding alternate routes around the BS. We decided (perhaps stupidly in retrospect) to keep going straight. In any case, you won't see anything like that in May most likely. Anyway, you can check out my TR here: LR TR Best wishes!
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