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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. PP said, "Bush gets 57 percent to Dean's 30 percent among registered voters in the American Research Group poll." I don't know about you guys, but that seems damn impressive to me. A guy who hasn't even gotten his party's nomination is only trailing a wartime incumbent president 30 to 57 percent! I'd say that spells trouble for Bush. Plus, as the war goes on, I think there will be more and more people like Iain and myself who will vote for "a braying donkey on pcp" over the shrub.
  2. Where is Klenke and why hasn't he jumped on this shizzle yet?
  3. Well, ain't you a smarty pants! "An interesting detail is that there are northern- and southern-hemisphere compasses. This has to do with the fact that the magnetic field lines, to which a compass needle aligns, point into the earth at the north and south magnetic poles. In the northern hemisphere the north end of the needle is pulled downwards, and the south end is counterweighted to balance the needle. When you use a northern hemisphere compass in, say, Australia, the south end of the magnet is pulled downwards by the magnetic field, and is also heavier than the north end - resulting in a needle that catches and drags on the bottom of the compass housing when the compass is held horizontal. " Source: some website.
  4. Alpinfox


    trask trained your mom right huh?
  5. Hey man, Us hippies have brought great things to society like: Tie-dye Classical Indian music Zen Marijuana and for goodness sake lets not forget LAVA LAMPS! Just imagine how many people's mellow would have been harshed if not for those bits of peace incarnate p.s. I've heard that conservatives tend to make good boat anchors... maybe due to all the change in their pockets that they don't give to the homeless? I dunno p.p.s. Nice article on psychological underpinings of conservativism excerpt: some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include: Fear and aggression Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity Uncertainty avoidance Need for cognitive closure Terror management
  6. OH SHIT! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!!! WE'RE ALL DOOMED! SOCIETY WILL BREAK DOWN! CARROTS WILL GROW IN TO THE EARTH! PIGEONS WILL GET LOST!!! DOGS AND CATS, LIVING TOGETHER! EEEKEKEKKE!!!! oh wait... what's this bezel thing... oh, I can just turn it 180 degreees!?!?! problem solved!
  7. Things aren't quite so black and white there youngster. The US does a lot of good stuff and has the potential to do more good stuff than any other country in the world. Therefore, American citizens interested in "saving the world" may be best off staying at home and working for change from the inside. I try to do what I can to make things better, but I'm not a Mother Theresa/Ghandi/MLK type. I take the middle road.
  8. killers!!! Are you implying that the above is a quote of mine? I have thought about the freedoms and luxuries that I enjoy and I DO mind the results (gross waste of resources, oppression and economic exploitation) and yes I DO condemn the processes (war and socio-economic imperialism).
  9. "World Socialist Website"?? Why are you hangin' out at a site like that? Are you a fuckin' commie, Alpinfox? Maybe you and DoktorB-patch-adams should go to your own chatroom and share ideas that you can impose on the rest of us. I remembered reading a NYT article about another US military fuckup and did a google search for "us airstrike children" and that is the article that came up. However, yes, I am somewhat of a socialist. Thanks for asking.
  10. DAMN! I missed yer post dood.
  11. Doors at 8, show at 9, $15 notes :: The five members of SOUND TRIBE SECTOR NINE forego screaming solos, and even singing, which can abruptly remove listeners from the overall soundscape STS9 is mapping. The band’s quest has never been to just get on stage, play verse, chorus, verse, encore and leave, but to incorporate music with lighting, video, decorations and DJs; a complete environmental experience provided by the people that make up the band’s extended “Sound Tribe.” Their sensory presentation starts from the minute the audience walks in the door to the sounds of a DJ spinning everything from raging drum ‘n’ bass to the latest European downbeat. The group has developed their nonverbal communication so acutely that even their breathing seems synchronized. Sound Tribe Sector Nine hits groove pockets and just as quickly spirals out of them as befits the environment. Their new album -- Live At Home -- is a collection of 23 unreleased tracks created over the past three years at home and on the road. From lush ambient textures and downtempo moods to eclectic, playful instrumentals, this album is a glimpse into the diversity of creation that embodies STS9. The soft, round pads and rhythmic skitter of electronic composers such as Boards of Canada and Prefuse 73 and the genre-defying compositions of breakbeat-based artists like Ming & FS and DJ Spooky, inspired them to further explore what they are capable of doing in the studio. And considering STS9’s sensitivity to environment and atmosphere as well as the band’s consummate musicianship, Live At Home promises to stun its audience with a completely new groove. ________ No tiene dinero! wish I could make it.
  12. Well I don't know who painted it, but I found it and photochopped it. ME! Minxy, you owe me one _______________
  13. I love that painting(?), Minx! Can I have one for my cubicle? I wonder who made it?
  14. Alpinfox


    This is spray and there has been much too much moderation lately. Leave poor Mr. Trask alone, he's just trying to entertain us folks with deviant sense of humor. Take a back seat Mr/Ms Moderator and let Anarchy Rule!
  15. I was playing catch football with a friend of mine in the front yard one day and I said to myself, "self, you are going to catch the next pass with one hand. Just snatch it out of the air like the bad ass you are". So the pass came and yup, I caught it with one hand. And this wasn't a cradle it in your arm against your chest kind of catch, but a full arm-length extended catch with just my hand. Of course I thought I was pretty hot shit so I tried to do it again, but then I was thinking to my self, "self, that's a pretty hard thing to do, you should be pretty stoked you did that and it's gonna be hard this time". I didn't catch the next pass. But then I refocused and caught a few more, but only when I had that "I KNOW I'm going to catch this one" sort of attitude. I was a little at the time, but the focus and confidence (or lack thereof) and resultant outcomes were genuine.
  16. CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN! Holy shit what a flashback! Achtung! Halt! .... POW!
  17. What's so special about a girl that can whistle? Shit, practically anybody you stop on the street can whistle... Here's one now:
  18. Not afraid, just didn't want to come across like paparazzi. I'd love to chat with him, but what would I say? "Hey there Fred, you climb, I climb, ain't climbin' great!?? Now let's get us some tail!"
  19. Speaking of long shots, I left an old ice axe in the Stuart Lake TH a long time ago (6/3/01). It was a shorty with duct tape and padding on the head. Shaft was blue. I think the brand was SMC. Has no material value, but some sentimental. Maybe I'll get lucky eh?
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