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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I ran into Jens the other day at the gym and he mentioned how much he liked this thread. So I thought I'd resurrect it. REI is clearing out a bunch of their replacement/repair stuff for backpacks. Do you have a pack with an issue? Maybe you can get the part you need here: LINK Don't forget you can get it shipped to your nearest REI store for free. EDIT: Nevermind, they removed all the backpack bits from the website.
  2. That is fucked up. I'm writing my congresswoman about this. How is this shit legal?
  3. Stealiing snow? Dude! "Take only photographs, leave only footprints" WTF?
  5. Mike Schmitt, Dave Burdick, Mark Westman, and Steve Swenson summitted Poincenot via the Whillans Route on Friday! SWEET!
  6. I concur with Fern, the picks are very very hard to clean in factory condition. I was trying out a loaner pair, but if I owned them I would file down the sides of the teeth and maybe make them a little shorter as well. I liked the grip feel of the vipers quite a bit, maybe = or > than my quarks, but the picks on the quarks are much better IMO.
  7. looks like the plan isn't going to work out for now anyway. Thanks!
  8. Alpinfox

    So Damn Sick!

    Time for a trip to a drier clime. Joshua Tree? Red Rox? Cochise? Potero? Maybe you can write it off as a medical expense. Worked for the consumptives in the 19th cent.
  9. Alpinfox


    I love hot sauce.
  10. Alpinfox


    on the sauce again eh?
  11. I'm pretty sure the top few holds are still in place. Gotta climb some 5.15 blank concrete to get to them though.
  12. Cool trip report. I have to say though, the idea of crossing a river while roped sounds pretty dangerous. If you slip off your feet, you won't be able to swim/float downstream and regain your footing. Seems like a good way to drown. The static line seems like a good idea, but I would want to hold on to it with my hands, not be connected to it. When fording rivers, or doing logwalks over rivers, I always unbuckle my pack so I can ditch it and swim if I get swept off my feet.
  13. I couldn't disagree more. Petzl has just about the most expensive ropes on the market and I wasn't very impressed with the handling of the couple petzls I've had experience with. Petzl also had some quality control issues. I think it was the Nomad that had the sheath that disinigrated after half a day of light use? I think RyanB's advice is good.
  14. Read the rules dipshit. No eBay auction listings
  15. Yikes! That doesn't sound fun. It looked pretty deep right there.
  16. I climbed Fugs on Tuesday and it was FAT. It's only forcast to get above freezing briefly on Saturday, so I wouldn't worry about Fugs at all. I climbed at X38 today and there is a shit ton of snow up there with more coming down as we left. Snow and generally crappy weather will likely be more of a problem for the X38 climbs than warm temps. That WI3 "unnamed" climb looked pretty much buried. I would guess the Alpental climbs are also getting buried. Best bet for ice this weekend would be Vantage, Tieton, Banks Lake, etc... GO EAST MY SON!
  17. Today I climbed the icy steps at Seahawks stadium. WI1+ fer sure. It was epic. The approach wasn't too bad, but the descent was a bitch. GO HAWKS!
  18. Skookum Falls is in. Climbed it today with the famous and gassy AlpineDave and the firm-of-handshake CascadeClimber. Lots of snow on it in sections, but managable. Especially now that we plowed a path up it for ya'll. Go get it. Two options for the approach: 1)Park at the Sno Park trailhead for Skookum Falls and hike ~2 flat, mellow miles along the White River on a trail to the base of the climb. 2)Park at the Skookum Falls Overlook right on the highway (there is a pullout that would accomodate about four cars), jump over the guardrail, ford one braid of the river at about 6" deep, the do one moderately sketchy log crossing (short) over the main channel of the White River for a 20min approach. We did the log crossing method. 3.5 pitches (4-, 3+, 4, 3)
  19. Trogdor, Colt45, and I climbed this route just left of the flow this afternoon. Good thing we didn't know about this collapsing bizniz. The upper section didn't have much protectable ice. Pretty solid snice climbing if you don't mind running it out. We also climbed the lower, eastern most tier (right above the main Serene Lk trail). Has that been climbed before? We saw no tat on the obvious tree above it. Here is a pic of it:
  20. Just got a message from AlpineDave that "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow" is in right now. He and CascadeClimber climbed it today. His pix: p1:[img:left]http://www.alpinedave.com/ice/exit38/Exit38_3.jpg[/img] p2:[img:left]http://www.alpinedave.com/ice/exit38/Exit38_4.jpg[/img]
  21. Blake, that vid is in the Seattle Public Library system. I'm pretty sure it was on VHS (if memory serves). You could probably get it sent up to Bham on an inter-library loan. LINK
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