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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox


    Hey freak, Remember, that restraining order extends to the internets as well.
  2. Alpinfox


    Way cooler than mythbusters [video:youtube]
  3. I'd probably fuck that holycliber chick.
  4. 140mph = level 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. 6deg with 140mph wind = -34deg with windchill Since the wind is coming from the SSW, one would assume that Muir is partially protected. Wonder what the summit is like.
  5. It hasn't updated since 8am this morning. I wonder if the wheels came off at 125mph link
  6. Hey Nhluhr, That is great info. Thanks. Why don't they just make canisters with 100% propane? More heat from the other gases?
  7. Illusion Dweller, 10b, 45m hand crack Coarse and Buggy, 11b, finger crack in stemming corner, can be TR'd Figures on a Landscape, 10b, 3p!, I haven't done this one, but all I hear is raves. White Lightning, 5.7, only gets 3stars in book, I think its great. North facing, good for hot day. P.A.P.T. is right next door. Anything in the Bighorn Mating Grotto. STEEP!
  8. His Phud was on the study of gas flux across polymer-filled microtubules. I'm hoping he will make a nano-bong for me, cuz sometimes I just want to get 100nm high.
  9. He burninated his thesis committee today and is now DOCTOR Trogdor!
  10. A surprising paucity of cc.comers there, which is probably why there was still beer leftover after the slideshow. I think I saw a nodder. OMG! Good show guys!
  11. I just sent the guy an email asking for a list and a picture. If he replies, I will post his response here. edit: That was fast. Here is his response: ROCK CLIMBING HARDWARE Wire stoppers total 15 ea. Hexs nuts without wire total 21 # 1-1/2--------2 ea. #3-------2 ea # 2------------3 ea. #4-------2 ea. # 2-1/2-------1 ea. #5-------5 ea. # 3------------4 ea. #6-------2 ea # 3-1/2-------2 ea. #7-------2 ea # 4------------1 ea. #8-------5 ea. # 4-1/2-------1 ea. #9-------2 ea. # 5------------1 ea #10-----1 ea. Carabiners, REI ovals/ gates are in good shape----28 ea. Chounard ice screws ------1/ 10in, 1/7in. Salewa ice screws ---- 2/7in. Rap rings--- 6 ea Figure 8 dissenter ------1 ea Jumars --------------1 pr. Total Package ------------------------------$600.00
  12. These cost about $5-$10 I also have a pair of OR Contact gloves that I like. It looks like OR might not make them anymore. I used to have a pair of REI "One" gloves that I really liked, but I dropped one in the Mercer Island park and ride parking lot. They used to be made with Schoeller fabric, looks like they make them with Power Shield fabric now. Link
  13. HEYHEY! That looks like some good fun. What sorta technical difficulty grade would you give it? Is it written up in a guidebook somewhere? What is the approach like?
  14. Icicle buttrest is a different thing than Mountainear's Dome. Mtnr's dome has 2 or 3 easy cracks that are good first leads. There is also Gibson's crack (not Givler's crack) that is another good option. I think it is 5.5. Buy or borrow the Leavenworth Rock guidebook for more info. The Great Northern Slab at Index is another good first trad lead. There is a route at Nason Ridge called "Fred Said 'No'" that would be a good first trad lead, it's 5.5ish, but there are access issues there. There are some good options at the left side of The Royal Columns at Tieton, but that area is closed right now due to raptor nesting. I agree with the CatBird's statement above that Castle Rock routes (like midway, saber) would not be good choices for a first lead as they probably fail your requirement for "straightforward gear placements". I haven't climbed Givler's Crack recently enough to remember it well enough to recommend it, but gut feeling says it isn't a great choice for a first lead. Lots of people climb the South Face of The Tooth as their first alpine, trad climb. You are correct: it is not good etiquette to do top rope laps on p1 of a multipitch climb. It is also not good etiquette to take forever to do a climb (even a one pitch climb) if there are other climbers waiting in line to do it. It's quite common for lines to develop for popular, easy routes. Find some cracks on the ground and practice building anchors, taking down anchors, managing ropes, belaying from above, etc so that when you do it for realz, you will be relatively quick and efficient. As for climbing THIS WEEKEND, I dunno, it's gonna be pretty chilly across the state. Best bet is prob the desert (Tieton/Vantage). You might consider buying this guidebook: Weekend Rock It focuses on rock climbs under 5.10 in WA state.
  15. Everytime you masturbate, Porter gives you a 404 error.
  16. So HTF did you do it? My guess: motorcycle/biking accident?
  17. Hey Paul or Bob, Jim sounds like an interesting fellow. Is/was he a climber? Maybe he is a logger with a history of sharpening chainsaws/axes/etc? Just curious what you know about the guy. If I had any dinged/dulled screws, I'd definitely send them his way. $4/each is a heck of a deal.
  18. The Towers are for sale, what did you get instead?
  19. Beautiful! Wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys. Seeing all of Dave's pictures was a real treat.
  20. Gene is right, you will likely be fine on Rainier in June with uninsulated boots if you have good weather, but an insulated boot would probably be a better choice. If you do decide to go with your Towers, waterproof them up well before the trip. A gaiter or inulated supergaiter (like Gene suggested) would be a great idea to keep the boots drier and maybe even add a little insulation. You can probably get a good pair of insulated leather boots at second ascent for ~ $100. I don't know if Spokane area has an equivalent. I have limited experience with plastic boots, but that's all it took to let me know I don't like them. Heavy, uncomfortable, clumsy, and would probably require different crampons than whatever you are currently using on your Towers.
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