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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Speaking of heads, my head nearly exploded when I read this on my snacky treats package earlier today:
  2. HAHAHAHA! Your old-timey notions amuse me.
  3. Thanks Joseph. I was specifically hoping that you would post. So I assume these had a tendency to tip over and fall out sideways? Just a guess from looking at them. Did you ever personally use them? A google search reveals THIS ARTICLE which I think has been posted here before, but is worth posting again.
  4. I just came across this listing on ebay for an unusual piece of rock climbing pro that I have never seen before and though that some of you gear whores and historians might be interested in seeing/discussing it. BTW, this is NOT my listing, and I'm not trying to promote the listing, just discuss the gear, so I'm going to post a link to an ebay auction and break the rules. Here I go: LINK It's called a Colorado Mountain Industries (CMI) "Monocam". I have no idea of the age of it. Any of ya'll seen or used these things?
  5. Is there a sign at the trailhead kiosk RE: the nesting and voluntary closure?
  6. How about a pooper that is suspended out over the cliff above F. Coulee? -Would keep people from shitting all over the place. -Wouldn't smell much (poop would be 100' down). -Very little maintenance required. -Would make for a fun pooping experience (watching Mr. Hanky take the 100' plunge)
  7. That's what I tried to tell the judge!
  8. I don't normally toot my own horn, that's just not the way I am. I know most of the posters on this site just don't realize how fucking rad I am, since I keep my achievements close to my chest, but here is a video interview someone did of me a while back that shows some of my many skills: IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING
  9. Layback has since removed his resume from that post. It's too bad. He started the thread presumably to talk about the differences between cc.com and nwhikers.net and then just inserted the above-quoted resume in the middle for no discernible reason. It was perfect. I'm a little sad now. Maybe I'll go to his Yellowjacket Tower TR and make a bunch of posts ripping him up for being a noob dumbshit yanking on his gear and sending himself cartwheeling down the 5.3 rock face. I think it's my ethical duty being a former non-accredited guide and all. I bet he will learn something and won't be so stupid and reckless in the future. I wouldn't want to have to get the call to go haul his corpse off the rock and have to tell his family about his demise. Oh these responsibilities do weigh!
  10. Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the Magical Man from Happy-Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane!
  11. I'd like to send this one out to Layback. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B7bVD_DkM4
  12. Do you know any former or current non-accredited guides?
  13. hahahaha This layback guy cracks me up emphasis mine. I think I might have to relinquish my coveted "consummate douchebag" title. I don't think I'm worthy of the crown in light of this recently minted gem.
  14. Congrats on breaking the 10k mark Tvash! Consummate!
  15. I remember once seeing a picture of someone holding a chunk of rock WITH A BOLT IN IT that fell out of one of the climbs at the Feathers.
  16. They did say in their TR that they had -20 and -40deg bags. Word of unsolicited advice to the noobs: get some lighter-weight bags.
  17. HERE is a link to the NWhikers thread where they publicly ridicule and insult the noob climber - a surefire way to show him the error of his ways right?
  18. I wouldn't normally care about this sort of thing, but I've become interested in this story due to an annoying and threatening series of PMs I've received from one of the dumbshits from NWhikers.net who chose to publicly jump on this kid. Supposedly what they did wrong: 1)The road was closed, so they had to walk a long way. 2)They got thirsty at one point, and didn't turn around. 3)They used snowshoes, not skis. 4)They got tired, but kept going. 5)It started to get dark, but they kept going. 6)They had some marginal weather, but kept going. 7)They only took one pack from high camp to summit (so presumably didn't each have avy rescue gear) 8)They did the climb despite a grim avalanche forecast. The avy forecast looks like it was a legitimate concern, but they didn't mention any slides (natural/otherwise) just some ice fall off an ice cliff. They also may/may not have had reasonable level of skill or gear to deal with avy danger and crevasse rescue. It wasn't discussed in the TR that I remember. The soapboxers at NWhikers then proceeded to publicly rip this kid up (for his own good!) because he was "reckless", "stupid", and is now "lucky to be alive". Also, "Layback" would "hate to have to get a call to go haul (Ryan's) body off the mountain" or something along those lines. It all sounded like ego-puffery to me. Crabbed age and youth cannot live together: Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care; Youth like summer morn, age like winter weather; Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare. - William Shakespeare
  19. It sounds a little gross, but diaper ointment works really well. It contains zinc oxide and is much cheaper than the outdoor sports-formulated stuff
  20. Right. Because it's our job to fix the political, social, and economic problems of the rest of the world.
  21. Ya'll are suckers. The ATC-Sport is an april fools joke. IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST! HAHAHAHAHA
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