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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. So I just got an email out of the blue from Mike Preiss. He asked me to post this little mini-trip report of his trip up the face that IB is on. Here is his email:
  2. Suspicious Craigslist ad from kitsap county: I contacted the guy and he emailed a picture: Lots of brand new-looking BD gear. Not sure what those green fig-8 things are.
  3. Terrible, awful, horrendous music. Turn your sound off. [video:youtube]aoaATUfckWI
  4. Hindsight is great. I wonder how many emails, phone calls, letters Homeland Security/FBI/CIA/US embassies get per day saying, "I/someone I know/this guy on a streetcorner, etc am going to blow up a plane/kill the president/release sarin gas in the mall, etc"
  5. Keep an eye on THIS THREAD and THIS WEBSITE for conditions. Invest in THIS BOOK for general info.
  6. If I ever have to get rescued, my name is going to be "D___ B________".
  7. Well said Jimbo. This was posted earlier (thanks Cluck), but here is Portland Mountain Rescue's stance on requiring climbers to carry mountain locator units (MLUs). SPOILER ALERT: THEY ARE AGAINST IT Still wishing the best for the lost climbers and their families.
  8. The reason is that 10,000/year climb Hood. Stupid shit happens everywhere at some frequency. And BTW, there is no evidence that the climbers involved in this current incident did anything stupid. Rockfall/icefall can catch anybody despite gear/experience/weather forecast, especially on a shitpile rimefest of a mountain like Hood. It's way too early to even try to point any fingers at this point. You are free to carry whatever gear/beacon/etc you deem necessary. You are also free to state your case that climbers should individually make the decision to purchase/carry beacons/helmets/tutus/whatever... HOWEVER, I have a big problem with a climber publicly espousing legislating required behavior/gear. The media have quoted people from this website before and they will do it again. We have enough regs as it is. Let's not give them the fodder to say, "many climbers support this legislation". THIS is the message that climbers should be giving to the media
  9. If you really believe this, I will take back calling you a dicknuckle. But then, why did you say you supported requiring Hood climbers to carry an MLU in the other thread? did you see this?
  10. If this shark was about to bite down on your footsie, would you prefer the guvmint to pass a law that everyone should wear metal boots? {} DUUUUUUHHHHH {} DRRRRRRRRRRR Please select only two
  12. Wow, Skookum looks so much better in your picture than it did when I climbed it last year. Your pic, Dec 09: My pic, Dec 08: Dane's pic, winter 2007:
  13. The line that Duke and I are referring to is much further to climber's left. It's in a different branch of the drainage. As you do all the approach rambling, you are looking right at it and can't see Drury. Then you take a right turn around a corner and see Drury. You would keep going straight to get to this scary looking 5/6 thing. It is visible from the road. Rat has probably soloed it naked at night with a 50' pack on.
  14. p2 was a little wet, but mostly avoidable. Our last pitch had some wetness, but not too bad. It was cold enough that anything that got liquid water on it almost instantly became encapsulated in an ice shell. Had to be careful with locking biners. We didn't get a look at The Drip. Like Mr. Duke, I am also curious what the thing to the left of Drury is. Anyone?
  15. Facebook is dumb. Too much effort to cut and paste the TR here?
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