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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    L. L. Bean....wtf

    Stick with the poly-pro an shorts. It's you.
  2. And it could be argued that it wasn't a chondrite until it was a meteorite. Its composition was unchanged in either form. And also while it was a meteoroid. STFU NERDS GPA = IQ
  3. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Milosh, that guy has been trying to steal my rack for years.
  4. My concern would be that the mass would be too small to put enough force on the rope to enable it absorb the force by stretching. Might it be like falling on a static line if the climber is too light?
  5. To answer that question, the spray magnet one, most people (imo) just take ice tools and no alpine ax if they are going to need both on steeps. For something like Liberty Ridge where it can get steep but not real steep, an alpine ax and one ice tool. I used a Forrest hammer with an ice pick on it and only used it getting on the liberty cap serac and up the Liberty Cap snowfield. Feel better?
  6. Do they drink much beer?
  7. Thursday Eve. Workman's Tavern in Redmond. 7PM. Pool tables, burgers, easy to find.
  8. Check out the latest report on aliens in Peru; http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20070919/sc_space/scientistsdoubtmeteoritesickenedperuvians After that, check out OJ Simpson's defense team. The guy with no teeth is hilarious. After that, there is a clip on a guy climbing in a chimney, getting rescued and then graffic footage of him getting thwacked by his girlfriend. My only question is, how was the sex?
  9. Bug

    Stuart Scramble?

    Thanks for the clarification. Any more pics?
  10. Holy Crap! Did you see that pic of Wolf in his kayak on the Middlefork? No pfd or helmet. He must think we're all wankers. Thanks Lowell.
  11. Bug

    Pogrom is pissed

    And you sound like such a nice guy. I don't get it.
  12. That was a joke. I was actually 16 and it was in Chemistry class. By the time physics lab rolled around, I did too. We had a substitute sitting in the front corner reading a book while we watched a movie. I sat by the projector and moved it side to side so I could watch the heads turn in unison. After that we put up a cloud in the Rattlesnake valley to Jimmi and Van Morrison. I would probably miss the seventies but I don't remember them.
  13. Bug

    Stuart Scramble?

    Thats the gulley to the west of CC. Cut right off the rounded tree-covered mound at about 7K. If you are going out Longs Pass it is the best bet. It drops you straight at the Longs Pass trail. There is a trail on most of it and a lot of sand so it is a softer descent.
  14. Reminds me of a trip to JT with a friend who I used to do first ascents with in the Bitterroots. We were both married with kids etc and were just getting back together for a fun trip to see if we could still climb. When we were down in Hidden Valley CG we ended up camping with a group of young climbers from Missoula. They recognized our names from the local Missoula guide books and we had fun exchanging stories about the Bitterroots. The next day, they invited us to go climb with them but we knew we were just setting ourselves up for total humiliation. So we made up some lame excuse and hid in Echo canyon.
  15. Is that the one about humility being the finest virtue of the gentleman climber, I love that one. No. Why? How about a "real" book? Desperate Journeys and Abandoned Souls. Seriously, check it out. It is about "The Will to Survive".
  16. 'Me, a Chest Beat.' Search on 'Bug'.
  17. In 1963, I was awakened by my father and taken outside with the rest of my family. Most of the neighborhood was out there on the street looking up at a commonly described UFO. It was cigar shaped, had red and green lights along its side and was hovering about 1000' above Missoula. It moved slowly to the west over the course of about 20 minutes then abruptly turned south and upwards and streaked into space. This is a memory I do not know what to do with. At age 4, I had not yet done hallucinagenics. Those came in 65. Besides, my family and I talked about it last July. We all just shook our heads and moved on to the next subject. To this day, nothing has jumped out of my chest although my father has severe chest pains.
  18. Bug

    Stuart Scramble?

    I just came down it this weekend. Watch the loose scree around the snowfield. Especially watch if there is anyone above you.
  19. Johnny why did you let Suzie fall to her death? She called me stupid.
  20. I searched the summit for 45 minutes and did not find it.
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