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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I had a woman doctor last year who did not want to do it. Something about just having had her nails done. I promised not to clamp down and she scurried out of the room.
  2. You will be sorry you posted this. See, I just lost my virginity at 48 to the good doctor with latex gloves. I'll send you the details in a PM. As he put it, "There is no discreet way to do this." I'm healthy. Thanks for asking.
  3. I have to wonder why the road is plowed. If they were parked at the end, where else does the road go? If no one can park there, why plow it? There are probably good answers but I have not seen any details about this.
  4. Alright. Cute daughter. Mine are now talking back again.
  5. Bug

    Show-and-Tell TR

    How about a stout little German? (Tell K in the loft that I'm kidding) Very nice work Sherri!
  6. It would have died a graceful death by now had you heathens not persecuted us.
  7. Wasn't there a news reporter who used to monitor this site? I sent this post to Newstips. This wrong. Leaving people srtanded is dangerous.
  8. yep, probably about 60 words per minute Ouch.
  9. Thats what started this out last night! Yeah. That's what I meant. I don't know if its the sugar content or what but Vodka is famous amoung my friends and I for bad hangovers.
  10. Yup. You know I'm kidding right? That was a great vid!
  11. In steep, deep powder, long GS turns are surely beat by regular, quick, rising-and-sinking, short-radius turns straight down the fall line...I've just had 3 straight days of 'em! That is fun. No arguement. But my tastes lean toward a high speed experience.
  12. Lots of water. Throw up. Aspirin.
  13. Yeah. Getting in a nice stable tele position and carving a long fast GS turn in powder is really hard to beat.
  14. Bug


    You're making me dizzy.
  15. The average American has less knowledge of the American system of government than the average 6th grader in Britain. A sharp 19 yr old in Pakistan can probably run circles around most US Congressional freshmen. Don't under-estimate him and his family support system. He offers more hope than his father imo.
  16. Bug

    New Years Eve Plans

    I am wandering down to the lake end of my condo complex to attend a bash there. I plan on crawling back in front of my daughters just so their mother will have something to bitch about for the coming year.
  17. Having done both tele and AT, I still prefer tele in a wider set of circumstances. Especially when you get into thick trees and long approaches. I would rather tele pow pow and even breakable crust. Although boarders clearly have the advantage in crust and crud. But for me, the clencher for AT over tele was the need to ice climb and not carry two pairs of boots. Either way, I would not wear Birckenstocks.
  18. What a pathetic display of begging for forgiveness after total failure. He will never leave Idaho.
  19. Dont you mean "American Academy of Brain Washing"? And I wont see you there. My brain is as dirty as ever. You are certainly not in those thoughts. But back to Bhutto and tribal poitics........ How will they fare if the husband gets involved? More graft accusations will not be a unifying force. Seems like the son stands more of a chance.
  20. I'd amend that to "some academic circles." I'm in such circles and I'm not buying it. . You do not need to. That's OK. Not being mean here, just trying to converse. So just to be clear, do you not beleive there were several sources, Elohist, Preistly, Yahwist, etc that comprise the editors/writers of the Torah? Also that these different layers were from different historical periods? I am not clear about what you disagree with here. The American Academy of Religion has been around for many decades and is alive and "well". There next conference (which is huge) will be in Chicago in November 2008. See you there? I have not been to one in over ten years. My focus is now on how we can apply the "lessons learned" during our transitions to literacy to our transition to computer literacy in such a way that we can avoid some of the mistakes. Some of the historical events of the Torah (Exodus, etc.) took place within just a few hundred years prior to King David. That would be news to me since the Egyptian archeology of the probable period goes back 5000 years. But that would still not change the point of David "freezing" these oral traditions on paper.
  21. Oh. Perhaps it would help to say that the first five books were "written down on paper" for the first time during David's reign. They had been developed/preserved in the oral traditions for thousands of years before that.
  22. You don't know from Torah....really....you don't! Who taught you this was a fool. Please don't. Your seminary (oy!) or whatever ignorant training was at least partially a waste of time. Don't encourage me. John Mendenhall had a student, James Flanagan (Phd), who published his theory about David being the first King. The rest of what I wrote about (court apologetic etc)is pretty commonly accepted in academic circles. They generally beleive that there are four major historical/editorial layers in the first five books. This would be different from but not neccessarily apposed to the teachings in seminaries. One such organization was called the American Academy of Religion. Professors from Harvard, Yale, and professors from many state funded universities were members. There are others. Some of them are active Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They do not disregard the spiritual value of the books. It is a much richer pursuit than I am able to present. I do not mean to insult or debunk your spirituality.
  23. OK. Had another sip. So we have covered the developement of literacy as technology in the Old Testament, New Testament and Quran, but we have not discussed the other elements of the traditions that contributed to the successes and longevity of these three traditions/mythologies/religions. With the Old Testament there was also the industrialization of steel smelting and the use of this technology to expand militarily while keeping close track of it all with literacy (accountants). Ever heard of "The Wisdom of Solomon"? He was one of the first generation to be raised in a literate society with access to a library that could be read as we do - the same way we speek. It provided language translations and cultural nuances that could be played. and so on... With Christianity, we have the Roman empire already in place and a large disenfranchised block of subjects who find hope in a Messiah who speaks of the value of love as apposed to money (wow man). In the Quran, it is now 644 AD, the people of the sands are given direct access to God. The original "Protestantism". Fast forward to now. We are entering the computer age. I remember when people thought it would be rediculous to have a computer at home. Only Geeks would do that. Now we are all praying to one right now. How will this new form of literacy be used? Will it unite traditionally warring "tribes"? Or will it cement the elite in their towers of power?
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