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Everything posted by Bug

  1. In fact, Origin, Dionysis, and Thomas Aquinas taught that too. Are you saying that all who read this thread are about to convert? My work here is done.
  2. Here is what this thread is about Ahhhh. grasshopper. You openn can of worms. Islam teaches that nothingness is the state you acheive right before realizing the existance of Allah.
  3. Your return to the thread is the only highlight I can think of.
  4. thanks, but what I asked for was a #5 tech friend That man in the red suit lied to you. If your wife wasn't listening, you're screwed. But you can borrow my #5 Camelot anytime.
  5. Finely stated Kurt Vonnegut/Ivan Doig encased in a splat of cc.com.
  6. The earth is flat. If you sail to the edge, you will fall off. Why aren't we still arguing about that? Maybe we should start hanging unbeleivers again. Lets start with....no,no,no. Never mind. I don't know about this whole evolution thing. It seems all made up by geeks in white coats. Aren't they the ones who man the funny farms? Why are they dictating our science in grade schools? Are our kids crazy? It kind of makes sense. I have been a Christian for a long time now but I have never doubted evolution. What is the point of arguing against science? Science is the study of God's creation and the discovery of his laws and lack of laws when the mood suits him. It is His creation yet we pretend to understand the when, how, and why. That is hypocrasy imo. I get the conservative thing. If we change too fast we run the risk of becoming unstable as an anchor for the down trodden etc. But we really have nothing to fear but our own lack of faith. Eventually, humans may evolve into beings that do not need a Bible - People who have such a healthy relationship with God that the existance of any particular book is of no consequence. What would they be like? Would they care what you thought? Only in as much as they would wish for you a great peace and happiness. Would they try to convince you to "repent"? No. They would lead enviable lives that would inspire people to improve their own state. Why does this sound familiar? Merry Christmas. Even if you are not a Christian, I hope you get a rack of ultra-light biners for X-mas.
  7. You came late Ivan. You could not even have had time to read the whole damn thing. Tell me you are not talking about your own posts.
  8. and that right there is why, if god exists, he is a bit of a twit - why the fuck does saul get the personal jesus visit?!? waht's the point of keeping the rest of us heathens in the dark? for chrissakes, i'm a hedonistic fuck, and i know full well the powers of mental-illness to create illusions and fantasies, but if the Big Guy in the Bathrobe came down from the clouds w/ a plethora of big-bootie-bitches and waved his 16 inches around in my face while solving a rubix-cube in 1 second w/ his feet, i'm sure i'd be changing my tune damn quick too (probably even tvash too, though jaycee might need a big double-d rack to go w/ the long-schlong for full convincing). Aren't you going to climb a giant schlong tomorrow?
  9. Go to your room. No climbing for a week and stop masturbating in the bathroom. You act like a kid, you get treated like a kid. Your post reveals that you have only really read the science geek posts - some of which are really good. But don't push that simplistic kid convoluted nonsense in your post off on me. It has nothing to do with me. It is all from YOUR brain. But I do like your style. Keep blasting. Just try to come up with some substance. I mean content. You would just abuse a substance.
  10. You rock Minx. I don't care what they say about you behind your back.
  11. i think keeping the original post in its designated thread without spray was correct, as was throwing the predictable mutation into spray (he doesn't have to acknowledge the mutation, which would actually dovetail nicely with his fundie beliefs). So online it's OK to talk about some one behind their back? Or anywhere? ummm, bug? hello? it would be his choice. he needn't expose himself to the heretics to chekc on his original posts. btw, i was offline for a minute, so i think you were talking behind my back. Oh come on. You are a turd. Of course I talk about you behind your back. My question is more along the lines of, " Are the rules of common decency online different from the rules of common decency offline?" You are assuming I am blaming you? Me blame you for being rude? Perish the thought.
  12. i think keeping the original post in its designated thread without spray was correct, as was throwing the predictable mutation into spray (he doesn't have to acknowledge the mutation, which would actually dovetail nicely with his fundie beliefs). So online it's OK to talk about some one behind their back? Or anywhere?
  13. I need to see your scientific proof. Where is the reproducable experiment and results? You are an infidel. A Darwinofile. You beast!
  14. So you were treating me with tenderness and respect? Get real. I would be so dissappointed. Did I use the term "sacrificial lamb"? Dang. That would have been good. But no that is not what I intended. What I did intend was for you and us to look at what we/you DID do. Are there any parrallels off line that you can think of? Seriously, I would like to know what you think. This guy posted on a forum that says "No Spray" and gets sprayed on. Do you/we uphold your advertised rules? Well sortof, that's where it gets interesting. Was it right or wrong? You "made the decision". It was what you usually do? Why? Who decided that? How does a person make sure they will not be subjected to this kind of abuse/spray? Do they have to completely stay off cc.com? Stay completely off line? What do you think Minx?
  15. Oh wait. So your holy books contain LIES? It contains all of the elements of humanity. It is sad when people place too much emphasis on it in their lives but it is sadder still when it is not a part of someone's life. It contains thousands of years of wisdom gathered by many brilliant people who debated the same issues we struggle with. Its style and tone are from another time. But we can still learn from their mistakes. And from their successes. That is the hard part. It creates deep rifts in our society that will not heal in our lifetime. Actually, I have been attacked by my x-wife's ex who was/is a paranoid schizophrenic. The voices were telling him to kill his own son. He tried to break into our house and with a gun in my hand I had to make the decision whether or not to kill him in front of his son. I did not. He still wanders the streets with no recollection of who he once was. But in his own way, he seems happy and non-violent. Schizophrenia is a degenerative disease or process. It affects about 10% of the population. The violent period varies in intensity depending on the individual and their circumstance. It is not well understood. I am definately not schizophrenic.
  16. You should quote what you are referring to. You people do not need my apology and I do not apologize for what I say here. I simply expain it in "social-scientific" terms that are then brushed for readability. Well, I try anyway. For the record, I introduce concepts that are important to me so you people will dissect them in brutal detail. I count on that. When I explain our little world to other people in a post rather than as a PM, it is a choice to engage you without expectation of any cheers or praise. You usually come through. If Minx can't take it, she has not said so. Her actions are her own as are all of ours. That IS a Christian concept. I do not accept your defense of her. She chooses to be here. She posts with bile in her tone like many others. Her defense of moving this post to spray from a forum that bans spray as "Standard procedure" is not imo so differnt from a Nazi "following orders". We (I participate too) do not give people like this a choice of whether or not they will be subjected to this kind of thread. Is this right or wrong? Why or why not? What are the options? Why do they make sense or not make sense? These questions fascinate me. It is my life's work. We are designing a world for our children to base their online lives on. I do not stand in judgement of any of us. I am just one of you, like it or not.
  17. Better question is how does something come from nothing??? It can't. Basic law of the universe. So explain that evolution boy. So explain to me the infinity of space in scientific terms. What law of the universe defines infinity? How do we know that we know what is beyond what we can detect? If we cannot, then what is the ultimate basis for these "laws of the universe"? Isn't it still based on a choice of what "seems more reasonable at the moment"? Can you really make a choice if all you know about evolution is what you read in headlines or if all you know about God is what you had forced down your throat as a child? That would not be good science.
  18. He's also way cooler, smarter, funnier, and better looking. Would you guys stop with the human tail and exploded babies photos already? Talk about a conversation killer. These kinds of birth defects don't even speak to the subject. A cave dwelling fish with vestigial, non-functioning eyes would provide a better, more palatable bit of evidence against intelligent design. The best example I've seen is the bacterial flagellum, which used to be the flagship argument FOR intelligent design because it constituted a perfect little biomechanical rotary motor that wouldn't work if any piece was missing. Well, this sounded fine, until the bacteria that causes plague was examined. It has the exact design, with pieces missing. Surprise! It's a stationary injection needle, not a rotary propeller. Examples of this kind of progressive evolution of related features which serve a wide variety of functions (or sometimes none at all, like our own appendix and, for some, their cerebral cortex), abound in nature. A mating feature becomes a heat fin becomes a wing. It's funny that some Christians need to think of God and the world in simple terms a 3 year old would be comfortable with. On the fourth day God opened a big box and all the horsies walked out, fresh from the God factory, and all that. How boring and stupid...in other words, how human. Now a God that creates evolution, a few simple rules that turn the tide of the 2nd law of thermodynamics by eating energy and spitting out ever greater creations of intricacy, interdependence, and uniqueness from just a handful of simple atoms...that's the deepest kind of beauty. If you believe in God, which universe would you prefer to believe in: The 3 year old's Paint By Numbers universe of the Biblical literalists or the evolving universe of Cro Magnon cave paintings, Michealangelo, and Magritte where there are an infinity of mysteries yet to be discoverd? If, in fact, I'm just God's hamster, I'd choose the larger, more interesting cage. After all, no matter what you believe, at some point, you choose to believe it because it somehow suits you. Belief is always a choice. You are on to something there. Why would God give us a free will? So that he could have a real relationship with us. He did not "design" us so he could play with a GI Joe action figure. So it would seem to follow that evolution would be a result of some expression of free will. But you cannot explain this to the masses over eons and have it comfort and trigger emotions in predictable ways.
  19. Islam has a story about that. Islam is based on the Old Testament and acknowledges Jesus as an important prophet by the way. Anyway, the story goes something like this...... From the eternity of nothingness there was but one minute dot completely alone. There was nothing else in all of eternity. This dot though alone forever saw its own loneliness and longed for companionship. After long eons of longing it could stand it no longer and burst forth in love for a world with which to exist. This bursting forth was aleph (a long single stroke in the arabic script and the first letter of their alphabet which carries all the connotations of the Greek Alpha), the pen by which the story of the world was written....... So that answers your question. No one created God, or Allah. He always was. Just as you cannot comprehend the infinty of space.
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