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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Mailing Address: Snohomish County Sherriff 3000 Rockefeller, M/S 606 Everett, WA 98201 Main Phone: 425-388-3393
  2. Bug

    For the ladies

    I think we should do a CC.COM Calendar. Maybe one for the guys and one for the girls. I guess we would have to do one for the tweens too. Which cc.comers would you want to be on your calendar and why?
  3. He was a good soldier.
  4. Bug

    My Coffee Lady

    Bummer. My condolences to Julian. Sean , and you.
  5. I laugh every time I hear this. Both parties have moved to the LEFT in the past 50 years. Right now the Republicans arguably occupy roughly the same spot on the political spectrum where the democrats stood circa the Kennedy presidency. And don't start up about "the religious right". Religion played a lot bigger role in both parties 45 years ago than it does today. I am talking about the interpretation of the Constitution and the Bill of rights (or lack thereof). Check the history of the supreme court including the dissenting opinions. We have shifted away from a long held beleif in and judicial support of personal liberties.
  6. I think God will come soon and sort it all out. Lock the thread now Feck. Actually, I beleive we are in a exceptionally dark period of history as far as media control and propoganda goes. The primary reason for this as I see it is the effect of special interest groups in Washington especially the really big ones like the Drug companies, Insurance companies, and oil and banking although the majority stockholder list of the last two are pretty much the same. But we are also at the apex of the TV age. Our attention span is very short and we are easily distracted. Throw a few cool movies about good vs evil out there, launch a smear campaign against a people or country (Iran currently), and strut around like Shane in the wild, wild west. Reagan was the all time master of this. Bush is a dim shadow. But as aresult of the consistent erosion of civil liberties we are creeping further and further away from a "free" country. I am a firm beleiver in the two/multi-party system but I think the republican party has veered way to far to the right and is now in facist territory. I think McCain and Huckabee are "old style republicans. Meanwhile, the democrats have conducted their affairs from a stance of fear. "Oh my God. We might loose an election!" and so they fail to lead. The flipping and flopping leaves them looking like what they are, politicians. We need some strong leaders with traditional party values to emerge and I am not seeing them on either side. Republicans used to be fiscally conservative. Now they spend us into the poor house and it was Clinton who paid down the debt. Bush has blown it up again. Democrats used be the champions of social morals. Now they have rejected change/adjustment to the welfare system for so long that IT has become a major problem. And so forth. I will vote for the person I think is most likely to bring about campaign finance reform.
  7. Bug


    Can I join the conversation or is it just for you intellectual types?
  8. http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/spo/527110220.html Left you a VM
  9. Chill. This is about people being stranded and hypothermic. Work the problem. If every one of us writes to the sherrif dept and gets one other unrelated person to do so, they will get the message. Anybody happen to have the address?
  10. Bug

    New tax structure.

    Sing it with soul man.
  11. Work can take as much as 8 hours a day. Lately it has been like that. I swear, if they didn't pay me I'd call "bullshit" and go home to post.
  12. Why do fair-skinned red heads always wear pastels? Are they all gay?
  13. Bug

    3000 A.R.

    my offer comes with my good company and a chance to mock me online after meeting me using all my personality and physical defects as ammunition. After taking stock of your physical defects, would the drink stay down? Or is that part of the entertainment? Post the location and I'll come by and take my shirt off just in case.
  14. Bug

    3000 A.R.

    one manhattan, with rye. this is an excellent place to start. i have received better offers via PM but i am fond of a good manahattan Do tell, better offers wouldn't have to start very high to beat one from KKKK. But give us the details.........
  15. Bug

    New tax structure.

    Mind your own business. It hurts.
  16. Moderators, please move this thread to climbing partners forum.
  17. Bug

    New tax structure.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh. Another prostate exam.
  18. I think we are in conditions that overall are "Considerable". In pockets they are extreme. The avy conditions since the storm about a month ago have been really high compared to most years. Usually, we get a big thaw or rain or something that clears out the bad layers within a couple weeks. This year, the metal roof is about 1 foot from the ground and buried under more and more otherwise stable layers. They are structurally stable but have no foundation. It holds for a long time but when it goes, it goes deep and big.
  19. Bug tried to go to a Pub Club once, but Feck banned him. No Feck is only an asshole on line. Probably like you. Or are you an asshole all the time?
  20. Bug

    New tax structure.

    Anyone with kids in the car should be ticketed.
  21. Hmm. So I guess the gist is, ski faster than the avalanche. Cool footage.
  22. Bug

    New tax structure.

    he will be once JayB joins in. Your special affections are wasted on me. But I hear Feck has some extra time on his hands.
  23. Bug

    New tax structure.

    Hmm. A threesome.
  24. Moderators, please lock this thread.
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