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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Take a small bottle of Purell to use after freshening up. It will keep your friends from getting jiardia. Make them use it too.
  2. If you bury food in the snow, bury it VERY deep. Take into account meltage and desperate snaffles.
  3. When rapping off a wall, clip a draw to your harness and the other end to the rope you need to pull. It keeps the memory problems at bay and keeps the rope from getting twisted. It does not keep your mind from getting twisted nor does it untwist your mind.
  4. I had a sunscreen wipe (spf30) once. It was really handy. I wipe my nose a lot in cold and wind and it was nice to be able to pull it out of my pocket and baggy and wipe my nose with it periodically to re-apply. It was the only time I have come down from Rainier with no burn around my nostrils.
  5. I'll take the Soloist. It's my birthday. PM sent
  6. I just about posted another negative thread but Rumr's idea deserves more credit. Most kids and parents are fun to do things with.
  7. That is what most parents say.
  8. Sorry to rain on the parade RumR. It SHOULD be a great idea.
  9. I have a suggestion; establish some basic guidelines for what is and is not acceptable behavior before you go out with people you do not know. At Kid's ropeups in the past, my youngest daughter was subjected to a kid swinging a knife in her direction. Both of my daughters thought he was really trying to cut her. The father did nothing. Period. She was afraid to go play with the group for the rest of the weekend and was sad because of it. The next year, two kids stole my daughters lunches. I pointed it out to the father (different father) and he did nothing. Period. My daughters had no lunch that day. Later that same day, one of these little theives threw a stick at the other little theif and hit my youngest daughter 1/4 inch below her eye. It took 4 stitches and an emergency visit ($483) plus her eye was purple and swollen for a few days. Free-for-alls are great fun until it is your scared, lonely, hungry, kid hanging dejected in camp or in the emergency room. My daughters have very little interest in the Kids ropeup anymore. They immediately point out the instances I just listed. It angers me that parents are so un-caring about my children that they are willing to knowingly let their kids cause my kids to suffer. They take great care with a belay but are willing to let knives swing, lunches disappear, and violence to go unchecked. Assholes.
  10. Bug

    Pub Club

    I missed the part about the SO coming along. Never mind.
  11. Use a large garbage bag inside your pack. It keeps everything dry and can be used as a bivy, a raincoat, etc. I also pack fuel bottles in a plastic bag.
  12. When you are at the top of a lead and setting up a TR, pull up a few meters of rope, tie a loop and clip it to youself before untying to thread the rope through the links.
  13. Bug

    Pub Club

    Heck, even I'd show up for that (yes, yes, I know. Be still, your beating heart). You do know you are NOT one of my kids, right?
  14. Bug

    Pub Club

    that leads to most inappropriate thoughts! Shame on you Bug! I have to admit to shameful intentions. Muffy, I appologize and hope your reputation does not suffer too much. But seriously, the CB is right off 520. It looks like a long ways and it is, but at 70mph its 30 minutes from downtown.
  15. When we ran into them on the trail on our way out, Tvash was using his BD and had "a few things" outside. Don had a huge pig on his back and was probably carrying most of Tvash's stuff.
  16. Yeah. I forgot the whiskey. I was painfully reminded when my water bottle still had a hint of it.
  17. Bug

    New Skis

    Or to put it in different terms, once you resolve your binding issues, you can work on your bonding issues.
  18. Bug

    IBM claims...

    What happened to crystal matrix storage cells?
  19. SHEEEEESH! He's written more books than I've read.
  20. Makes you wish you could have stayed another night and went up for another try, eh? Well, my knee is acting up again so I propably would have needed to be dragged out. I am really glad I stopped when I did.
  21. YES!!!! The bod harness for kids is great. I used webbing and tied them in knots all over. They didn't like it though.
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