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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Oh no! That's far worse than telling Congress that Iraq had WMD and we need to go to war with them. Or worse than not attacking Bin Laden in Pakistan because we didn't want to upset the political balance. Gosh FW, does this mean that ice shelves don't exist?
  2. We all suck. Why else would we be posting here instead of climbing?
  3. What the hell dude. Aren't you in Mexico? Why are you posting? Sicko.
  4. Hi Peter, My sincere condolances. I have been the partner waiting many times as it was common for my friends and I to split up and do separate routes for recon purposes. On those occaisions when it was late and dark, I was always torn about what to do. Bear in mind I knew these people well. To call in a rescue seemed extreme but to do nothing, equally bad. I usually chose to search. They always wandered back or I found my partners. I have been climbing all my life and started searching for my wayward father early in life. He had a bad habit of getting very lost. Even so, we all want to wait just a little longer for that reassuring yell. So anyway, I did not have the bad luck to end up waiting too long for someone who desperately needed help. But that could have been the case numerous times. There just is no way to know without carefully pre-arranging it beforehand. Most people never do that. We just say, "I'll meet you over there when I am done." So confusion reigns. Now add to that the result that your brother met. His partner must be racked with guilt. Most people would be. He has probably been unable to face his own mistakes and shortcomings. I wonder if he has asked himself, "Why didn't I just go with him?" And then to face you with your questions. This must have been very difficult for him. In truth, I cannot speak for him or for your brother so I will tell you what I have told people who worried about me. I climb because I love it. I can not conceive of a life without climbing. I would no longer be myself. I take great pains to climb safely and to keep my partners safe but I have seen many mistakes happen and have made too many myself. If I were to die climbing, I first would ask that you remember I died doing something I chose to do. If someone is with me, they too chose to be there. If you know ME, you know that they did not control me. If they made a mistake that results in my death, celebrate my life and help them to look forward to the rest of theirs. Just my gut feeling from very general human understanding; tell him you are sorry he was involved in this tragedy and that you forgive him for any mistakes he might have made. My guess is that if you are sincere, you will see him vent a flood of remorse, guilt, and pain.
  5. You are SupermanSuperman ---------------------- 90% Batman -------------------------------- 65% Hulk --------------------------------------------- 65% The Flash ----------------------------------- 65% Iron Man ------------------------------------- 65% Robin ----------------------------------- 60% Green Lantern --------------------------------------- 60% Spider-Man ---------------------------------------- 55% Supergirl --------------------------------------- 55% Wonder Woman ---------------------------------- 45% Catwoman ------------------------------------- 45% You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. Excuse me. I am going to go fondle, er, get in touch with my feminine side.
  6. Bug


    Nice icon avatar. Who is that? OJ?
  7. Parents who push their kids too hard are miserable with their own lives. Just ask my daughters. Just kidding. I am happily regaining my climbing strength and my girls are scaling down their athletic aspirations in favor of climbing and skiing. Olivia and I will be on Rainier June 27-30. Meredith is more into a sunny day on a crag.
  8. One of you should bring a bottle of Crisco too.
  9. I will bring; one pair of 11.5 Diablo climbing shoes only used thrice. Make lo-ball offer. One kids synthetic mummy bag. Kid comes with it. Cheap. One pair slightly used Dynafit MLK's size 11 (no liners). $75. They are too narrow for my EE feet. I can throw in a pair of well used Koflach liners but that kind of defeats the purpose. Old super pile Patagonia pants. These are pre-Pataguchi. Sile L. $5 More to dig out.
  10. Put me down for 2 dogs, 2 beers, and free gear.
  11. Should I take the horse off?
  12. PM sent on rock shoes, Freney XT's, and Ascender.
  13. You spell "Idaho" funny. Montana now has a warrant out for you arrest for "Impersonating a state" and there is a civil suite pending for slander.
  14. Cool. What an amazing experience. I have never heard of it happening without having moved the queen. She must have been on the move for them to be moving that way.
  15. Clintons impeachment was like OJ's trial. No substance. OJ should have died by lethal injection by now and Billy should have been left in a room with Monica's father for 10 minutes. But for either one to have dominated the news for so long is a symptom of a deeper problem.
  16. Borshch I know. Tell me about this varennyky.
  17. "In addition, one of the principal sources for many of the news reports, an Iranian arms dealer named Jamshid Hashemi, has retracted his story. Mr. Hashemi, the report said, told House investigators under oath that he had no knowledge of any efforts to delay the release of the hostages. " Retracted after a visit from MI-6, CIA, or Massad. Oh, but Ronnie wouldn't do that. Ronnie was great. Ronnie was pure. Ronnie cared about middle class America. PPFFFFFFFFT. Ronnie and CLinton were more alike then unlike. Like I said, balance FW, balance.
  18. There is no such thing as too much vodka. Nalyvajmo! Any more than 8 ounces gives me a headache.
  19. There was no mention of the obvious. Too much Vodka.
  20. I think we need pics of cc.com posers in caps.
  21. I have been focused on the muffin-top thing for awhile. I am now at -10. But that is thread drift. I love seeing my honey in a baseball cap. I particularly like it when she dilivers my cold, opened beer to me wearing nothing but her Old Milwaukee Cap.
  22. I can't beleive you have the nerve to bring up Reagan as a shining example of greatness in a thread about the exploits of an ex-pres. The Iranians openly acknowledged that a condition of them getting their payoff for releasing the hostages was that they be released AFTER Reagan was sworn in. So Reagan's team was in there BEFORE he even served as pres and KEPT the HOSTAGES IN CAPTIVITY longer ON PURPOSE for political gain. I will agree with you that Carter sucked bigtime. Yes he was left with a mess but his altruism was sappy and we were taken to the cleaners by the USSR and OPEC because of it. But he was naive. Reagan was a criminal. He approved a long list of illegal activities before, during, and after his presidency and his entire staff was indicted in spite of George Bush being in the presidency. Do you have any idea what kind of evidentiary foundation that takes? You and I would be in jail. Reagan escaped jail be having alzhaimers. History will not be kind to Reagan. Talk about spinning history to fit your own needs..... FW, you are the all-time pro at that. It is extremely rare that you present anything that cannot be found in a hard core right wing rag in Eastern wa. Sorry if that seems harsh. It seems to be so obvious how far out of a balanced perspective you are. And yet you use that attack on others so often.
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