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Everything posted by Bug

  1. None of this really matters. What is truely important is who is getting a blowjob.
  2. she must eat a lot cherries That is not what I am looking for in that vicinity.
  3. Bug

    Best Response

    Where was she headed when Hillary grabbed her?
  4. Bug

    Liberalism and Polygamy

    Most forms of birth control are still based on percentages. 100 times a month has a two or three percent return. Besides that they are not as much fun, not as spontaneous, and in very poor regions, they are prohibitively expessive.
  5. Bug

    Liberalism and Polygamy

    Every other child born should get a mandatory hysterectomy or irreversable vasectomy. Discuss.
  6. Bug

    Liberalism and Polygamy

    I used to have a girlfriend. Yes, it was a long time ago. She accused me of using sex to releive stress. I guess I looked a little shocked so she quickly added, "Don't look so shocked! You know you do it." To which I replied, "The only reason I am shocked is because you think there is something wrong with it." She thought for a minute and then started smiling. The story has a happy ending. At least Bonobo was happy. Venus seemed OK too.
  7. I do not go in for bashing the mounties as a group but since they are the most common group to run into around here I have a few stories. One time, my girls and I had bee top-roping in Icicle and the Mounties moved in. The "leader" walked right up to and asked in a stern voice, "Are you going to be here much longer?" It was all I could do to muster a polite response in front of my girls but I managed to say "I don't know but we were here first anyway." To which he replied "Well we are a big group and I can't be responsible if one of them drops something on you." So I asked him, "Are you responsible if they drop something on each other?" He told me I didn't have to be a smart-ass and walked off. We yo-yoed a couple times and then they each wanted to top out and walk off so we did that. When we came around to the bottom of the rock, there was a party from the large group tieing into my rope. I politely informed him and he said it would be OK if I used another one right beside us. That was reasonable since I had seen the anchors above. We tied in and started climbing. The "Leader" ran over and was beat red and barely able to contain himself as he demanded that we come down immediately and utie from his rope. At this point my girls were getting freaked out. We complied with his demands and asked the team using my rope to follow suit so we could leave. The last time I saw the "Leader" he was glaring at me as I walked away. My girls now equate the Mountaineers with "Jerk". They were 8 and 10 at the time. Way to "Lead" dude. The Mounties would do well to include basic common decency courses in their leader seminars. When I tell my story around a camp fire it is uncommon that someone does not have a similar story. Any group will have a percentage of jerks and they should be planned for and trained or rejected accordingly. I have also run into far more groups of Mounties who have been polite, courteous and fun to encounter. But as a customer service trainer I know it is the bad experiences that stand out in peoples' minds.
  8. I have seen middle easterners start out so far apart they are almost at fisticuffs and end up negotiating, bartering and settling before they walk away. Only an idiot would ask for what you want from a middle easterner. Double or triple it and barter. This is the way they work. The fact that they are even talking about accepting Israel is a major shift. They could not offer more and retain support. Ignoring it is planning for war.
  9. No. I just wanted to harass Couloir. Even though my JTree guide is now an antique, it gets me to all the 5.7's.
  10. I once made a raincoat with duct tape and a hooded wind jacket. Heavy but effective. Duct tape is useful for many fix-it tasks. A dozen wraps around a ski pole right below the hand grip can be very handy.
  11. Bug

    Rope Choice

    CBS, there was a post somewhere here that showed wet ropes to be weaker by a little bit. But for me, it is the weight and freezing factors that top the list. I have a 9.7 60m bi-color superdry that I use for alpine and cragging. I love it.
  12. Yeah we will be poor but we will sure be dumb.
  13. Was there a bat there?
  14. Does it have a map to a peninsula?
  15. Bug

    Portland Info

    But does it have any photos of a peak in it?
  16. Were you looking for a photo of nut tool?
  17. I bought SDA a long time ago. Yeah I'm smart. Unfortunately, not smart enough to buy a lot.
  18. Thank you for allow me to exchange at you bank.
  19. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    Are you you if you are missing a leg? All your arms and legs? Are you the same you you were when you were born? Age 12? 20? What size are you? What shape are you? Where do you end? How do you define you as apposed to anything that is not you? If you were you in many different shapes and sizes over the years, can your body define who you are? If you eat an apple, does it become you? If you get a heart transplant, does it become you? Is it your brain that defines you? What is your brain? If your brain can be mapped and its processes recorded, has the real you been identified?
  20. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    This is a common misconception of atheism; the need to replace God with something. In a popular Christian view, this 'something' is always of lesser quality and legitimacy. Atheism is rejecting the need for God as middle man. It is the removal of God as a barrier or buffer between man and the universe, thus putting man where he belongs; simply one more phenomenal part of a much grander universe. My response to Neitze's "We must move beyond God" would be simply that "We must remove God". As for the popular misconception that atheists seek to replace God with a God-like man, I would say that the opposite is true. Believers seek to worship a man-like God; after all, God is the invention of a being that represents what humans are fast becoming: all powerful (or nearly so) entities who have the capability of manipulating the most fundamental forces of the universe (the atom, genetics, the climate, etc). The extra something that believers imparted to the Christian-style God was not omnipotence; something man is capable of, but omniscience, more specifically infinite wisdom; something man is forever doomed never to possess. When atheists stop imposing their misguided iterpretations of why I consider myself a Christian, I will buy a round. Why would you think anyone here is talking about you? Do you believe in a Bug-centric universe? Me specifically? No. Christians generally? Yes. So why is it OK to talk about Christians as a group but not atheists? Oh I know. It's not PC is it? However, when it comes to bugs, we will outlast humans and probably drive the regeneration of a balanced global ecosystem such as the earth has not seen since the early Bronze age.
  21. Wow! Is that KAsKaD at Arch's feet? How did I miss that thread?
  22. Bug

    Obama = 666?

    This is a common misconception of atheism; the need to replace God with something. In a popular Christian view, this 'something' is always of lesser quality and legitimacy. Atheism is rejecting the need for God as middle man. It is the removal of God as a barrier or buffer between man and the universe, thus putting man where he belongs; simply one more phenomenal part of a much grander universe. My response to Neitze's "We must move beyond God" would be simply that "We must remove God". As for the popular misconception that atheists seek to replace God with a God-like man, I would say that the opposite is true. Believers seek to worship a man-like God; after all, God is the invention of a being that represents what humans are fast becoming: all powerful (or nearly so) entities who have the capability of manipulating the most fundamental forces of the universe (the atom, genetics, the climate, etc). The extra something that believers imparted to the Christian-style God was not omnipotence; something man is capable of, but omniscience, more specifically infinite wisdom; something man is forever doomed never to possess. When atheists stop imposing their misguided iterpretations of why I consider myself a Christian, I will buy a round.
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