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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. Is your crawlspace full or what?
  2. How much did you pay for them? What's your profit margin?
  3. I went to see Kurt today. He was lucid and cantakerous (same as normal). He has some bitchin' scars and his head is kind of potato shaped. We talked about climbing and blowing things up. His helmet is kind of silly. Its a kayaking helmet and he'd be better of with a ski helmet. We talked about how even though the hospital does not provide beer, guests can smuggle beer in. Hint hint.
  4. or ...but you don't need to leave town to buy those, or so I'm told Guide 1: How did it go with that new client? Guide 2: Oh, he loved it. After our climb I was up to my knees in beer. Guide 3: Well did you guys see that rich girl I was guiding? Guides 1 and 2: Yes...? Guide 3: After our climb I was up to my balls in cider!
  5. Slaughter a chicken and read the entrails.
  6. In America that would be a "D Cup Game"
  7. G-spotter


    Davis Love?
  8. G-spotter


    "Goes down smooth, like pussy on a Triscuit"
  9. I threw my Reverso away because it was sharp enough to shave with. Now I have a BD ATC Guide. Meanwhile CBS is still coming up with theoretical but unplausible solutions to other peoples accidents.
  10. There are some ugly climbing girls, but climbing boys are notoriously blind.
  11. It sure as hell wasn't the rope or belay system that failed. The same accident could have happened on a single pitch sport climb like the guy who died at Vantage last year. So there is no sport/trad thing here.
  12. and maybe a prussik will and maybe it won't...why not just not rap off the end of your rope?? It's horses for courses Rudy!!!!! A racehorse isn't any good at plowing a field.
  13. that one would be the steepest route at squamish of the grade even if it is a Gunks slab so back on the topic of climbing girls calendar... i have heard there is a site that displays pics of topless women if you donate $50 to breast cancer research. Maybe CC.com can get something like that going for Kurt.
  14. Leg wrap sure as hell isnt gonna stop you from rapping off the rope. Mostly I use a prussik when scrubbing to clean a route. But I have started using it in the mountains and ice climbing because of the "rockfall - unconscious" scenario.
  15. this is that rare one where the tilt make it look like a slab instead of looking steep. check out the tilted horizon in the baackground
  16. What is inappropriate for novices may be better for experienced persons. And vice versa. I never INTENTIONALLY fall while sport climbing either. This is climbing, if you want to go falling take up falling. But I fall a lot both sport and trad!
  17. Supposedly if you get scared and hang on tight with your hand above the prusik then it doesn't catch you - also if you make it too long you can accidentally rap down below your prussik and be unable to reach it and get stranded.
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