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Everything posted by fern

  1. my hangover was not improved by my transmission dying on the drive home this morning
  2. banter belongs in spray or email. thank you
  3. JayB's dog ate his homework .... still looking. I will be at the Sausagefest Slide Show this Sunday if anyone can help out and lend me some guidebooks.
  4. Though I have not worn the Tardmasters myself, I climbed for a couple of weeks with a guy who had them in Indian Creek, and while he could jam the hand and wider crax with no issues, anything thinner and the whine-meter pegged out at 10 because they were so stiff he had no sensitivity for small footholds, nor could he do and randsmearing or fancy thin toejamming. I think you could climb just as well in Mountain-Masters for all the versatility they demonstrated. I climbed thru a pair of Red Chili Spirits last season - good all-rounders (somewhat soft), and while the durability on them was so-so, I think in recent years 5.10 is no better but more $$$ because of buying the 5.10 name. The Red Chili Spirit IZ looks a lot like the picture of the 5.10 Piton above, thin natural shaped toe box, cushioned heel. Less rubber over the top of the toe though. That looks like a dumb feature to me, cooks your toes in the sunshine, and you can't adjust the fit.
  5. you're starting to sound like a Coloradope ... time to move back before it's too late!
  6. hey my arms and legs are long. the part inbetween is short ... and I've been cold since September ... bring on summer yo!
  7. I want to know more about this
  8. I haven't got any yet, but JayB said he would send some. I don't know which ones. One in particular I would like is the KC Baum guide to climbing around Grand Junction. I don't need any bouldering or sport-climbing guidebooks though.
  9. Thanks for the kicked steps! We were about 9 hrs behind you. It was still fucking cold and windy at noon, but at least we had some sunshine.
  10. thanks. I am sure they are extra long and committing and the weather super double finicky, on account of it being Colorado and all.
  11. I knew you were a lollipop fan JayB. I will PM you an address. I will return them to you before I even leave on the trip which is not until April, but I would like to do some research and planning in advance. thanks
  12. I want guidebooks anyone lending me or selling me a guidebook will get a lollipop
  13. also it is not S. of Lillooet ... it is NE of lillooet by more than 1 hr of driving.
  14. it is fun and worth doing. It will possibly be in this weekend, who knows. It is a fairly long ways from any other climbs though, which can make for a day of limited climbing unless you are the only party there and can just run laps on it. If it's in though it can be popular and good citizenship would suggest you take your turn then let others go. Often dinner-platey.
  15. see PM (click the flashing envelope in the top left corner)
  16. yes ... I should get the guidebooks ... that's what I asked for isn't it? You wanna sell me one? or lend me one?
  17. I'm looking to borrow or acquire some guidebooks for an upcoming road-trip areas: Black Canyon Unaweep Canyon any other non-sandstone areas that will be dry in April/May PM if you can help me out, any beta welcome.
  18. Admins - if this violated the terms of the board (which I did read and agree to) feel free to lock/remove it. I was just trying to see if anyone else needed a patch. Sheesh I"M IN CHARGE HERE! I hope you make a brazillion bucks selling your patches online. Other than that I have no intention of locking or deleting this thread unless you ask me to. There is funny spray here. Don't you think it's funny? Patch Adams Patches! BWA!! The wit!!
  19. I wasn't defending Women's Studies courses ... I've never taken one. you're never gonna get an invite to join crazyjizzy and me at the Moderators Townhouse poolparty featuring the Sonic's Dance Team if you roll your eyes at me
  20. I bet in most cases these Women's Studies courses don't create the rage but they give focus to what was pre-existing from shitty experiences growing up. Lots (prbably most) of women have been treated like various amounts crap by men in their lives - fathers, boyfriends, coaches. It's not surprising that some lose a sense of proportion. I sure don't see this thread evincing progress in the spirit of "we are all equal human beings and deserve respect".
  21. HVAC tape is not duct tape. Duct tape is not for HVAC work. http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/duct-tape-HVAC.html
  22. as long as the pattern is pre-printed on the fabric and you sew within the designated lines. is RMI-style volcano slogging the equivalent of a quilting bee?
  23. Is Alaska Highway below or above Astro Ledge? I forget. I have rapped the whole wall though not down the line of either the Calling or Alaska Highway. Hiking to the top of the 3rd summit then finding the trail down and thrashing along the clifftop through 4th class choss to find the top is probably more work than pulling on a few pieces of gear.
  24. fern


    is lame
  25. fern


    On a tour of a sewage treatment plant - d'uh! I am he and he is we and we are all one
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