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Everything posted by rodeo

  1. What?!?!?! Only 2 pages? What's wrong with you people? We had over 85 posts for last week's event. C'mon now, get in there and post. There'll be plenty o' and at the O&T tonight. Hey Ray, any chance of a FB encounter tonight? (--Climb on,,,
  2. Hey Jon, that dance that AlpineK is gonna do, is that anything like the moondance that sexual_chocolate made famous a few months ago? (--Climb on,,,
  3. The Owl & Thistle is at 808 Post Alley, which is just around the corner from Fado on 1st Ave. (--Climb on,,,
  4. I like Dru's idea. It would give me a chance to try out my new Invernos that I picked up this weekend. (--Climb on,,,
  5. The way I see it, if you refer this site to someone because of the beta or for whatever reason, you should consider what's involved with the ENTIRE site. If there is any part that you would not recommend, you should either a) Refer the site with the disclaimer that "There are some parts of the site that might offend." or b) Not refer the site at all. If you're worried about your SO seeing what you're up to, you need to decide if a) Visiting this site is worth jeopadizing your relationship with said SO, or b) Your relationship with said SO is putting a cramp on your climbing lifestyle. It's all a matter of living with your decisions. If someone is not willing to take the full measure of responsibility for each and every action they take, then well, that's up to them. (--Climb on,,,
  6. rodeo

    67 online

    Good point Greg. 18 minutes left according to my Mickey. (--Climb on,,,
  7. rodeo

    joke 2

    Only you Trask, only you. (--Climb on,,,
  8. Beck, What's up with Teddy Ruxpin? Is he hibernating or what? I thought you two were headed south of the border to suck up some umbrella drinks for the winter. (--Climb on,,,
  9. rodeo


    Yeah Trask!!! 1,000 Posts. woohoo (--Climb on,,, [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  10. rodeo


    Yeah Trask!!! 1,000 Posts. woohoo (--Climb on,,, [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  11. rodeo

    67 online

    Lurkers!! They're all lurkers...
  12. Welcome back Michelle. Don't forget to bring the photos from your trip next week. (--Climb on,,,
  13. Grudge match!! Grudge match!!
  14. I said it before and I'll say it again..... quote: Originally posted by rodeo: And Hiker, THEY'RE JUST DOGHNUTS FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD. Only, this time it's for you V. (--Climb on,,, [ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: rodeo ]
  15. I hear ya on that one Will. And Hiker, THEY'RE JUST DOGHNUTS FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD.
  16. Sweet dude. Got any spots on that ticket not yet spoken for? (--Climb on,,,
  17. Right on Jman... My sentiments exactly. (--Climb on,,,
  18. Thanks for the info Ray. I'm sure we'll still have a pretty good turnout anyway. Besides, just means more for the rest of us. (--Climb on,,,
  19. rodeo


    Dang Bronco. Just when I thought that Trask was about the most twisted individual on this board. You're running a tight second right now buddy. (--Climb on,,,
  20. Thanks Bug. I'm in. (--Climb on,,,
  21. You know what!! I got pretty flippin' tired of reading after about a page and a half. Make your preference known and stand aside. Here's the deal. Tonight it's on the East side. Any questions? We all know that no matter where we choose to have this thing, on some occasion, there is going to be a minimal showing. There are enough folks wanting the thing in Issaquah, as well as willing to drive there, so let's just decide on a place and time and be done with it. My vote is for the Brewhouse, and Ray, let us know if FB can make it please. (--Climb on,,,
  22. And what about this one??? http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=12&t=000257 Plus, there is Chris_W who is going, and Erik's friend. Could it be that there are a number of cc.com'ers flying the coop for warmer weather? Hmmmm? Whatever... (--Climb on,,,
  23. Hey Fred, I'm heading down on the 19th for that weekend. If you want to leave on the evening of the 18th and make a straight shot of it, I'd be up for that. That is, if you want to go on that weekend to JTree. Let me know. (--Climb on,,,
  24. Hey all. Next Wednesday, Marmot is having a shoe demo at the Redmond Vertical World from 4 to 9 PM. I'm not sure on any of the details or whether they will be giving any discounts, but it might be a good time to try out some new treads for this summer. (--Climb on,,,
  25. Dude,,, Now that's livin'... (--Climb on,,,
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